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..A pair of souls become undone...
...Where were two now are one...
...A crimson pool so warm and deep...
...Lulls us to and endless sleep...
...Come embrace the darkness...
...Don't be afraid...
...For this is your destiny...
...The path has been laid...


I have created this site for others who feel as I do. People like me who have an OPEN mind.

If you have a darkside (we all do) like the Occult, are into the Gothic lifestyle or Vampirism then hopefully this site may be of interest to you. Plus I'd love to hear your comments, thoughts and insight.

My name is Devorah...
My heritage is Egyptian and Italian. I have studied many religions and cultures. I was brought up Jewish and Roman Catholic, now I am a REALIST.

I am highly educated and hold a very high position career wise. If you have any doubt I hope your never a patient in my ER...(evil grin)
I am also a writer and poet and along with being an artist myself, I love to read the works of others...

Enough about me I would like to hear about you...

I have designed this site for anyone who would like to have their Artwork and Poems displayed and for anyone who feels that they are "different" from the so called "norm".

"The Crimson Pool" below is the venue where all of the Poetry and Artwork will be displayed.

~I truly hope this site grows and grows but that is up to you~

July 20, 2005

...In the silence of your room...
...In the darkness of your dreams...
...You must only think of me...
...There can be no in between...
...When your pride is on the floor...
...I'll make you beg for more...
...Stay with me...
...In your room where souls disappear...
...Only YOU exist here...
...Will you lead me into the darkness...
...Or leave me lying here...
......Dev 2/11/00.......


What I have written below are my feelings and a
dedication to all the victims of 9/11/2001. I live
in Manhattan, NYC and was and still am affected.
I lost friends who were Firemen and EMS so this is
for them...

Please click below first it takes some time...but
please NEVER FORGET...

Click here to see The Blood Of Heros


Above the wreckage of your mortal world I stand
Judgement passed delivered by his hand
Now clear the smoke, there the ashes stand
A fitting tribute to mortality and man.
What was written foretold in dreams,
in visions apocalypse now seen.
And all self-righteous fools who lived and
blasphemed, Drink the wine of his anger
Die with the beast.
Vindication,... he is coming on the clouds.
See his angels, hear their trumpets sound.
The day of anger when the stars fall from the sky
The moon turns red, the sun turns black as night.
Know the end is coming, heed this sign
By the morning star the four horsemen ride.
Revelation, the chosen saved....
Earth be cleansed in a blaze.
Armageddon, the first trumpet blows
Hail, fire and blood fall on Satan's throne.
His hair as white as wool, his eyes like burning
flame...He is the first and last,
he brings the seven plagues.
Seven stars of seven cities in his hand
He holds the keys of death for the underworld and
In the silence of the darkness when all are fast
asleep...I live inside a dream calling to your
spirit...As a sail calls the wind,
hear the angels sing...
Far beyond the sun across the western sky
Reach into the blackness find a silver line
In a voice I whisper a candle in the night
We'll carry all our dreams in a single
dream of light...
Close your eyes, look into the dream
Winds of change will winds of fortune bring
Fly away to a rainbow in the sky gold is at the
end for each of us to find...
There the road begins where another one will end
Here the four winds know who will break...
and who will bend...
All to be the master of the wind
Falling stars now light my way
My life was written on the wind
Clouds above, clouds below
High ascend the dream within
When the wind fills the sky
the clouds will move aside
And there will be the road to all our dreams
For any day that stings two better days it brings
Nothing is as bad as it seems
Close your eyes, look into the dream
Winds of change will the win of fortune bring...
Passing through the storm -
Led by demons - walk between the
World of men and gods -
Cast no shadows - draw no light.
I'd rape you my love on pagans night.
I taste the serpents poison
On the lips of the one I love.
He brings this gift of witchcraft.
I wear the cat-skin gloves.
Apples of youth when I wrought
Mischief, hung in a tree to rot
In the sun. -
Reborn in the middle of the
Final orgy - a gift of slavery
To the chosen one.
Suicide don't you know
Me - call to the Master - he will
Come. - He will bring our
Resurrection - cloacked in darkness -
He has won...
Smoke of my sacrifice. -
Journey to the Isle of the
Blessed. -
Grant my soul your glory.
At night time - I'm your guest.
Only I know why -
Each dawn I die...

I've got to get to you first before they do...
It's just a question of time before they lay
their hands on you...
And make you just like the rest...
I've got to get to you first It's just a
question of time...
Well now you're unwilling and you look too
I'll take you under my wing because somebody
They're persuasive ways and you'll believe what
they say...
It's just a question of time...
It's running out for you...
I can see them now hanging around...
To mess you up to strip you down... And have their fun let's bond our souls
together as one...
It's just a question of time...
Sometimes I don't blame them for wanting
You look too good and they need something to
Until I look at you and then I condemn them...
I know my kin...And what goes on in our minds..

