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Wha's up people? Recently I've noticed various graphics n ideas of mine spread about on otha ppl's webpages, ppl I do NOT like! Ppl who didn't even have the courtesy to ask could they cop my style. Mine n Arriel's garialla Harry was even kidnap'd right off our Psycho Bitches page :( Well lemme tell u dis appalled me to tha fullest!!!!! It made me wanna shut QueenBee Inc. 2001 n Psycho Bitches right the fuck down. But then I thought hold up, for wha? I kno n erry1 else know's I had the ideas and the hot shit first, so it only made sense to rip QueenBee Inc. 2001 down n make QueenBee Inc. 2002 from scratch, bigger, betta n hotta than eva. Some of u have seen it while it was being work'd on, othas had no clue. Well it'z done 4 now. Some things aren't exactly how I want'd them, pics of my crew from Bennett wouldn't upload on my Bennett shout out page BUT,....don't worry I am workin on dat. I added new, hotter pics to ALL of my pages, I've even included some custom graphics, check the Lady Enyce page. (o yeah n lemme tell those of u who stole my shit, take my custom graphics, bitch I kno where u live n I drive now, don't think 4 one min. I won't be there 2 beat dat ass) N be sure 2 check the "Fun/Stuff" page to take cute quizzes n shit like dat. Pretty much I jus wanted to inform u all as to wha's been goin down. I hope u enjoy my new page n hopefully ppl won't ignorantly steal my shit anymore, dat is if u don't want all u're hair snatched da fuck out. OK then have a great day n keep the peace!!

Much Love, Mz. Lady E, tha one n only tru... QueenBee aka BabyGirL, it'z my world, B-E-C-C-A'S world dat is. Holla!! HAHA

P.S. make sure u sign my questbook n lemme kno wha ya think!! O yeah n PLEASE NO MORE PRIVATE ENTRIES!! Dat shit won't work so I have no way 2 read them therefore u're message will be disregarded.