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D       e       a       t       h             R       o       w
                                                                                                                                    ......a elite group of starcraft players

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SC Infinity GameFan StarCraft.Org

Could it be.. Ryan
Friday, June 30, 2000 - 10:31 PM
Ok what is better ladder season ending that is good for some people and also The New Death Row Site Opening :) Woopie But there are a few bugs i found looks really good if you find a problem e-mail me at have fun more files and bots will come as the site lasts

Word from the imfamous Ryan.. Ryan
Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 10:31 PM
The site is going very well i am pleased please be informed that it is still unconstruction so bare with me guys I dont like the layout but it is a good one better than we had i hope this boost up my rank alot all prepare for next ladder season...

Ladder Season Ending...Ryan
Wednesday, June 28, 200- - 8:20 PM by
All perpare for the ladder season to end i want alot of people ranked next ladder season it is bullshit that are whole clan is not in the rank we have a few people that work there ass off to get on blass duke jade and more sorry if i let you off and i didnt forget you wassai :P also i have been working had trying to get it up but i am too damn lazy working one this site by my self because DR has a bunch of people that can just play the damn game good lol jk but i am planing for the site to be up tommorow

Want something posted if you are a member????Ryan
Saturday, December 18, 1999 - 6:45 PM
If you want something very important that you want the whole clan to see e-mail me just click on Ryan above or mail me at okie!

Poll of the Week
Think there will be a new race in new SC?


Top 10 Players
1. - Jadeite**
2. - Sniper**
3. - Duke
4. - Zergmaster
5. - Wassai
6. - Alpha
7. - Ander
8. - Ryan
9. - the killer
10. - psyco
**=Great Ladder Week
Ranks Updated Weekly

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