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The 101st Airborne temporary squad page

Barracks Sniper Dvn-101st Recruitment office

Hello all, welcome to the temporary homepage of the 101st Airborne.
This page is only temporary because there is a majorly kick-ass page in the works, but it seems to be taking much longer than expected to construct.
So, until that time, we will use this page as our personal chatroom and update centre.

A little bit about the 101st: The 101st Airborne Squad is formed to fight for Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. They are a team built on tactics, fair play, and skill and discipline. If you feel you have both the skill and discipline and the hard work to contribute to the 101st, please, head over to the 101st Recruitment office now!

And now, to the news!

9 September, 2001
Sweet Mother of the almighty purple hamburger...
4 Months. Jesus...Well, i can wait, how bout you guys? I say, the longer, the better. Sorry for the sparse updates, school and all. Hey Lirael, wanna join the 101st? We need someone for moral after the battles *wink wink*

30 August, 2001
Sorry, been away for a few days. Been chatting for two days straight on the chatroom (p.s., I AM GOD mwahahahahaha). We're trying to sort out a way to strike EA hard. Umm, not much to say right meatheads didn't come to the meetings on the chatroom (well, most of you did, but shroom didn't, lol) Well, if you have any trouble, like you don't have a bio up, or you don't have a sig (japple, workin on the bio), then go to me first, Shroom is really tied up with schoolwork. I'm gonna try and spearhead everything the 101st does for now till Shroom has some free time. So, to sum that up, he is still the leader, but i'll prolly be doing the important stuff till he isn't busy. That's aboot all, and remember, rusty fishhooks are very effective.

25 August, 2001
Hey, it's Christmas time!
No, it's really not, i just felt like saying that. I'm only posting here beacuse i'm sure people read this every so often.

Well, here goes...1: Check out for some cool shots (some rather odd actually), and a nice, enticing letter.
Check out Just because i feel it is my duty to pimp the page that berthed me.
Finally, check out . It's just funny all the time.

That's all my insanity for now. I'm sure you've all read the important stuff up on the forums anyways. Nothing new with the clan....Sniper Division is at full capacity, drop a letter if you feel so inclined, but i doubt if we'll make an exception. Anyways, keep on working up those night eyes for the 101st's invasion into enemy territory, sometime this winter.

(P.S. Koshi - Ziegstestikle??? what were you thinking?)

19 August, 2001
Well, it would appear that most of the bios are in. Shroom gave me the shittiest bio you ever read...he gave me the names of the clans he was in and said "I want to use the tommy gun" and i've had to build him up like a damn god (lol).
Well, no new news on MOH:AA for a while. I intended to use this space to talk bout MOH:AA news as well, but it is like the are goddamn asleep over there... They must be real busy getting out of the alpha stage!

18 August, 2001
Oh, okay, so 101st's Sniper Division is now official. Hopefully it'll snag up some new recruits.
God, i can't believe it is almost September... I want summer break to go on longer....
By the way, anyone know how to get a really good messageboard or forum style thing for this site?

13 August, 2001
The new page is up. All we have at this time is a members page and the newspage.