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1. He's dumb as hell. This bozo can't even pronounce nuclear right!


2. Compassionate Conservatism is evil. Not only are the social problems that face the country to hard for charities to battle alone and compassionate conservatism might weaken the wall between church and state.


3. Like all republicans he's bound to serve the rich. You can bet bottom dollar that he'll try to kill the estate tax if he's elected.


4. His strategic vision. Its a joke. For more information click here

5. He'll seriously weaken the separation of church and state. He actually declared "Jesus Day" in Texas!


6. He's very weak on protecting the environment.

7. He's a lazy underachiever who only got anywhere in the world because of his powerful father.


8. He idolizes Ronald Reagan!


9. He's more than likely ot have executed a number of innocent people. Bush has also mocked the pleas for mercy of a woman on death row.


10. The progress in Texas education "Dubya" is responsible for is a lie! See the New Republic article

"The Texas education myth. Only a Test" By JONATHAN WEISMAN Issue date: 04.10.00


11. George W. Bush has a very weak stance of gun control. His position is nearly identical to the NRA's!

I would have done more, but I might have exploded with rage.