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Hey! As always, this is the Cusson Homepage! Now expanded and revamped for more Cusson than you can shake a stick at!

Sometimes, I just think about how much I do in life, and realize that not nearly enough of it is spend wasting time doing things that will hardly ever impact our society... I need to do more nothing more often

Anyways, click the links on the left for the tried and true sections that have always been here, or try some of the links on the right for something a little more adventurous.

What's New and Specials

My New BLOG!

Click here to download all the sweet midis I use on my site!





This Page Last Updated January 29th, 2002 at 1:00pm
This Site Last Updated April 15th, 2003at 1:00pm
All Rights Reserved
Richard Cusson © 2000,2001,2002,2003

Silverchair "Anthem to the Year 2000"
