Title: Irish Coffee and Sticky Buns

Author/pseudonym: Silk

Fandom: La Femme Nikita

Pairing: Birkoff/Declan (Declan is an original character created by me and may not be used by anyone else.)

Rating: NC-17

Status: New/Complete

E-mail address for feedback: silkn1@worldnet.att.net

Series/sequel: No

Other websites: Not yet

Disclaimers: Birkoff and all the other LFN characters belong to WB, USA, and Fireworks. Declan belongs only to me, and we like it that way.

Summary: PWP

Warnings: A touch of angst to fuel things, but otherwise, no.

Part 1

Two figures stood in the doorway, their bodies silhouetted as one. The figures merged, then moved apart. Again and again. As if they could not bear to be separated from one another. Whispered promises, muttered curses. Mouths touched, opened, their respective tongues intertwining. Punctuated by a sharp gasp. At last.

"How long will you be away, baby?"

"Too long."

Sigh. Erratic breathing.

"Do you have to go?"

"Ops says so."

"What am I going to do without you, puppy?"

"Miss me?"

"Oh, God..."

Birkoff woke up in a cold sweat. It was the same damn dream every time. He was being sent somewhere. For an unspecified reason, an unknown length of time. Everything about it was vague. Except the sense of dread. And the tears on his cheeks when he awoke.

He glanced at the man sleeping on his side next to him. The man he loved. The man he couldn’t bear to think of being separated from. Slipping his arms around Declan’s chest, he pressed a kiss to the nape of his neck. Declan stirred slightly under the caress of his lover’s lips. "Sey..." he mumbled.

"I love you."

Declan smiled in his sleep.


When Declan woke up for the day, he frowned, thinking he had to go to work. But then he remembered that today he was down. Thank God.


Birkoff rolled towards him, his early-morning erection touching Declan’s abdomen. "Oh, sorry," he apologized, coloring slightly.

Declan slid a hand between their two bodies, gently touching his lover’s arousal. "Don’t be. I like thinking you wake up hard cause of me."

He nuzzled Birkoff’s neck. "You were thinking of me, weren’t you, Sey?"

Birkoff shifted away from Declan, a bit uncomfortable with the question. It reminded him of the dream. "I’m always thinking of you, Dec."

"Okay, what’s wrong?" Declan was strangely intuitive when it came to reading his lover’s feelings.

"I-I dreamed about you. And me."

Declan chuckled. "Was it a hot dream, baby?"

Ack, it was. But it wasn’t the heat that worried him.

"It’s okay, puppy. You’re allowed to have a hot dream or two. As long as they’re about me." Declan laughed happily as he kissed Birkoff. He loved to kiss him. He had the most sensual mouth he’d ever seen on a man, straight or gay. That honey mouth kept him satisfied in more ways than he could say.

He looked forward to discovering just how many more there were. Anything was possible. He had the entire day off.

They might never make it out of bed.

Part 2

Birkoff rolled Declan onto his back and straddled him, his knees pressing firmly into Declan’s sides. He bent his head to take his mouth, biting at him voraciously until Declan put a hand to Birkoff’s cheek, as if to stop him.

"Sey? You’re never this aggressive, honey. Is something wrong?"

Birkoff stared at him, his eyes like great, dark, wounded pools. Declan frowned, leaning forward until he could press a kiss to his lover’s forehead. "Sey?"

"It’s the dream, Dec. That goddamned dream."

"What dream, Sey? The one with you and me? I thought it was a hot dream."

"More like a nightmare."


Birkoff let out a huge sob, falling forward until his head nestled against Declan’s chest. His erection already a thing of the past, sex was quickly forgotten. Declan plunged both hands into Birkoff’s now-thick dark hair, pushing it away from his face. "What’s it about, Sey?"

"It always starts out with us making love." He choked back another sob. "But it always ends with me having to go away. It..." He swiped at his face anxiously, smearing a shiny trail from eye to ear on both sides.

"It always ends with me losing you. At least, that’s what it feels like..."

Declan caressed his lover’s face tenderly. "Sey, I told you, boyo, I’m in for the long haul. I’m not planning on leaving you. Ever."

"I know. But in this dream, Ops always sends me away. Me, not you. I don’t want to leave you either, Dec. But it keeps happening. In my dream." He hung his head and cried for a few more minutes.

