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Welcome to Patrick's Robot Page

A robot is defined as a mechanical device, sometimes resembling a human being, capable of performing complex tasks. A robot is also defined as a device that operates automatically or by remote control (Taken from the American Heritage Dictionary). As a young student studying Electrical and Electromechanical Engineering Technology at New York City Technical College, I have been working and analyzing the OWI-962 MOVIT robot kit. I have found it to be a good example for one who wants to learn the basics of robotics.


This robot uses both solid state and integrated electronic components as its building blocks. It co-operates an infrared emitter and photo detector for seeing capabilities. It utilizes an infrared LED (light emitting diode) for projecting pulsating infrared light that is detected by a photo diode. The received signal is first compared, amplified and smoothened by a series of Transistors and Operational Amplifiers, which behaves as a logic brain. The output of this brain serves as the input to two transistor switching circuits that drives the robot's left motor. For more information on this robot please read the circuitry explanation.



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