Title: The Little Comm Op Who Cried Wolfe

Author/pseudonym: Tinnean

Fandom: La Femme Nikita

Pairing: Operations (Paul Wolfe)/Hillinger

Rating: NC-17, graphic m/m sex, language

Status: New/Complete

Email address for feedback:  Tinneantoo@aol.com

Series/Sequel: not really, these characters just kind of wander in and out

Other websites: I wish

Disclaimers: They're not mine (if they only were!). However, I play nice and put them away when I'm done. And I don't get a single penny for it! (Ah, the esthetic rewards though!)

Summary: Hillinger screws up once too many and Operations decides a little discipline is in order.

Warning: First time, spanking, age discrepancy. It's my AU, welcome to it. 
(Wow, this is almost as long as the whole story!)  One last warning: If the idea of Ops having sex with *anyone* gives you the creeps, you have our sympathies.

The Little Comm Op Who Cried Wolfe

Part 1:  Who's That Watching ?

To say that Hillinger was an unhappy camper was the understatement of the year.

Not only had his department head pointed a cannon at him, causing him to have a childish accident in his pants, but Operations, he of the blue, blue eyes and silver hair, the supreme leader of Section One, had seen him disgrace himself.

As a result, he had been ordered to Operations’ quarters. Hillinger had no doubt about what he would face when he got there.

A dull flush mounted Hillinger’s cheeks. It didn’t go well with his coloring.

For a number of days he had felt himself to be under observation. At first he thought it might be Birkoff, his head, looking to gain an edge over him.

Then he thought perhaps Nikita, who since he had put Birkoff’s life in jeopardy, no longer had any use for him.

Michael, maybe? He would do anything for his Kita, and if she asked, he would have no problem in canceling the young comm operative. *And* he considered Birkoff a friend.

Walter also was on the side of the angels. The old weapons op would like nothing better than to grind him into the dust.

A green and yellow melancholy swept over Hillinger. No one in Section liked him. A tear ran down his cheek and he sniffed noisily.

The operative who was escorting him to Operation's quarters spared him a glance from over her shoulder. Her lips twisted in a sneer.

“Looks like what goes around is coming around with a vengeance, Gregg, m’boy!”

He ignored her, although it was very hard. What he really wanted to do was slam her back against the wall, rip her mission pants off, stick it into her and fuck her brains out. That would show her a thing or two!

Unfortunately, if he even hinted that he would attempt something like that he had no doubt that she would squash him like a bug. At the very least.

He sighed and followed after her, still pondering who his unknown surveillant was.

Part 2:  Who’s that knocking on my door?

Operations paced his quarters impatiently, periodically glancing at his watch. He had been keeping a surreptitious eye on Hillinger, the young comm operative, since he had placed Birkoff’s life in danger.

No one sacrificed his operatives. No one.

Except, perhaps, himself.

So he watched Hillinger.

He watched him leaning over his computer console, his trousers drawn tight over his buttocks.

He watched him stretching to reach an overhead compartment to retrieve computer manuals, his slacks snugly, lovingly outlining the shape of his cock.

He watched him, period.

And began to consider just what he wanted to do to the younger man.

Get him alone.

Strip him naked.

Toy with him.

But above all, he wanted to fuck his tight ass.

He licked his lips and rubbed an idle hand over the front of his trousers, where his own cock was making its needs known.

No one would dare question his orders for Hillinger to be brought to his quarters. Madeline might not be overjoyed by it, but she would never interfere.

A knock sounded at his door and he glanced once more at his watch. A mere quarter hour had passed since he had issued his directive.

Operations smiled.

It was good to be the head of Section.

Part 3:  What big eyes you have!

The operative who was escorting Hillinger to Operations’ quarters waited at ease until the door opened and the head of Section appeared before her.

“Sorry for the delay, sir. The little twerp couldn’t find a dry pair of pants!” She smirked.

Operations’ blank stare could have rivaled Michael at his blankest. The operative choked on an apology and got her skinny ass out of the vicinity as quickly as she could.

Hillinger was glad that look wasn’t directed at him. He didn’t want to disgrace himself twice in one day.

Then Operations’ cold blue eyes turned to the young comm op and Hillinger tightened his sphincters, the urgent need to pee almost getting the best of him.

And then those eyes warmed. “Come in, Mr. Hillinger.”