Declan’s fantasy of a day spent in bed, making love to his young lover, every way possible, was rapidly going to Hell. His heart ached whenever Birkoff cried. There was so much pain inside him. For things that Declan didn’t even know about. But he was the only one who accepted Birkoff as is. He was his own undiscovered treasure.

Part 3

"Do you believe that dreams come true, baby?"

Birkoff shifted his body against Declan’s, his hair blending with his lover’s, to form a curious mixture of color and texture, bright and dark, curly and gently waving. "Sometimes."

Birkoff pressed a fervent kiss to Declan’s chest, his fingers playing with the sparse curls there. "Like when I met you," he said softly, blushing.

That Birkoff was still able to blush this long after they’d became lovers thrilled Declan. There was something innocent in Birkoff, something Declan prayed stayed inviolate.

Declan held onto Birkoff’s hands, so soft, so untouched by physical labor. "Sey, this nightmare you had...it was just that. A nightmare. It’s not real."

Birkoff looked up, his dark eyes flashing. "I know, Dec. I’m not delusional." His eyes softened again, and Birkoff rubbed his cheek against Declan’s flat male nipple until it hardened.

Declan changed the subject. "I’m off today. I was hoping we could spend the day together. In bed," he added the last part hopefully.

Birkoff snorted. "I knew it. You only love me for my body."

Declan chuckled, running a flat palm down Birkoff’s chest, past the scant hair pointing the way to his manhood. When Declan reached his lover’s groin, his fingers clasped Birkoff’s member, caressing its silky tip. "Mmm...," groaned Birkoff.

"Want me to help you forget the nightmare? Chase all the bogeymen back into their hidey-holes?" Declan whispered against Birkoff’s mouth.

Birkoff opened his mouth, allowing Declan’s tongue entrance. Birkoff rubbed himself against Declan’s thigh, a tiny bead of love dew spreading its sheen across his leg.

"Oh, yes. Please."

Declan slid his hands down Birkoff’s back to his firm buttocks, spreading them apart, his fingers kneading the tender skin. "Oh, God, Sey, I want to be inside you."

"Do it, Dec." Birkoff jiggled anxiously, his arousal hardening even more at the thought of Declan penetrating him.

With a gleeful yell, Declan turned Birkoff over onto his stomach, pushing his legs apart. Parting his butt cheeks, Declan gently inserted one finger, feeling how tight his lover’s ass was. Removing his finger, he lubricated it well with K-Y jelly before trying again. This time, his finger slid easily into the narrow channel. "Unhhh..." Birkoff sighed into his pillow.

"Are you going to fuck me, Dec?"

"Aye, baby, I am. I’m going to fuck your ass till we both come. And then we’re going to start all over again."

"Please..." Birkoff quivered in anticipation.

Declan made himself comfortable lying on his stomach, positioning himself so that he could lick the underside of his lover’s balls, gently laving them with his tongue. "Ohhh...."

"Are you forgetting the nightmare yet, baby? There’s so much more I can do to you."

Birkoff smiled into the pillow, raising his buttocks into the air, feeling both vulnerable and powerful at the same time.

"Fuck me," he called to Declan. "Please, Dec."

In answer, Declan nipped at Birkoff’s buttocks with his sharp white teeth, drawing just enough skin into his mouth to leave a slight bruise. When he could bear to be separate no longer, Declan joined his body with his lover’s, easing his aroused length into the same channel his finger once occupied. The feeling of Birkoff’s taut skin surrounding him made him want to explode. But he wanted more than that.

He rocked back and forth, plunging himself deeper and deeper. His mouth biting at Birkoff’s back and shoulders, Declan panted feverishly. Pulling on his lover’s long dark hair, Declan used it to control Birkoff, forcing his head back until his neck arched. Sinking his teeth into the side of Birkoff’s neck, he quickly relinquished his grip on Birkoff’s hair. His mouth suckled, none too gently, raising a welt. Declan laughed. "There, I’ve left my mark on you."

Birkoff tried not to move, but the feel of his lover, hot and hard inside him, made him restless. No, more than restless. It made him want to pour out his love all over the sheets of the bed they shared. "Oh, God, Dec, I want to come so bad."

"Good, baby. I can help." Declan pulled the hair off Birkoff’s nape and kissed it tenderly. A moment later, he licked his lover’s nape, his tongue lapping at the tiny hairs there. Breathless, he realized that he couldn’t hold out much longer himself.

Declan pulled almost all the way out of his lover, hovering at the entrance to paradise. Cupping his hands around his partner’s cock, he stroked and coaxed until he could feel the imminent climax.

