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My Dedication To Jenny

under construction

The Pictures | The Memories | The Journal | The lyrics | The Story


in the news


I didnt update all that much stuff this time. i need more ideas!! hehe but before i can put up those

new ideas i better finish up all the things i have been working on first. its hard to keep up because you can

see everything i update that takes hours in just a few minnutes!! i want this site to be huge! i want there

to be so much that you get lost in this maze of information. well im working on it well see how far this

baby can go and where it'll take all of us. there is a new journal up and thats about it...sorry alby is



jenny chen!! im working on your birthday present here! i hope you like it, its taking a long time.

this html stuff is really hard work, no wonder its hard for you to update your sites! im trying my best

okay, but you should know im not good at this stuff at all. i hope you like it, i wanted a place where

we could store up memories and a place that i could express my feelings for you! im not sure what

to quite put in it yet because of our blogger already but im sure ill figure it out.