Isle of Teletus

Teletus is a small island,surrounded by the glimmering green waters
of Thassa. Its closest neighbor is the island of Tabor, but it is within
close proximity of Asperiche, Tyros and Cos. Bazi and Schendi lie to its east.

Teletus is somewhat rugged but not as rugged as Tyros or Cos. It is, in
some ways loftier than Cos. In some ways, it is more primitive. The island
has beautiful beaches, reddish-colored cliffs and dark tiers of interlaced
mountains, ancient caves. These dank, dark shelters include the legendary
Captain's Cove and some mazes of vart caves.

Within Teletus' equatorial rainforest, one finds lakes, rivers, swampland,
many types of trees, many fragrant and colorful flowers. Most of the
exotic birds of Schendi can also be found in these jungles. It is home to the
jit monkey, larls, mambas, vulos, zeders, forest sleens and armored gathches.
Hith and ost are a prevalent danger; ground urts, jungle varts, leaf urts,
nar and slee, a common nuisance.

It is home to several small villages ...humble villages with primitive huts,
some tiny villages so primitive that a cone of straw serves as a hut. Along
with these villages having clusters of huts, there are those that have towers.
Cyprian Village is one of those, having the highest and most grandiose of
towers surrounded by well-guarded palisaded walls where lives the Regent.

Teletus does not have winter. During what would be winter, it has a
dry season. It is not really dry during this time but is a season with less
rain than the rest of the year. There are thought to be two dry seasons and
two rainy seasons each year. There is commonly one major rain each day.
The rainforest generally steams with humidity and it is often difficult to
make a fire. At night the rainforest is cooler and more bearable. Jungle
natives are not very friendly to foreigners or commoners.

Ta grapes from the lower vineyards of Cos are popular on Teletus, as is
Ta-wine from the Ta grapes of its terraces. Palm wine is imported from
Schendi for those who can afford it. And common here are the famed
red olives grown in the groves of the city of Tyros. Teletus has the
luxury of spring water from the mountains or from the liana vine or
carpet plants from the rainforest.

Bosk is not as much in abundance here as it is elsewhere. They are
more likely to have verr milk, butter churned from the milk of the verr.

Citizens of Teletus speak Gorean except for the inland dialects of
the jungles, and they have an accent similar to Tyrosian.

They generally ride tharlarions, gigantic saddle lizards with placid
heavy bottoms, some as large as an earth bus. High tharlarions run on
their two back feet in great bounding strides. They have incredible
stamina and capability for sustained movement. When urged to
speed, they bound. The island does have tarns, but they are not so
common as in the major cities. The tarns raised on Teletus also are
not quite as large as the Continental tarn. Kaillas are rare.

The island has both a luxury inn and simple rooming house for
sailors making port in Teletus to dock in its harbors. There is a
public bath house that has swimming pools, baths, massage and
steam rooms, a palastrae, game room, reading room, music room,
library, art gallery, merchant tents and arcades, beautiful gardens
and strolling lanes. Locals and visitors alike have their choice
of dining at the exquisite Nykus on Thassa, a cozy yarn at the
cafe or tea house or an an arousing night at the local tavern. The
island also has a public square where festivals take place, a
grand sands arena and many other points of interest to include
resplendent lakes and waterfalls.

Teletus is under the jurisdiction of the Regent/Administrator,
Admiral Dakota L. Cyprian, and the ecclesiastical courts of the
Initiates who, by virtue of their relation to the Priest Kings, have
ultimate jurisdiction in all matters as would a God of Earth. They trust
that the Priest Kings have the best interests of Gor in mind. The
Regent's responsibilities are myriad, including such matters as
managing, maintaining and controlling the Arsenal, the grain fleet,
the oil fleet,and the slave fleet.

There are two bodies under the Administrator: The Senate,
representing all castes and presided over by an executive chancellor,
and the Council of Merchants, a permanent bureaucracy responsible
for the maintenance of the governmental infrastructure.

The Regent's scribe is present at all senate and council meeting,
notes everything and speaks on behalf of the Regent, often acting
as a liaison.

There are two separate law enforcement groups in the city, the
Council Guard and the Arsenal Guard. They each possess distinct
uniforms so they are easily recognizable.  The Council Guard acts as
the island police while the Arsenal Guard possesses jurisdiction
only within the confines of the Arsenal.  The use of the port facilities
is regulated by a board of four magistrates called the Port Consortium.
 They are responsible to and report directly to the fleet admiral.

Taxation is high, but citizens who qualify get sustenance for free,
with prices fixed at reasonable profits for citizens and high tariffs
for visitors and foreigners.

The honor of the Home Stone may dictate that the city becomes
more discriminate in who they permit entrance into their city.

Teletus has a naval force with training facilities at Camp Nyuki,
Lake Ushindi, Schendi. Besides their naval force, the island
possesses cavalries of mercenary tarnsmen.

Teletus has wall-encircled harbors with high round tower guards
entrances to the each one. There are marshes and bogs as well as
swamps at the port, marsh plants and birds around the marshes.

Family is as important here as on Teletus as it is on Tyros
or Cos, as is love and devotion to our city and our island.