Pushing his way into Birkoff’s body, he invaded it repeatedly, his movements growing more and more erratic as he spun out of control. "Come for me, baby. Come." Birkoff moaned loudly, just before he went into freefall.

Declan felt his lover throb within his embrace a moment before he climaxed, the sweet, hot fluid spilling into and over his waiting hands. Slickly coating his hands with his lover’s ejaculate, Declan smeared it across his lips, tasting him. Moments later, he came inside of Birkoff, groaning his release against his lover’s ear.

Birkoff smiled as he fell asleep. No more bad dreams for him. He had his own personal bodyguard.

Part 4

Declan was called in to lead what he considered to be a frivolous mission, which wouldn’t have bothered him except for the fact that it would take him away from his lover for three days.

When Declan returned, Sey was in a terrible state of anxiety. He hadn’t slept for the entire time that Declan was away, and sleep deprivation only exacerbated his feelings of alienation and paranoia. He was pale, but his eyes bore dark circles underneath them.

When Declan finally managed some time alone with Sey, Sey leaped upon him, like a dog on a bone. "I need you, Dec. I need to be with you. Now."

Declan was in the process of removing his long, black coat. Sey nearly ripped the buttons off the coat, trying to hurry Declan. Finally, Declan grasped Sey’s hands in his and stilled their restless movement. "We have time, Sey. Calm down. You’re starting to worry me."

Sey choked on a sob and turned away from Declan. He felt like his life was hanging by a thread these days. He could forget the dreams when Declan was there with him. But when he went away... the dreams were relentless. They never stopped. He couldn’t sleep. He couldn’t eat. He was losing what was left of his ability to function. He knew that Operations was beginning to watch him. It only made him even more paranoid.

"You don’t want to be with me." It was a whisper. It was a terrified cry.

"Baby, I do," Declan contradicted Sey. "I love you."

"I’m losing it, Dec. I’m losing you. Losing me. I-I don’t know what’s going to happen to me if I can’t get control of myself." Sey’s teeth were chattering, he was shaking so badly. All Declan wanted to do was to hold him in his arms and make him feel safe again.

But it wasn’t enough. What else could he do?

"Come here, sweetie. Let me love you."

Sey wanted to set the pace, but Declan refused to let him. He pulled his restless, twining arms away from his neck, very carefully letting him know that *he* was in control now.

To further demonstrate this, Declan began to issue commands, short, terse commands of a distinctly sexual nature. "Come here. Kiss me."

Sey’s eyes flickered back and forth as he struggled to keep his anxieties fueled for a moment. Then, bowing to his lover’s demand, he acquiesced. With delicious results.

Sey’s tongue caressed Declan’s bottom lip, moistening it completely, before going on to plunder the inside of his mouth. Opening his mouth wider, he nudged Declan’s lips apart, sucking his tongue between his sharp white teeth, in imitation of what he would like to do to his lover’s cock.

Several hot, open-mouthed kisses later, Declan was the one who was having trouble catching his breath. His loins were on fire, and Sey’s honey mouth was the reason. "Sey...." he breathed, trying to keep his eyes focused on that mouth he loved.

"Suck my cock."

"Your wish is my command."

Declan was still half-dressed, which made the whole thing feel vaguely decadent. Which he liked. It was extremely stimulating. Sey pushed him back onto the bed, unsnapping his jeans a moment later. He pulled Declan’s jeans and shorts off his legs, then spread those muscular thighs wide apart. Running his hands over Declan’s hard length, he knelt between his legs.

His shoulder-length hair trailing over the insides of Declan’s thighs, Sey kissed and nipped at the soft tender skin. Breathing excitedly, Sey’s tongue flicked out to lick at Declan’s groin. Declan could barely hold still.

Sey took Declan’s cock into his mouth. He was so hot. So hard. His head bobbing up and down, he repeatedly stroked Declan’s rigid member with his tongue as he continued to suck. Declan threaded his fingers through Sey’s thick dark hair, trying in vain to press him even closer than he already was.

"Oh, God, your mouth is so hot..."

"So wet..."

Sey plucked gently at Declan’s heavy sac, releasing his member from its warm prison. His tongue laving the entire length of Declan’s erection, Sey panted, his breathing becoming harsher.

Jerking spasmodically, Declan quivered as Sey touched the tip of his cock with his tongue. "Fuck..."

"What do you want, Dec?" Sey asked quietly.