Every day is but a repetition of the day
before... a routine. I stand all alone in the
proverbial crowded room, as the shadow figures of
my "peers" flicker around me like so many dark
thoughts whirling through my head. How I wish I
could be one of them... one of the shadows...
instead of being myself.... And all alone.
One of them approaches me, and they proceed
to whisper saccharine lies into my waiting ears...
nothing but another part of the daily routine. I
hide behind a facade of happiness, secretly
wanting to just be accepted. Just wanting to
exorcise this violent self-loathing. But it never
They walk away after a few moments, happy
about their "good deed" for the day completed. I'm
left to myself again, and I remain the uninvited
figure outside of "The Circle," just praying to be
let in. I wonder time and time again if I am the
shadow, and not them. Maybe I should just strip
these masks of cowardly deception off of me, and
bear my soul for them. Finally give them a glimpse
of me. Of ME. Not the grinning, quiet person who
constantly lies to himself, if only to numb his
feelings. But what if they laugh? What if they
show me the same apathy they have been? What if
they don't care at all? I shouldn't care either,
but I do. But why should THEY care? Care about the
masked shadow standing in their midst? Why can't I
just shine the light on myself? Show the real me?
And finally see... that I can be happy?

Composed by-

A Self Portrait

A young woman wanders aimlessly through a crowd. one in a billion-wanting,needing,despairing.
she comes across a shaft of light
descending from the heavens.
she steps into it;becomes ILLUMINATED.
her soul is stripped of its protective covering-
she is naked,her feelings bare for all to read.
she looks up into the light
seeking its source,seeking something to believe:
NO....The Vampire Lestat?
NO....she finds nothing in the heights above,
so she turns her face to the ground
and "sees in the negative"-she won't look straight.
yet a tight group of people observe her despair.
they try to tell her the truth she won't hear:
that she is beautiful?...that she is special?
that she is more than one petty life?
that she can reach beyond her mortal coil?
those who gather around her cling to her-
depend on her for their own sanity.
but she doesn't see. Full of stubborn pride,
she won't look past herself.
doesn't believe she is ILLUMINATED.
she tells herself that she is not good enough,
that she is one in a billion....not important.
does she lie?
again, she meanders blindly through the multitude.
against her will but by her own volition,
she becomes another ant wandering through the
toils of humanity,one in a billion.
Because it risks too much pain...

The Abyss

IS suicide the answer? Are all of the guidance
counselors and doctors right? Or are they just
doing what they are paid to do? It makes me
wonder. Life's been kinda tough... and I've been
thinking about suicide for awhile now. I mean...
why not? As if I'm going to make a difference.
And yes, I know. "Everyone makes a difference"
I've heard it all before. I've seen it all before.
Life is just a routine. A series of steps repeated
over and over again. Just like my mind paths.
"Hmm... time to get suicidal again."
And then you have the people who think they know
everything. "Suicide is for weaklings,
selfish people, etc." Apparently they have never
been suicidal, and yet they talk as if they have.
They have no idea what it means to be full of such
depravity... to hate your life utterly... to
wonder why this is happening. They have no idea.
If they did, they wouldn't be the callous people
that they are. And they wouldn't be saying the
callous things they are saying.
Am I just crazy? Are these visions of "making a
difference" just lies... just fabricated comfort,
to help the weak of will? Is it these delusions of
hope that are driving me crazy? Or is it myself?
Am I driving myself crazy? Is all of this my
fault? I have to say... I don't know. I don't know
what I'm doing anymore. I am wandering through a
dark tunnel of fear, apathy, and self-hatred, with
my lantern of sanity almost out of fuel. I simply
don't know what to do anymore. It would be so easy
to blow my brains out, to slit my wrists, to
swallow the pills.... and yet... something is
keeping me from doing it. Is it weakness? Is it
fear? Is it spite? Again, I don't know... but I
fear that obstacle will soon be out of my way...
clearing the path to the gun pointed at my head...
the knife at my wrists... my mind at the brink of


How did this come to be?
That in a dream you would come to me
Not only in mind, body and soul
Once incomplete now I feel whole
For when I hear your voice I weaken
and it is starting to take its toll...
Making me almost want to end it all...
Crazy I know for mental I am not
But I wish for my world to not spin but stop
I never thought so much havoc you could create
That in some sick, twisted way I find this great
This twisted, deranged feeling that I have
I feel as though you're close enough to grab
But in reality you are far out of my reach...
This is our reality and so it is to be
My biggest wish to feel your lips upon me
In a dark moment of passion
To feel your body shake
To lay by your side until I wake
But these are only my dreams
And life isn't ever what it seems
So I guess it is a Sea of Sin* that I am in
and a fight that I will never win...
Well I can dream my dreams
I keep it all in my head where no one can see
I can make the wrong seem right
When dark fades into light
I'll keep holding on to the night...


