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Super Sayajin5 Trunks R.P.G.

HI weclome to Super Say-jin5 Trunks's rpg.If you want to join just click on the email links on the bottom of the screen. But if you make somebody you must tell us the race the gender(boy or girl)a brief summary of past history and whay they look like.No matter you start out with 500pl,500ki and $10,000.If you win you get 500pl,50kiand10,000.If you lose you get 250pl,25ki and5,000.*=taken If a sayjin wins a fight he or shes pl doubles
If a human or Namik wins there ki doubles If you want to learn another move ask a ref to teach it to you Ref:Dragonight296,legendaryvegeta5,Draconis2000. I need more refs Any one can be a ref just E-Mail me saying you want to be a ref.

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