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Starting April 2, 2002 there will no longer be music for direct download
from this site. The host is ending free ftp service so there's no way
out of this one. Until April 2 I will add 2 new cds every 2 days. After
that I will continue to list the names and tracks of the cds that I like the
most and update software links to music applications. You can
get any tracks you want from applications like Audiogalaxy, WinMx,
Madster, Limewire, Direct Connect etc.

Since I met my girfriend Dania in May 2000 my world has been
changing, including the list of the things that I hold valuable in this
life. I still love music and waking up to a new cd every morning but
music now has to get in line somewhere in back of my girlfriend.
If you've been coming here for awhile you may have noticed that the
site is gradually becoming an open love letter to her. That's not accidental.
She's the first woman who ever made me want to become a better man.
If you have any problems using the popular music apps don't hesitate
to contact me through ICQ, MSN Messenger or email

Mark Montgomery

march 29, 2002
write me

talk to me I'm up late (eastern usa) icq: 59614928
on msn messenger: (mark)

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