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You can really be any type of race. Some races have really big advantages most races are equal but a Earthling and a Saiyan are really different. You might notice that some of these things aren't in the real DB/Z/GT but to even out the odds it is neccesary. Here are the races.
NAMEKS-Some Nameks include Nail, Piccolo, Dende and Slug. Nameks can automtically regenerate limbs. Also if you are a Namek you are able to heal yourself but you have to be at level 50 for that and you can only heal once per battle. Also see the training page to see how you can go Super Namek 2!
EARTHLINGS-Some Earthlings would be Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien. Earthlings can do an attack that will inflict enourmous damage that reduces the oppenets HP to 1 pt of damage. This also kills you but if your gonna die you might as well try something. You may think well he can just heal himself but he at least will have to use up an item. You can do this attack at any level. Another thing Earthlings have is a machine gun that doesnt take a turn (like the punch) but it is stronger. It does 60 +11 for every level up.
TRANSFORMERS-(Frieza's race) Frieza, King Cold, Zarbon and Koola are the only people you can be for this race. Even though they all didn't transform 4 times thats what we are doing. The first doubles your PL and HP and then when your transform again it doubles again. Like Super Namek you will learn this while training so see the training page.
SAIYANS-Some Sayians are Goku, Vegeta, Goten, Gohan, Trunks, Nappa, Brolly and Raditz. They have the ability to go SSJ or Super Saiyan. It is exactly like the transformers. The thing that really sets Saiyans apart from the others is their ability to change into Oozarus or giant monkeys. Your PL is increased 10 times!!!!! You have to be at level 70 and you have to charge more than usual.
ANDROIDS-Androids 16,17,18 Cell and Buu are a few examples of androids (cell and Boo were creations too so I'm putting them here). Androids also have the power to self destruct. This will kill the enemy and you so it will be a draw and nobody recieves any changes in their stats. You can only use this attack once a week and you have to be at level 19 to do this. Another thing you get is the ability to make mini duplicates of yourself. You can only make 1 duplicate and the duplicate helps you by battling the opponent(you can also control the duplicates). The creator and the duplicate can never fight together so until the duplicate dies or wins then the creator can't come in and help. The creations have the same attack but it is reduced to half damamge. Also at level 90 if you decide to learn Energy Absorbtion then you can gain 5000 extra HP instead of 1000.
MUTANTS-The only mutants I will have on this RPG is the entire Ginyu Force and Dodoria. They have the abitily to transform into the person they are fighting but only for the battle. You learn this at level 50. You will have all the attacks the other player had but you will have to find out what they are. If you try to do an attack that the person doesn't have then the attack won't work. Mutants also have the ability to freeze time. When you do this attack you take away 2 minutes of fighting time from your opponent!
That is pretty much it for the races. You can be any race you like that isn't on this list but they will not get any extra abilities. You can tell me someone that is a mutant (or whatever) and I will research on it.

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