Title:  For Your Eyes Only

Author:  Silk

Fandom:  La Femme Nikita

Pairing:  Michael/Davenport

Rating:  R

Email address: silkn1@worldnet.att.net

Date:  4/12/01

Webpage:  www.angelfire.com/ny4/tinsel/

Disclaimer: Michael and Davenport belong to LFN Productions, Fireworks
Entertainment, Warner Bros, and USA Network. All of whom are not me. Still
not making any money off these things. Haven't given up writing 'em, though.

Series: This is a sequel to True Lies. This is Part 6 of  the In Command

Warnings:  Set at the end of Season 3/beginning of Season 4 for those who
need to be aware of spoilers. Occasional bad words. No sex in this one.

Summary:  Davenport offers Michael something that Nikita can never give him.

This is for Gail, who needs a good reason to believe in Michael again. You
know why. <g> This is also for Kathy and Elaine, who wanted more. But most
of all, this is for Tinn, who's always there for me.



For Your Eyes Only


By Silk



"Michael...." His whispered name sounded like a prayer to the field operative's ears. He squeezed his eyes shut, concentrating on maintaining some semblance of control, but the reality was that he already had. His name, spoken with something akin to reverence, on the lips of someone he loved, was exactly what it took to send Michael spiraling out of his well-ordered Section-ized existence.


And into the arms of Davenport.


His counterpart held Michael as though it were a common, everyday occurrence to see such vulnerability in his changeable gray-green eyes.


"We can do this."


"Are you sure?'


"There are no guarantees, but if you're asking me if I personally want to be involved with you, the answer is yes. I do."




"Why what?"


"Why do you want to be involved with me, Dav? This must be hard for you. It's not quite what you expected to find on the other side of fucking me, is it?"


"Any time that a man can find such beauty in a place like this, it's unexpected, Michael. But that doesn't make it wrong."


Davenport sat up, shifting so that his back was against the wall. He attempted to pull Michael into his arms, but the younger man resisted at first. "Everything in my life is out of balance, Dav. I used to know what I was, and there was some safety in that. But now-" Michael passed a hand over his eyes, and Davenport used his momentary inattention to press his advantage.


Despite Michael's weak protests, Davenport wrapped his arms around him. A few moments later, he was startled when Michael buried his face in his chest.


"I can't lean on Nikita. I never could. I have to protect her."


"Because you love her."


Michael rubbed his cheek against the big man's chest. "Yes," he finally whispered.


"Who looks out for you, my friend?"


"I do. I always have."


"That's why you feel like things are so far out of balance, Michael. You need someone to watch your back. You need *me*."


"But I don't want to need you."


"I know."


Michael raised tear-filled eyes to Davenport's. The man's eyes were so dark yet so kind. He could lose himself in those depths. "I don't want to be obligated to anyone, Dav. I'm not your responsibility."


"You are now."


"Look, just because you fucked me-"


"I told you. I love you. That doesn't come with any fucking strings attached, man. I just do."


"What if I can't give you what *you* need?" Michael's voice sounded tortured.


"This isn't that kind of a relationship, Michael. There's no quid pro quo here. You don't get it, do you?"


Michael shook his head silently, like a man afraid to hope.


"Love should be unconditional. Nikita can't-"


"Let's not bring her into this, Dav. Please."


Davenport ignored him. "She can't give you that because she has no power of her own. She's at their mercy-" Michael closed his eyes. "-and at yours."


He opened his eyes instantly, their light gray immediately darkening to dull pewter. "Mine?"


"You said it yourself, Michael. There's no balance in a relationship where one person holds all the power. I don't doubt that you love her, but even without the loss of her memory, there's no way in hell a relationship like that can work."


"I have to give her up?"


"Not for me, Michael. But I think that you have to face the fact that she's given you up."


Michael tried to speak, but emotion clogged his throat like a physical obstruction.


As if he understood what Michael wanted to say, Davenport continued, "It's not her fault, Michael. But what's between you two is just as dead as if it were."


"How do I know you're not just trying to come between us?"


"That's your hurt and your anger talking, Michael."


"Maybe you're trying to destroy me the only way you know how."


Davenport sighed and pressed a kiss to the top of Michael's head. He heard the choked noise that Michael made in his throat and he knew that Michael did not remain unmoved. "I love you," Davenport whispered, his breath ruffling his hair.


"I will love you, whether I'm with you or not. Do you hear me?"


"Yes," Michael whispered back, uncertain for the first time in his life what to do. His heart and mind had always been divided, and now his heart was pulling him in one direction while his mind tugged him in another.


"You said you wanted more. Needed more. I can give it to you. But you have to be willing to accept it, Michael."


"Are you?"

