The Zen Room

So it seems that, over the meek protests of such misguided souls as Mets fans and BoSox fans, the Yankees have once again proven their domination and advance to the World Series, to battle the Diamondbacks. This doesn't come as a surprise, although I know it's a devastating blow to those who love to hate the Yanks. And for those who are planning on mouthing off about how much they think the Yankees suck, I'm willing to take bets as to the outcome of the Series.

By the way, it seems as though a certain someone has finally figured out how to put a .wav on their site...nice job, it's been done, though. A tip: ones that are too long are annoying, not funny.

La Vie de la Canadienne

Alas I spent the last two days mostly in bed, not with a hot Jamaican lover, but with a devastating illness that left me feverish and such. This morning I woke up feeling great, so whatever it was must be gone. Was it the soup I made for myself last night that did the trick? Was it the absolute refusal to get out of bed? Was it taking that very last midterm? I'm bettin' on the soup, but it was damn nice to get that Psych midterm out of the way.

It was actually a decently hard test, which was a surprise because everyone expected something really easy. Most of the questions were really difficult, including putting some brain structures in order from dorsal to ventral (pfff, you got me). Some, on the other hand, were totally random, like the one about who was Pavlov's assistant. The author seemed to have an attempt at humor when choices A and C were Dr. Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Prof. A. A. Lenin. Anyone who answers either A or C should be failed on the spot.

This weekend, before I got sick, was a pretty fun one. On Friday night we went to Lucifer's, which is the bar equivalent of Cathedral, the place I went to last week. The track team was having a party there, so it was pretty fun. Saturday night Leslea and I went out with the intention of finding guys to buy us drinks but we couldn't decide where to go so we wandered all over the city, ran into people we knew, and went home for coffee and The Usual Suspects. I love that movie.

Since then I've just been chilling. I went food shopping (a big event, yes, I know...I now have more bread products than I know what to do with: 3 bags of pasta, mini-croissants, bread, muffins) and have been enjoying my limited cooking. There's a rumor that our whole house will be throwing a party at the end of November, we'll see how that turns out. I have the feeling it won't.

Classic TV Moment

I was watching a repeat of the David Letterman show last night, and they had this kid who's about 8 years old, from the Drew Barrymore movie "Riding in Cars with Boys." He was absolutely adorable. The best was when Dave asked him about his brother and sister. "Are they actors, too?"

"They like chicken pie!"

"Let the record show...when asked if his siblings are actors, the defendant responded 'They like chicken pie.'"

Survivor in Africa

This week was a disappointment to all the horny teenage boys out there (and you know who you are) who were counting on watching Jessie, the young deputy sheriff/inevitable porn star. She was booted out this week as she proved unable to handle the constructed wilderness that is Survivor. She couldn't, or wouldn't, drink the water, which will obviously leave you unable to perform any sort of mission.

Somehow she managed to drink blood though. Yes, the challenge this week was to drink a cow's blood/milk concoction. Every tribe member managed to do it (Lex, from Boran, the smaller team, had to drink twice), so the tie-breaker was to drink a double shot of pure cow's blood. Samburu's rep did it quicker, so it was off to tribal council for Boran. While it looked like Kelly, the one who lost the double-blood-shot challenge for them, might be booted off, nearly everyone voted Jessie off.

Alliances are already starting to form, mainly between men and women, and young and old. It looks like the teams are going to be quite lopsided, and as one side gets significantly smaller, it becomes even harder for them to win, only making it worse.