*Sea of Sin reference is from Depeche Mode's song
Sea of Sin*

~little soul~

you had to leave me so soon
i never had enough time to love you
but there will always be traces of you
in my heart mind soul and my body.

i'll not forget
special heart

you didnt deserve to come to this
awful place anyway

and now you are in that place
a place that i will find you one day
in my final rest
little cherub
little light spirit

even though your time with me
was painfully short
i will cherish
every breath i had with you

every moment
that we were one

every beat of my heart
living for you
and you from me

i love you
i'll not forget

i hold for you the scar on my heart
the memory of you in my mind
and the trace of you in my spirit

in that place
time vanishes
and soon enough

we shall share eternity
little soul

Written by-


It is so cold
Your skin feels clammy
I cant see your breath
I know you are leaving but....
you refuse to take me with you
You look so pale
you wont look at me
your eyes slowly close
that i might not see how deep
you have begun to sink
So much all I can think
is that I want to be with you
So much I want to journey with you
I know you would never allow it
Your stillness rushes over me
possesses me and i want for it
but you deny me
my only peace
you want to be alone
and in that I Am
I cannot let you go
your lips remind me of the sky
your skin treats me to cool winter snow
I kiss your lips
as they remain unmoved
i long to join you
perhaps I shall
endeavoring some other reality
it can only be my fantasy that i might find you there
the tears begin to fill
my eyes as i know
at my very kiss
you have faded
and left me
the salty pain drips against
the most content visage
i have ever encountered
they cascade gently
across the one i always loved
the one i never shared
the one i could never
stop hiding from and now
in this rage filled moment
I can only scream
and inflict this misery on myself
for never removing my mask
it is my eternal damnation
lest I perform these acts here and now
in a desperate search
to regain the deepest of loves that
is lost in a labyrinth of suffering
at my own hand
I will find you
I am coming now
Do Not Fear my arrival
I am coming to save you
I will be your savior
I will guide you to OUR place
we shall dwell there
for all time...
I am coming now as I plot
then in a hasty moment choose
I lie watching
the beautiful crimson droplets glide
liquid across my skin
the tears cease
all pain is numb and void
i focus...concentrate
feeling your presence closer
as each breath expires
the beat ceases

~PART 1~

I cant help but move closer
as your rough, wet lips beckon to me
Your eyes seemingly deep and complex
yet somehow I can read them
your desires burning strong like mine
I get so close our lips almost touch
I can feel your breath
My eyes roll back into my head
I just linger in that moment of perfect bliss
I cant help myself...
as I press them gently against yours
so enamoured with awe
My heart begins to flutter
My entrails rise I feel so weak
Your lips part lightly
and your tongue gently meets mine
they begin their courtship
dancing together to some celestial symphony
that only us two can hear.
You wrap your arm around my body
pulling me in close
I feel your kiss on my neck
the warm breath giving me
the most intense goosebumps
it seems my skin is crawling
for you alone...

~PART 2~

I open my eyes
only to meet yours
staring profoundly.
I lift my hand
watching it meet your cheek,
holding your noble face
in my hand.
I can only feel
this intense pain
in the deepest niche
of my soul.
Our lips meet,
melting together,
in a firey pandemonium.
I feel your hands about me.
Our clothes disappear.
Your touch...
an indescribable passion.
A passion with such force.
A power with such vigor.
I want you now.
I want you within me.
You tease me with your tenderness.
Your touch more perfected
than any other...
I know you arent of this place.
I wonder if we are the same.
You cater to me in ways...
no other could comprehend.
I can sense myself in you
when you touch me
my soul steps out of my skin
You pick me up...
lying me down...
I gaze up at your naked form
I just cant believe it
so sculpted
so refined
It seems that you must be God
to possess every quality
every beauty
within and without...

**This poem was written by a very special friend**
~Morphine Dreams~

There's no consolation
For the tears that I've shed
And certainly not
For the times that I've bled.

You've made my life a hell
And tried to say it's all me
But now it's my turn
And payback's a bitch, as you'll see.

You're going to pay
There's nowhere to run
You're going to pay
For the things you've done

There's nothing to it
Just one little shot
This may give closure
To the truths that I've fought

Soon it'll be over
Will I be sad? Never.
If only I could pull the damn trigger
You won't breathe again.... ever.

But I can't do this
Wanna know why?
You put me here.
Don't even lie

A place with nurses and beds,
smooth sleek halls,
weird contraptions,
and white padded walls.

Here they come,
Maybe I should scream...
Maybe I shouldn't...
Insanity is what it will seem.

They're here...
Look how widely they beam...
Hey, what's that?
Is that my morphine?

Just give it to me...
Thanks, now I won't scream.
Damn... who do I wanna kill again?
Fuck it. Revenge is but a dream...

Warning:This poem contains profanity and explicit sexual content...

~The Video~

The Video was already in print for the whole world to see,
Hardcore sex, what a goddamn frenzy it was nuts,
But this video had dark erotic pleasures,
Never seen until now, so the profits it would raise,
In hopes this video would get the highest praise.

Women performing oral sex on four guys at once,
but it got strange,
For they did this with razorblades on their tongues.
Then came the anal sex scene with men and women chained up,
Brutal rape scenes, so intense you wanted to cover your eyes,
But the sexual intensity was your main prize.

The next scene showed a warning for this next scene was much worse,
Intense incense with the one to fuck the hardest receiving a large purse,
This was the scene that made people sick,
Families, sisters, mothers, daughters, brothers,
and anyone else to join in the fun,
This so explicit you wanted to turn around and run.

