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Name:DarkHuntress AKA Thalia
Appearance:Translucent Pale blue eyes;thigh length pure white hair
height 5'6';Weight 140 muscular but feminine figure,Skin Tone Pale,which is decorated with henna markings on her face,arms and hands
usual mode of dress black leather armor or dark colors,especially when travelling during the day

Weapons: a 36 inch double edge sword draconis of the sword trinity
blessed by merlin and the ancient dragon

Life History:Thalia is the daughter of hel the viking goddess of the underworld and daughter to the most hated loki
she is the sister of Penance;once lord of the zX manor
Was A Knight For The zX and soon left for she felt the clan dishonorable
She soon joined Dk and was trained under Densa to be a high priestess
her stay in Dk was short lived,she had joined several other clans after that.
Becoming Adopted By Demonlord And Demonessa Of DH
the clan falling apart due to inside strife
she Was Then Invited To Join Lust By An Old Friend Brutal_LsT
she Would stay with this clan and marry HellStryfe
Which like her other marriages did not last long

before becoming Vampyre,she had given birth to several children
all grown and all gone their own way.
she would then meet up with Darklord after the fall of Tyran and join VoD as The Kings Guard

her stay there long and prosperous until the clan made enemies
in turn she would make enemies
so she went into hiding switching souls with her bloodwench and slave Plague aka Jasmine
her body laid in state ,plague's soul lving in it,while hers lived in plague's body.
And when the clan was brought back to life once again,plague would betray huntress stealing her own soul back
but leaving huntress's soul within plague's body,which now made Plague her enemy
Childer now trapping her sire within,until jasmine made the mistake of sending Huntress's soul to one place where it could not be held
The underworld;Hel placing her daughter's soul back into her body and with this done
Huntress vowed revenger on her childer
And another chapter in Huntress's story begins

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