And that voice... When it wasn’t barking orders at operatives or snidely cutting underlings to ribbons, it was warm, sensuous, almost...voluptuous.

Like silk sliding over naked skin....

Naked skin? Where had that thought come from?

Operations threw a careless arm over Hillinger’s shoulders, urging him further into the room. “Would you care for something to drink, Mr. Hillinger?”

“Uh, I’m underage, sir.”

“I wasn’t offering you alcohol, Mr. Hillinger. I don’t want you buzzed.”


“Tell me, Mr. Hillinger, do you have any idea why I had you brought here?”

All those ‘Mr. Hillingers’ were getting the comm op *very* nervous. “I assume to ream my ass for making such a hash of things in Comm,” he said reluctantly.

“Oh yes!” Operations agreed, his eyes now hot. “But not *quite* in the way you’re imagining, Mr. Hillinger!”

Part 4:  I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow...

The image brought to mind by Operations’ tone of voice had Hillinger flushing. And growing hard.

He blushed even brighter red when Operations turned to face him and Hillinger’s cock nudged his hip.

His childhood stutter suddenly reappeared. “S..s...sorry, s..sir!” He wanted to sink into the bottom-most sublevel of Section’s lowest basement.

“Why?” Operations asked kindly. “I’m not offended by the fact that you’ve got a hardon. I’ve got one myself!”

Hillinger’s mouth dropped open and Operations took advantage of that to cover the younger man’s lips with his own and thrust his tongue past them. His hands held the comm op’s head still for the assault on his mouth.

Operations took Hillinger’s hand and pressed it against the front of his pants. His erection had reached alarming proportions and Hillinger was fascinated by the thought that *he* had roused the head of Section to that extent. He groaned into the older man’s mouth and rubbed his own arousal against his leg like a dog in heat.

The sound of a zipper being lowered was loud in the silence of the room. And then Hillinger found himself with a hand full of hot, pulsing cock He reached past to fondle Operations’ balls, then took his cock in both hands and began stroking him. The moisture that beaded at the tip had him feeling like the most powerful man in the world.

Operations’ hands were nimbly unfastening his trousers and they slid to the floor, leaving him bare to the comm op’s enthralled gaze. Hillinger licked his lips. He did not see the salacious gleam in Operations’ blue eyes.

And then hands on his shoulders began pushing him down to his knees. For a moment he was confused, not sure what the older man wanted of him. Until he saw that quivering cock, level with his mouth, and the head of Section rocked forward, demanding entrance.

Hillinger gasped and found his mouth filled. He could taste the older man on his tongue and his own cock trembled in response. Tentatively, he pulled back, and Operations advanced again, a little faster this time. They repeated their dance of lust until Operations began to shout hoarsely and his hot essence filled Hillinger’s mouth.

And Hillinger swallowed. And swallowed.

And sat back, still unbearably aroused.

Part 5:  ...Let me in!

When Operations finally caught his breath, he looked up and watched with derision as Hillinger stripped off his trousers. The tip of the comm op’s cock was a dusky rose and he was on the verge of coming all over Operations’ very plush rug.

The head of Section seized his balls and squeezed. Hard.

Hillinger moaned in pain and tears flooded his eyes.

“Don’t *I* get to come?” he wailed.

“Of course,” Operations said, his voice as cold as his heart. “You will come, when and where *I* tell you, and NOT ONE MOMENT BEFORE!”

Hillinger jumped at the authority in that voice. His eyes worshipful, he leaned toward the head of Section and kissed him with lips that were moist and soft. “Yes!” he breathed. “I’ll do whatever you say!”

“Get into my bedroom!” Operations commanded, but he was uneasy. Hillinger seemed to enjoy the submissive role just a trifle too much.

The comm op scrambled to his feet and ran toward a door. “Not that one!” the head of Section snarled. He pointed him in the correct direction and followed after, thoughtfully removing the rest of his clothing.

A trail of clothes, like bread crumbs, led him to Hillinger.

Hillinger was sprawled, face down and naked, on the bed. He rubbed his groin against the bedspread but stopped when a powerful hand impacted with his buttocks.

Operations reached into the drawer of the night stand and withdrew a condom and a tube of lubricant. “Do you want me to describe what I’m going to do to you?” he asked as he rolled on the latex sheath.