The glorious end would wreak the day as it showed the chaos,
The disgust of the film makers and escorts engaged in lust,
With everything you can think of to name,
Is why the video was pulled off shelves,
A minimal price to pay for one shot at fame,
Hailed as a dark masterpiece,
It sold only once to a woman who sat though it on play,
and would swear it her inspiration to this day.

~Advocate of Death~

Shot dead in the streets, what an inevitable feat,
Fate takes its toll, as everyone bleeds,
This is the fate, we can't escape,
There is no control, the reapers coming for your soul.
Sculptures of death plague many as you hear their voiceless screams,
People pray for hope, yet all they get is shattered dreams,
Lost and Lonely is there plea, trying to remain sane,
But if they step among the carnage, they'll get a bullet to the brain.
Frighten the helpless souls, frighten the helpless souls,
Frighten the helpless souls of those you can't control.
Funerals are a mystery, and rain always falls,
Its said the dead walk among us, this is their call,
Wasn't it yesterday they celebrated life, never afraid to die,
Now here in caskets is where they lie...
Frighten the helpless souls,
Frighten the helpless souls,
Frighten the helpless souls of those you can't control...

I have just stumbled(so to speak) on a friend who is an absolutely AMAZING writer. Her work touched my soul...Here it is and enjoy!


~The Waltz of Auras~

As I shut my eyes tight, I begin to dream, let you lead me to life's eternal floor,
My mind goes lax for I have been here before.
In your arms, feeling the warmth of your subtle embrace,
My mind reflects, my heart goes sallow,
As I remember a time, when you opened your arms and welcomed me to your waltz of auras,
The night I gave myself to you,
Our cheeks touched, in your arms I fell,
As you gently cupped my hands, I was under your spell,
Our bodies swayed and your essence was near,
Your heart so deep, your mind so clear,
Your soul gently summoning me and drawing me near.
As the rhythm of life's music led us to this journey, to our telepathic dance.
Our auras get light, and we begin to trance,
I feel your hands gently falling, brushing my side, holding me in your embrace,
While our minds begin to ascend to heaven's gate,
As our auras waltz, yours being violet, my being green,
Our cords begin to strengthen, and it's color changes too,
From a lustrous gold,
To a beautiful bright light so powerful, and all that is divine.
Our colors mesh,
Our souls join,
Our hearts beat true,
For many times we have waltzed, in my dreams, and now I finally have you.
As our cords tighten, my heart beats for you,
you are the one I've always longed to be with and grasp onto,
Join me in this dance of auras, for I only long to waltz with you.

~Gentle Admiration~

My gentle admirer I call out to you,
lips gently parted, heart beating to your tune,
Your eyes beckon me and whisper my name,
Since the night your shadow spoke to me,
An awakening came,
The taste of true love within me, the lust abound.
Praying you'd hear my silent cries, for many nights I've cried out.
Your comfort only found me, three blessed nights as I began to dream.
The passing years you've yet to come to me,
Fire in my heart, ecstasy in my soul, heaven on the horizon,
you reach deep inside of me and won't let go.
Your essence haunts me, and pulls me near,
your challis that I have drank from has left me
longing to be quenched, and yet no quenching is near.
My hunger is for you, engulfs me, bittersweet it is,
Longing for you to grasp, fornicate what lies with in.
my loins burn for you, when you are near,
and thoughts of you plague me, when you disappear.
Your energy coats me, my chest feels a rise,
longing for your sweet nectar, and to gaze into those eyes.
To feel you overwhelm me, over take me,
and finally quench my silent cries.
Put your fears aside, and let your carnal instincts override.
Fear is no longer my gift when I am with you,
Give me what you have, for I live to be apart of you.
My back gently arches when I feel your presence near,
the orgasmic essence so close and then you leave me and disappear.
A cage lion resides inside, let me let you out and let us run as a pride,
My desire raises, as I hear your call,
cast your fears aside, and deeply let us fall.
I've waited a millennium to feel you near,
Plunge yourself within me, drown if you have to,
and be-reborn in my arms.
Inhaling you with every breath, a tightness felt in the center of my chest,
my wetness building, your manhood bulging,
a crimson pour flowing from our lips,
Take of me my lover, take of me my final gift.

