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"Dubya's" Has a (Strategic) Vision

I suspect coke!



George W. Bush has once more proved his incompetence with his "strategic vision". His plan is a naive and foolhardy venture that will put the lives of the American people in danger.

In case the reader is unaware of his plan I will explain it. "Dubya" wishes to create a NMD (National Missile Defense) system that would intercept enemy missiles before they could hit their targets in the United States. Mr. Bush also wants massive unilateral cuts in its nuclear deterrent. George Bush Jr. has made it clear that he will go through with his plan regardless of the feelings of Russia or China on this matter.

There are many problems with his plan. Many, many problems. First of all, NMD is technically impossible at this point as the failure of the recent missile test has proved. Even if an NMD system were effective it wouldn't solve all of our problems. First of all a large attack could overwhelm the NMD system. Secondly enemies could use counter measures to try to fool our defenses. Thirdly there are plenty of other ways to use WMD against America. For example a submarine, boat or airplane could launch a cruise missile tipped germs or a nuclear bomb! Cruise missiles are like very small-unmanned planes. They fly at very low altitudes at low speeds (slow compared to ballistic missiles) and are very hard to detect. A NMD system would not be able to intercept a cruise missile, since NMD is designed to intercept inter-continental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), which travel through space a hit targets on the other side of the world. There is also the threat of "suitcase bombs" that could be smuggled into the country and then detonated.

There is another problem with NMD. In the near future only North Korea and Iran will probably gain ICBMs that can reach the United States. The other methods of attacking the United States (especially a suitcase bomb loaded with horrible germs) will be very appealing to Rogue States and terrorists who wish to reek havoc and kill many, but lack the sophistication of the North Koreans and Iranians.

The Russians and Chinese also feel threatened by NMD. Creating a NMD system would violate the ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) Treaty. Choosing to pursue the development of such a system without the approval of the Russians and Chinese could lead to serious diplomatic problems. A dialogue between the United States, Russia and China on NMD is needed before we should consider going through with any such system.

With all the short falls of NMD maintaining a sizable nuclear arsenal to deter an attack is very important. To put it another way if you have a bulletproof vest you shouldn't get rid of your gun.

In closing, George W. Bush maybe bold, but it's illogical. His Strategic Vision would imperil the citizens of the United States.