He ran a finger down the cleft of Hillinger’s ass, probing for the entrance. Hillinger moaned and thrust back, wanting the finger in him. “Tell me!” he whimpered.

Operations leaned over him. “I’m going to coat my fingers with the lubricant and cover my cock with it. Then I’m going to push a finger into your ass.” He was busy following his own scenario. “And I’m going to fuck you that way for as long as I want!

“I’m going to take that finger out, but before you can beg me not to stop, I’m going to replace it with two fingers! I want you to hold your cheeks apart for me!”

Hillinger trembled and obeyed.

“Now I’m going to make sure you’re stretched wide. I want you nice and loose!”

His fingers had been sliding in and out of Hillinger’s tight ass. The young comm op was moaning and rubbing his cock on the spread beneath him.

“Mas...I mean, Operations, I’m going to come!”

Operations removed his fingers so quickly Hillinger felt a twinge of pain. He jerked as a hard hand came down forcefully on his buttocks. “What did I tell you?” the head of Section hissed.

“I know, I know, but I’m so hot!”

Another blow landed. “Don’t move your hands! I told you to keep your cheeks parted!”

Hillinger obeyed and Operations began spanking him in earnest, even striking the puckered opening. The comm op was moaning steadily, his legs thrashing so that the head of Section had to knee them apart as far as he could get them.

His own cock was begging to be buried in the morsel spread so temptingly before it, and finally, after one last smack, Operations positioned himself and began to slowly enter.

The comm op was snug, but not virgin, and Operations thrust more powerfully. And then he was all the way in.

He varied the length and the depth of his strokes, his hands hard on the younger man’s hips, pounding away until he began to feel his control unravel.

And just before he began spilling himself, “Now, Mr. Hillinger! You can come now!”

Hillinger’s hands left his buttocks, which he had continued to keep spread, and grabbed his cock, stroking and squeezing.

And he cried out as he came, bucking so hard he nearly threw the head of Section off.

Part 6/End: And they lived...happily?

Hillinger lay face down on the bed. Operations’ long body held him helpless, in an abandoned sprawl, his cock still firmly imbedded in the comm op, whose breath sobbed in and out. Aftershocks from his orgasm still rippled through him.

As Operations had discovered, this sort of sex was not new to Hillinger. But none of his previous partners had ever treated him as harshly as the head of Section. His buttocks still tingled from the force of the spanking he had received.

Just thinking of it made his cock hard all over again.

Operations carefully disengaged and removed the condom.

“You can get dressed now and return to your quarters, Mr. Hillinger.”

“Can I get cleaned up first, sir?”

“Did I say you could?”

“No, sir.”

“Then obey my instructions!”

The comm op ducked his head in embarrassment and rolled off the bed. He scooped up the various items of apparel, a loud sniff signaling his unhappiness.

Operations sighed and walked into the bath.

Hillinger was just stooping over to draw his trousers on when a warm, damp washcloth soothed the sting in his buttocks and then wiped the lubricant from the cleft between.

“I’m not a total monster!” Operations observed.

“No, sir,” Hillinger concurred.

Hurtful fingers jerked his chin up. “I’m a hard man, Mr. Hillinger. You’re going to find out just how hard! I’m not fair, and I don’t share: you’re mine for as long as *I* want. I’ll take you when it’s convenient for *me*. If you play with anyone else, I will have you canceled! And our association will end when *I* say it will. Have I made myself plain?”

“Yes, sir!” Hillinger whispered, shivering with excitement.

“Very well, then go.”

The younger man hurried to comply.

“Oh, and Mr. Hillinger? Leave Birkoff alone. If I find that you’ve been tormenting him...well, let’s just say that I have a selection of riding crops that you do *not* want to become intimate with!”


Hillinger almost sprinted all the way to his rooms, astounded that the whole pronouncement had been made while the man was stark naked. As soon as his door was secured behind him he had his pants down around his ankles and was frantically jerking himself off.


Operations returned to his bedroom, wryly observing the shambles they had made of his almost obsessively neat bed. He couldn’t believe that he had stood before Hillinger, without a stitch of clothing on, and actually ordered him to become his lover.

He settled down onto the bed and folded his hands behind his head, a satisfied grin parting his kiss-swollen lips.

Madeline had been too strong to play with: they both wanted to be dominant.

But with Hillinger...

He reached down and fondled his hardening flesh.

“Yes, we do find the boy rather interesting, don’t we?”