~The Hunters Game~

Enter my mind, ravage my soul.
Suck out my inners, burn me whole.
Cut me deeply and watch me bleed,
Your stares hardens as you gaze over my bare thighs,
heat trails, whispers, as my inners explode to your demands,
they fill with rage.
Fever pulses, as you come near, my flesh trembles, laced with fear.
I recoil as I begin to sense the sharpness of your blade.
Slowly driving it's way making it's path,
my jaw clenches awaiting it's wrath.
A wetness seeps as I shut my eyes and feel you near.
A deep gasp, silence befalls as if I have no air,
I open my eyes and yet you are not there.
I search my surroundings, hoping to find only you.
Suddenly the overwhelming urge courses through me,
as you ring in my thoughts, and direct them to me.
The many ways, you desire to hold and intimately touch me.
The air seems to cling to me as if it were you.
Tingling deep within my chest,
your wrath fills my mind,
As I pull myself apart and plunder my thighs.
With a gasp of air, I draw you near,
My nails gouging deep within me,
with no release near.
Intoxication from your breath quenches, then teases, as I open my eyes,
to be assured you have completely vanished before my eyes.
Thrashing in my sheets to desperately cling to you.
My wetness seeps, my fingers thundering, for I know it's you.
Enchantment fills me as I gaze upon my lighted flame.
I know you are there, I know your games.
A violet mist fills my room,
My tongue tastes the air, in hopes of searching you.
My mounds rise as a whisper touches it's peak,
I cry out so loud,
the dampness thunders below, throbbing, begging for release.
Without effort, I feel my fingers suddenly have a guide,
As I taste your tongue, and feel your eyes.
My body trembles, and begins to quake,
As I bite my lip, taste your blood,
and begin to ease this violent ache.
My back arches, tears flow from my eyes.
As your touch begins to seer,
my breath leaves me, as you blanket me, with pleasure, with fear.
A violent terror seeks my inner thigh.
My air suppressed, my muscles clenched,
tears overflow from my soul.
I wrap my cord around you,
and make a vow to never let go.

Silence in Darkness

By- C.M. Smith
aka Morgan Hunter Darkwolf
Shrouded darkness, torment, dispair. A heartbeat once strong now falls silent, alone.........
This cruelty that was once happiness is naut but shreds of a soul now torn apart.Cursed, he walks among the tatterd remains of a love once had, but now has grown cold and dead.
She looks upon him smiling; laughing inside, "What a fool he's been. A loyal puppet till this very end. Doing as I bid him to do; never a question why?" These thoughts, these very words cut him deeper than any blade could cut. Ripping him apart to his very core.
Night falls and alone he is once more; tending the wounds left by another. "How much more am I to take !? " He cries to the heavens; but there is no answer.
He pulls himself to his kneesand asks, " Have you too as well forsaken me !?
In anguish he drops his head as his only answer is silents in the darkness.

I would like to thank the person who has composed the poem below "Untitled" she wrote it for and about me...and I am flattered beyond words...


Her soul descends upon me.....
radiating joy into my heart.
Her ethereal magnificence sizzles me...
with her spirited obscurity.
she comes to me.
Her divine sinister beauty...
overwhelms even the purest of heart.
She coaxes me....
as her long ebony hair...
dances across her shoulders...
with silken grace.
Her deep, exotic eyes....
pierce me to the core.
The firey, crimson lips...
of such a sweet siren...
beckon to all.

Composed by


I,in my lustful vengeance,
am forced to purge these words
from my tender lips.
Perhaps it lies
within my duplicitous nature,
that I see thy decorum.
The very epitome of my missing link.
Being the very antidote
to my chastity,
and virtuous, unscathed body.
Sought after ravishment,
from thysef alone.
What gentle torture is this?
That one,
with such wonderous might,
bestow such torment
upon my rapturous flesh.
AH, but want for thee!!
Speak no blasphemy
amidst my valued ear.
Speak forth only
the truth of thy unmasked self.
Thy deepest desire
and darkest want.
Pitch it my way
that I might be
at last satisfied.



Masked passions connect
Dreams engaged
Dense breath of fire
Tantalize me..
with your mockery..
of death..
as you ride
your Pale Bloody Horse
with Pride.
I wish to Taste ..
such Fearlessness..
as it draws me nearer ..
to you.
Closer to perfection.
Your chariot calls to me..
in sleep.
Molesting my mind.
Over and Over again.
Exposing the truth..not yet revealed.
Just breif flashes...
lacking control...
lacking knowledge...
Without form.
You being made of purest gold
stand tall...
adorned with deep oceans
in your eyes.
I am blinded.
Each to Each
a fantasy....
flesh and mind.
The vast chasm before me
forces me
to desire
to LEAP.
with each passing moment.

composed by


I havent seen the sun for weeks
to long, to far from home
I feel just like I'm sinking
as I cry for solid ground
I'm pulled down by the under toe
I've never thought I could feel so alone
in all of this darkness
I feel like letting go
I wish my courage and strength
could lift me from this place
Please just take me away...


Take me away
So far away
Somewhere where I'll be alone
Put me to death, that's where I'll call home
Put me out of this pain
They wont care
They wont remember me
Nothing will change
Cus I'll be forgotten...


All alone to myself, must I keep
It feels like no one's home
with nowhere to rest
So many people yet no one listens
Emptiness all around
Selfish stares bringing me down
Moments of joy
All too fast
hours of depresssion
All too slow
Foolish games
must be played
white haunting dreams
Never give away
Jealousy cries
as others go by....


