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Senior Design Project I

Autonomous Mobile Navigator

Andy Clark, Kareema Gittens and Maria Gilbert

Advisor: Dr Yaser Khalifa


Our project goal is to design an autonomous robotic system to navigate an unknown obstacle course through the use of sensors and evolutionary neural networking technology

System Components

•Robotic Chassis


•Neural Networking

Robot Chassis

Motors and gear train – a sequence of gears for increasing torque and decreasing speed and angular velocity of a motor.



CPU, interface, and sensors. Control system centered around a Motorola 68HC11 microcontroller.

Neural Networking

Artificial Intelligence programming that utilizes evolutionary genetic algorithms for learned stimulus response.


We’re designing an autonomous mobile navigator that is capable of:

  • •moving forwards and backwards as needed. 

  • •Navigate through an obstacle course without any pre-programming

So far we have:

  • Completed the hardware portion of the robot.

  • Decided on the Motorola 68HC11.

  • Researched Neural Networking.