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My Poems

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All poems on this page are copyrighted to me.


The past the present the future
Yesterday today tomorrow
Age’s apart time slips away

A vast amount of space
In a minimal amount of time
Time is of the essence
Yet we have all the time in the world

Yesterday we remember what we did in times long ago

Today we play the part
We take the path that will lead us to tomorrow

Tomorrow we don’t yet know
What will happen until the path of today is played out

However when today becomes tomorrow
Tomorrow will be today


Darkness all around me
Nothing there for me to see
The silence of the night
Reaches out grabs a hold of my emotions

Slightest of noises heard in the dead of silence
Is it a bird, is it a rabbit or maybe a deer
What it really is will be determined by your imagination

A monster, a ghoul, a vampire
Something moving in the dark
Reaching, stretching, wanting
To grab you when you think its safe

Imagination running wild in the dead of night
A phantom calls you, pulling you deep inside
Where it leads can be a dark and horrifying place
Where it leads can be a place of wonder and amazement

Lost in a bliss
Lost in a trap
A trap without a name
A trap known as your imagination


What is normal?
Many people consider themselves to be Normal!
But does anyone know for sure what normal really is?
Is normal the man walking down the street talking to him self?
Is normal the woman in a mental ward screaming that she is Joan of Arc?
Is normal the man that gets up everyday to go off to work?
Is normal the child that gets up everyday and goes to school?
What is normal?
Is it everyday life?
If so then all those men and woman and children are normal!
Is Normal acting the way society would have you act?
If so then all those men, woman, and children are normal.
How you ask can the man talking to him self and the woman in a mental ward be normal?
Society in some way shape or form drove them to act as they do.
So therefore they are Normal.
Maybe they are the only Normal ones in the whole group!


What is the meaning of life?
Some people sit around all day and night never accomplishing anything.
Others join the force and fight the good fight
Many get up and go to school.
Many others get up and work all day.
Why is it that we do these things?
Life is a funny, wondrous thing.
We do what we do simply to live.
But why do we live?
Perhaps we live to do what we do!
It kind of makes you wonder about life.
What were doing, where we are going?
Why ask what were doing or where we are going?
No one really knows for sure!
Why ask why?


Lost in a world
So utterly alone
No one left
No one home

A tale unspun
A song unsung
No where to go
No where to turn

Looking high
Searching low

Nothing in this world
Could replace the love
I shared with you


This empty feeling
Deep inside
Wanting you near
But you’re so far

Anticipation makes
A day seem so far

Watching the clock
Slowly slip from 1 to 2

Times so slow
As I glow
With anticipation
Of your arrival

This empty feeling
Fading away
As you get near

Fading, fading
When I hear your voice
So close to me

New Love

Torn between two loves
Lost in a maze with no way out
Try as I might there is no right
Try as I may there is no way

This feeling I have is tearing me in two
Please tell me
What should i do
Cant fight it no more
Want this pain to end

I ask my self why you hurt me
but then I realize theres no one to blame
except me
I was the one that broke our vow
I was the one lost your trust

Im sorry now for all that i have done
You have moved on and it hurts me still
Ill get over it in time i suppose
I have moved on too
I love her with all my heart and soul

I never want to lose her love
Together forever we shall be
She is my Angel sent from above
She is the light that guides my way
She is the reason i still live today
Without her in my life i couldnt possibly go on
I felt so alone untill she came along
I was empty inside but she made me whole

Her love i share and forever will she be in my heart
My mind, and my soul


Somewhere lost in time
This heart of mine
Lost in a world
Sorrow, misery
Lost in a world
Feelings, heart

Grinding, stomping
Torture to my heart
Pulling, shooting dropping
Pain to my heart

Tears, blinding
Losing you
Pain, lost
Feelings, gone