People talking, children laughing, babies crying
A room full of people, yet I'm still alone
A crowd surrounds me
People talk and laugh with me
We are all together, yet I'm still alone
One voice, but not mine
The four walls I see
One dark and empty
I'm by myself, but I'm not alone
Voices whisper into the night
Cries cease at the break of light
I try to fight it, but I'm out numbered
I can't see, hear, smell, feel
What's going to happen?
What's going on?
Why is it so dark?
I see a light, red light
I feel the blood, cold blood
I smell the fear, painful fear
I hear a noise, loud noise
I remember , remember it all
No one knew I was alone
Now no one can change my loneliness
I was in a room of people
talking, laughing ,living
Now I'm in a room of people
with cries, pain, death...

~Alone Again~

Standing on the very brink of reality
breathless promises whisper in my mind
smoke-flied room and empty stares
Crackling pops of firecrackers in my mind
blinding bright stars fill my eyes
the grass grows a little taller
the sun shines a little brighter
Within the wink of an eye
shade are drawn down
closing windows
I am alone again...

~Cold Hearted~

I called out to you to protect me
to protect me from the chill
that seeps into my bones
tearing away at the warmth
Yet there you are standing, coldly staring
and not caring about the
icy daggers that dig and claw at my heart
I am yelling out my sorrows
over my cold ways that smacked you
unitl you froze
And there you stand
staring at me in frozen silence
as my frozen cold heart bleeds to death...
~The Union~

I awaken to the night and her eternal calling.
Alone I walk, in soundless footsteps.
The night; she comforts me in her dark embrace,
A welcome companion to this, which is now my fate.
Within and endless, boundless search I seek her,
my mate, my companion, my one true love.
Through distance space and time, through ages long
forgotten by mortal man I search till she is found.

Within the night, and her calling, eyes meet;
two hearts beat as one once more.
Within the darkness our souls embrace in the most perfect of unions that none other would understand.
With a caress as gentle as a warm summer nights breeze upon the blood-red rose;
I know this love to be eternal,
and I shall walk alone no more.

By Morgan Hunter Darkwolf

~One Nights encounter~

A circle of stones, ancient earth.
A grove of trees, silent sentinels.
Full moon, sister-mother; beaming
Down quicksilver light on roses that Spring beneath your feet,dark petals
Like blood under indigo skies above you.

Multifaceted jewels of dragon,
Amber orbs of wolf,
Limpid pools of bear,
My spirits come.
You feel their inky forms outside
The sacred tryst; a wolf's howl …..
I come to you.

Cyan blue, star sapphire eyes in my face,
Locked upon your own.
Your heart leaps; I raise my arms to the
Jeweled sky, then down to reach for you.
You do not feel the thorns beneath us.

It seems centuries since I sung.
There is magick in the notes, you release them now.
You sing down the jaguar, the wolf,
an the horse.
They circle our ring and watch us from the
I study your eyes, so deep with longing, and
A deeper sorrow that I do not understand.
I hope silently that it was not from me.
I would do anything to remove the
Past pain from your eyes, barely veiled by the hot
gaze you turn upon me.

I know what to do.
Take the dagger,draw the blood;
Ruby droplets from your throat. I drink,
Love ……
I taste the truth in your essence.
Not salt, but sweet; not iron, but silver-gold

Growls from my throat, eyes flash
Pewter for an instant.
Mouth upon soft skin, in my embrace pleasure
And sweet pain, taste your blood in my mouth,
Draw the blade over my heart.
Possessive gesture, but I wish it so.
Growls thick in my chest.
Taste my love and longing,
Words unspoken flow into you.
Drink, taste yourself in me.

Is this addiction?
A bitter drug than any mortal vice, but if
Love is vice , let it be so.
Your eyes close briefly, and open to amber,
hunting eyes. I know my own have done the same.
Muffled shifting, the spirits turn their backs to
Fingers crush fragrant petals of blood - rose
Beneath our forms.
Droplets too dark to be dew shine upon an upturned
Weave your music with my wolfsong.
Your soul, flesh, spirits to mine.

Awaken in your bed, alone.
Cling to the pillow and try to recapture the
warmth of me.
A single black-red petal upon the pillow;
You press it to your lips and smile with
Bittersweet memory.

One night closer to me.

by:Morgan Hunter Darkwolf

~Corrupted Heart~

Fallen in a pool of blood,helpless and senseless,
The concrete black as night,
Memory is so clouded it can't pick up the details,
What entrailed is unclear, but wounds never heal,
When a corrupted heart is here.
Silence is always apparent,
Lust always stands in your way,
All evil things are taken into consideration,
Sick to some, but art to others,
Perversion sells, making it a darker profit,
Another heart thats been corrupted,
It can never escape the steady grip.
The evil nightmare sealed with a deadly kiss,
Broken promises that never seem to miss,
Now its just a shadow of your former glory,
A fantasy that creates its own story.


~Obsession of Lust~

Steamy sex every night,especially on the dark cold
With every intention of lust, no love for right now,
How could it help me any how, love is nothing but a phrase,
I'll be lucky if I find it one of these days,
Lust is a substitute for my needs,
So it'll be used to my advantage when my friends
heart bleeds,
About that love bullshit, and all its pains,
On top of my kingdom is where reign.
Sex is my greatest tool, its use never forbidden,
Always someone to take the offer,
Just used as a ploy, sex becomes useless,
Only lust remains, sure the sex is there,
But since lust has corrupted it,
Sex becomes shit, oh it may seem good,
But there are no feelings worth having,
What once was special is now worthless.
Once love, a small amount looked that angel in the eyes,
But she shot holes in it to my surprise,
No longer considered an angel,
I use a word I cannot say,
It displeases me so much to my dismay,
I was used just to fuck, my feelings toyed with,
Now I can see about this mistrust,
So I will no longer deal with this obsession of lust.

