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<bgsound src="BeethovensFurElise.rmi" loop=infinite>

~1891 J.C. & Fisher.
Beautifully restored Victorian with gorgeous lattice work.  New strings, new hammers, new action felt, original ivories, refinished to original splendor!


1896 Mathushek.
Beautiful Victorian with lovely carvings.  Refinished & reconditioned including new key tops, polished hardware, filed hammers, replaced bridals and regulated action.


1891 Sterling.
Beautifully restored Victorian!  New strings, new hammers, new action felt, original ivories, refinished to original splendor!


If you are interested in any of these pianos, click here to e-mail me for more info.

Please write which piano you are interested in, & in the subject line, write "Valley Piano"

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