"Fuck me...please..."

"With my mouth? Or do you want me inside you? Fucking your ass? As hard as I can until we both come?"

"Yes! Christ! I dunno! Do something! Anything!"

Sey found the KY-Jelly and lubricated the entire length of Declan’s cock. Standing up, he then removed all of his clothing. He left Declan’s shirt on, but he pushed it up to expose his flat male nipples. Palming both, he felt them spring to life beneath his hands.

Straddling Declan’s body, Sey slowly guided Declan’s stiff member inside his ass. With a sigh of pleasure, Sey began to rock back and forth, and soon, Declan was helping him, his hands pressed firmly to Sey’s slim hips.

Groaning loudly and rhythmically, Sey pumped furiously at Declan’s body, and all too soon, Declan began to come. "Unh...."

"Are you coming? God, yes, I can feel it, I can feel you coming, in my ass!"

Sey fucked him just a little bit harder, in an effort to bring off his own climax, and suddenly his own hot, wet come spurted across Declan’s taut abdomen. "Jeez..."

Trailing a finger through it, Sey touched it to Declan’s lips. His eyes opened, all hot and silvery, and it made Sey feel like coming all over again. "Oh, baby..." Declan whispered. "You’re incredible."

He licked at Sey’s neck, provoking him into a well-satisfied smile. "Did I teach you how to do that?"

"Mmm, yeah...how am I doing, teach?"

Declan touched the pool of still warm fluid on his abdomen and drew circles on Sey’s chest, encircling each nipple with a faint white trail. "Open for me."

Sey opened his mouth, and Declan kissed him deeply, intimately, pulling on his hair as though he’d never let go.

"I love you, baby."

Sey snuggled contentedly under Declan’s chin, uncaring that both of them were hopelessly sticky. He felt safe now, in Declan’s loving arms, and nothing else mattered.

Part 5/End

Declan lay on his stomach. Naked. His buttocks looked like they had been carved from stone. If he was aroused, it was hard to tell. He was still. Completely unmoving.

Sey crept along on his hands and knees, approaching Declan’s body. "Here I come, ready or not..." he whispered to his lover.

He straddled Declan’s body, feeling himself grow hard at the first touch of Declan’s skin against his. Sighing with pleasure, he contemplated taking him from behind.

Within moments, Declan sprung like a tiger pouncing, rolling his body on top of Sey’s, pressing his own arousal firmly against his lover’s groin. Nibbling at that smooth white skin, Declan made tiny bites that visibly marked his lover. "You’re mine. Don’t you ever forget it."

Sey relinquished his hold on Declan’s waist, his hands sliding between their two bodies to squeeze Declan’s length gently. He bit his lip as Declan rubbed himself against Sey’s groin again. "Mmm..." he moaned.

Declan pulled Sey’s hair away from his face, his mouth caressing Sey’s cheek. "I love you, baby. I’ll never leave you alone again."


"Ever." Declan swallowed the gasp that came out of Sey’s mouth, slipping his tongue inside. So wet, so warm...

He chewed on Sey’s lips until they were swollen, and then he rubbed his cheek against that honey mouth. So sweet, so hot...

His nipples sharpened to razor points, he pressed against Sey’s chest, thrusting against him excitedly. A tiny drop of wetness shimmered at the end of his cock, and Sey’s hands moved restlessly up and down the length of that cock.

"I live for your kisses, Sey," Declan whispered. "My honey boy..."

"You’re so fucking beautiful, Dec," said Sey, whimpering under Declan’s ardent ministrations.

Declan liked facing Sey when they made love. Most of the time, one of them was inside the other’s hot, willing body. But sometimes, like now, Declan would just kiss Sey, harder, hotter, and with increasing penetration, until they were both ready to come. Then they would instinctively begin to rub against each other, their cocks bumping and thrusting at one another.

Declan was ready to expire in his lover’s waiting arms. He was that close. Sey flung his neck back, and Declan seized the moment to nibble at his exposed throat. Pushing himself back and forth, Declan spilled himself across his lover’s groin, groaning at the moment of completion.

When Sey felt Declan come, he let his own excitement overtake him. Within moments, he was coming, pouring his hot life’s essence against Declan’s firm abdomen. At the moment that Sey came, Declan bit his throat, almost hard enough to break the skin. "Unh...."

"What sharp teeth you have," Sey said sleepily, playing with Declan’s hair.

Declan flashed a brilliant smile. "All the better to eat you with..."