~Look in Your Eye~

I've seen that look in your eye,
that seductive look,
Also that visicious look,
where your so pissed you want to cry,
Kill me, fuck me harder you scream,
all that distaste,
But the passion still streams still courses in your veins,
Where discrete satisfaction remains.
Dark inner desires noone knows,
how you express them,
Is just for show.
Unless you want for someone to know every little detail,
To fuck your brains out all night without a word.
Pleasure is your greatest concern,
It fuels your desires for which your passions burn.
I see that look in your eye,
the one that hates to say goodbye,
Your darkest pleasures you want me to fullfill them all,
And give you all the satisfaction you can handle,
Cause thats what you need me for,
So when ever your ready open the door.



The dark corroded gates within my soul,
Are scorched with fire but never seem to burn,
The iniquities which are mine I cannot escape,
Darkness which overshadows my doubts only remain.
Bring forth more silence, hide it with fear,
Only then will there be peace within,
Seduce me with what I know is wrong,
And turn it into a poisonous song,
Give me love, but first give me death,
Then I'll never breathe my last breath.
My heart will never be at rest,
But you can fill the void and do your best,
Strike me down with the darkest lust,
Then I'll show you who not to trust,
Anger hides in your mind,
causing you to turn on your own kind,
Your spirit broken but never free.
Always stricken with brutal grieving,
The one thing that you can overcome,
Then again your fears eat at you,
Until your completely numb.


In his eyes I looked..and saw myself there
a shattered heart
falling apart
the tarnished serpent slides inside
unquestionable fury burned deep upon his face
my soul erase
without a trace
let him away that I might live
he'll disappear
destroying fear
only a faint whisper ..a shallow remnant left here
of devils of darkness
will happiness replace the many bottles of beer?
and all calrity come....
will then he still reappear????

Composed by


Ah fleeting diamond..oh how quickly you descend.
A jewel of light..a jewel fo sin.
Confounded chaos
Carressed Confusion
My perils be worth the breif hour of your graces
The gentile gesture of your many faces
How many names are there for you?
Oh..Dark Knight
Oh..Spawn of Darkness
It is there my unrest yet prevails
And I am lost by a mere flicker of your cunning schemes
For such sparkling depths pull me under and strangle my breath
Coming frequently in my dreams
I will drown in will grant me my death fleeting diamond
You move faster than my mind's eye can see
And I in lunacy..
as my soul..
you drink
from me
Do not leave me here but carry me down
In your arms I fear
I will always drown

Composed by


You coax me with your seminal persuasion
Resignation melting into unrestricted sensation
A paradigm of immoral, unchaste exile
A genesis uncloaked inside to defile
Your robust fingertips cascade with success
Fondling my mind with rapture do press
A kaleidoscope of unrelenting pleasure
Force yourself inside and explore your treasure
Localizing my fantasy reaching for light
the evil in you drags me deep into night
I covet your benevolence your manner demure
with my credulous behavior my thoughts impure
I expel this facade and seek refuge in you
Predatory, ravaging perception rings true
My eyes sear into your cozen state
With jubilant surrender soon to abate
With your grueling nature my body you puncture
Coming together in a foretold juncture
Within your deep laden bounds..I"m quixotic
Gnashing my soul so seemingly erotic
Your laconic presence sure ruin for me

Composed by

~Death Reborn~

I walk slowly past the granite stones of gray,
Searching for one; for an
answer~I pray.
Alone, in the moonlit night, I kneel;
Begging for escape from this
emptiness I feel.
I pound the earth & call out your name.
The silence resounds, always the same.
Deep in the recesses of my tortured mind;
Memories of Our Dark Love,
slowly unwind...
The feel of our bodies on the cold altar stone,
Our cries of lust,
our animal moans...
Deep in my soul, I feel the Dark Need.
My blood starts to rise, again for The Feed.
From a distant crypt, I hear a faint growl;
Rising, as I near, to a piercing Blood howl.
Raging, the Hunger, grows deep inside. I turn,
as I feel you appear by my side.
To our once hallowed chamber you silently lead,
Our Dark Love & Blood to soon be Our Feed.
Our bodies burn on the altar cold;
As our forgotten passions & lust unfold.
As our raged,primal screams cut through the night,
Our Need now fulfilled,
our souls take to flight.
Our Dark Love will now live for all Eternity,
For we are again as we were~
We Are The Legacy.

~Angels in Hell~

Are you pure?
Does everything around you make you sick
Is everyone around you diseased
Are you an Angel in Hell like me?
Did humanity let you down
Is everything around you false
Are you surrounded by filth
Are you an angel in Hell like me?
Did you ever try to kill yourself
Did you succeed?
Did you become an angel in Hell like me?

