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All My Friends

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Hmmmm Where to start *LOL* I have so many friends.
First I have to mention my bestest friend

Betsy. I love ya Hun we have been through a whole lot together and you have always been there for me!!

Sassy(F) If it wasnt for you id never have this page as good as it is now *hugs* Thanks hun Love ya!!

Mr. and Mrs.K You guys are the best *BAS* Im glad i had the chance to meet you. I only hope i can find true happiness like you two.

Free Spirit One of my truest and greatest friends in the world. I love you sweetheart Heart and soul you are a wounderful friends. You have always been there for me through good and bad.

Maryann Even though ya hardly ever talk to me *LOL* I still love ya hun!!

RED HOT LADY *BAS* You are the greatest hun! You are a true sweetheart. I love ya!

Thumper The Canadian Sweetie *BAS* Not to mention Flirt *LOL* I love ya hun

Defiance *WEG* We can always have a good time on msn!! Ill pleaed the 5th on the rest *LOL*

Tina *VVBS* Im so glad that you came into my life. Hmm what else can i say but I Love Ya

Nicole Sweetie you drive me nuts sometimes *LOL* and your confusing at times but i Love Ya Hun!!

Aalia *S* I know i have hurt you a lot and I am sorry and i do Love ya hun.

TEMPTRESS You can be Lethal at times *WEG* *BAS* You are a true friend Love ya hun!!

Melissa Your a great friend. Im so glad i had the chance to meet you! And i love kickin your but at yahoo games. LOL Love ya hun!

Pure Sugar *BAS* We have had our problems but managed to stay friends. You seem to always be there for me. Thank you sweetie Love ya!!

Tiffany I Love ya babe im so glad we got the chance to meet!

Jaymee We have some rough times, and some good times but through it all were still friends. I Love ya babe!!

Ada We been through a lot together good and bad. I Love ya!! *S*

Karina You been there for me a lot and i apressiate that a lot I Love ya Sexy!! *BS*

Fionna We have had bad times but still manage to be best of friends. *BAS* I Love ya!!

Prohibited A really big goof ball at times. A big flirt at others but ill always love ya hun!!

Mia My lil Aussie cutie!!! *S* I Love ya sweetie!

Terri One of the sweetes people you could get to know. But dont ever make her mad *LMAO*

Zach Hes like a brother to me!! Ya big goof!!!

Lori A big Flirt and a bit of a Blond!! But really sweet!! *BAS*

t-chic Hey sexy!!! *BS* Love ya hun!!

Ashes I Love you Mom!!!!!! *BAS*

Ange Eyes A big flirt. But also one of the sweetest people i know unless you make her mad *LOL*

Brandy We have been through so much together. I will always love ya *S*

Rough Ride one of the greatest friends you could ever hope to have *S* and a lil rough too *BAS* Love ya babe!!

Daisy Although i dont know ya to well we have become good friends and im glad to have had the chance to meet you *BAS*

Audrey We have had lots of good times and lots of bad times. And although im a lil upset with ya now i could never stop lovein you!! *S*

Sweet Thing We dont know each other to well yet but we are good friends already *S*

Sunshine A really really really big Flirt and Tease *EG* But a really big sweetheart too *S* I love ya babe!!!!

Sweetness Another big Flirt Sure is a lot of them *BAS*

Kari A big pain in the but most of the time. But you always make me laugh *BAS* I Love ya

Wind Chimes You have always been there for me when i needed you. And im still kickin your butt with msn handles *LOL* I Love ya hun!!!

Rachelbug *BS* Sweetie you are one of the sweetest people i know. I love ya!!!

who(f) i dont really know ya to well yet *S* but you are a really sweet person. *BS*

Heather *BAS* one of my best buds. I Miss you hun *S* Love ya!!!

Hazie Heres My lil Cowgirl!!! Love ya hun. I miss you!!

Cindy Although I just met you. You are a good friend and a Sweetheart!!

Air Force Brat We havent known each other long but you have become a great friend *hugs* love ya

Casey Bro ya been a great friend hopefully well get together soon and Party like theres no tomarrow

Destiny-Diane, Sam, Rachel, Lisa Yall are great and i love havin ya sing for me *lol* Love ya ladies *hugs*

Icy *BS* Hey darlin your a great person and a great friend *hugs* I love ya babe

Pink Tulip Your a great friend and a great person i love ya hun *hugs*

C.J. Although we just met You are one of my bestfriends. I Love you hun *hugs*