Composed by

~My Dark Queen~

My Dark Queen beckons to me in my deepest slumber.
Awakening my desires for her sinister embrace.
How I long for her burning touch.
To brand my soul with her fiery love.
With a mane of Dark and lips as sweet as honey
She comes to me virgin like in her approach.
Yet her innocent erotic smile conceals
her true primal self waiting to be set free.
I froth at the mouth rabid in my hunger for my Queen.
The beast inside me rises to the fore and assaults my psyche with urges of animalistic intent.
Prowling through the moonless night I search.
She appears then is gone in the Shadows
Like a wraith in the night she moves.
Leading me on to her palace beyond beyond.
Never have I seen such Dark Majesty.
My Dark Queen sits upon her throne cloaked in black.
My chase is over my hunger soon to be appeased.
My subjects lead me to her side.
Only her Dark Love can make me a King.

Composed by

~The Immortal Embrace~

Sometimes the screams are muffled so it sounds like a faint whisper into the unloving ears of rejection,
"souls connect in moments of silence what is heard is only a whisper",
shadows have form,
and nothing appears as invisible,
For I am no one sweet ghost but my whispers are screams,
my sweet ghost,the pain eminates my soul of the past hurt,
souls connect in moments of silence,
screams become muffled into whispers when unheard and turned away,
as deeply created the soul enters the body in bliss and leaves in utter pain
as to join two human souls as one is a union that last even after the pain
of death,
union folds over in the pain of seperation,
from the words never said and eternity of regret folds over the eyes of happiness,
as blind moments seek vision to light,
darkness is but the embrace of the unknown,
telling the story of how fear was embedded into the hearts of mortals,
even so in the darkness my star shows brightly in the black sky leading my way to his heart,
being alone as one part of a whole,
the timid belief of the perfection of the joining of souls,
in belief I whispered so silently into the sky my love for him,
and the wind will carry my wish for him away,
as this love inside goes numb without him and I begin my inner decay,
my form is broken by words,
and my thoughts are fought away in the feelings of uselessness.

Composed by


As I sit alone,
I got a hot flash then a cold one chills me to the bone,
All day this occurs,
as I sit and wander,
I look back on my life now seeing a gap,
I search for answers to fill it,
Also looking for it to be cleared,
my heart fills empty as odd as that may sound,
its hanging close yet hasn't fallen to the ground.
When people ask why I stay inside,
sometimes I just want to hide,
My skin is pale, and sensitive to the light,
I like to go swimming but would rather do it at night.
For my skin is highly sensitive to the sun,
so being burned again does not strike me as fun.
I used to have a nightmares about the grim reaper,
realistic ones, that would make any normal person think you were insane.
I've always been able to see better at night,
though I also consider myself a daywalker.
So now I think I have found the key to thus lurid nightmare of a life,
while it has been great in some parts,
I feel as if I'm about to find my awaiting destiny.
I judge noone for I do not have all of the answers,
its a shock to some when they don't believe you exist but f*ck em all because your presence is enough to frighten them.
This harsh lurid denial,
this pain that has plagued him will soon come to an end,
its only a matter of time when the answers will come from someone I befriend.
I want to end this denial for it truly sucks,
and no matter what I still will not change for all you stupid a*s f*cks!

Composed by Memphis


Deep somewhere in the back of everyones minds is a dark side,
a place that often if it remains traveled, it will become unraveled and begin to show,
and although it can be different of everyone the darkest lust is not.
This is the side we or they who are experiencing it do not want to show,
they do not want to be known for it shames them they cannot control it.
Once they had a great relationship now its turning to shit.
But what by some chance if they trigger the same in their partner or child,
especially a daughter, or brother and sister.
This dark lust while sickening become just a normal life for these kids,
who may have seen or have been taught that this was right.
No light, no visible reason for its kept hidden except for those whose sole purpose is to exploit it by profit offering no help.
Down in your in is the darkest lust,
we are exposed to it, and do not flinch,
why is it because we have become immune to the thought of the darkest incest or is it that some of us,
have that dark side, and while nothing is done, it grows darker, and when its at its darkest, there will be no hope.
The darkest lust, oh how it preys on the innocent,
looking for one more to corrupt.
No answers, for those who aren't caught.
This darkness is not one to be embraced, for it will shame you,
and if it doesn't shame you, thus you embrace it you become consumed losing your rationalization, indepedence, respect for yourself,
and others that I cannot begin to name.
And alas for we know that this darkness has a name,
but it will not be conquered, which is a scary thought,
for everytime do whats right, we will have a chance encounter and it may seem effortless to fight.


~Art in any form can touch the soul like no other medium~

July 20, 2005

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I give much thanks to every person who has contributed to this webpage.

Anyone interested in submitting any works please feel free to email me!

Disclaimer:****It is not ethical in any form to take anything from this webpage and place it elsewhere without permission of the authors. They deserve recognition for their beautiful creations and even though the internet is public domain these works are copyrighted****

Click here to see The Blood Of Heros - Enter the Dark Side
