The L20 Prestigious Wankers' Homepage

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This page is dedicated to all those fans out there!!! If you dont know who we are, we are the "L20 Prestigious Wankers" We wank like the best of them and if the milk is sour, we're not the kind of pussies to drink it!!! If you don't get these jokes then you don't hang out with us enough so shame on you....unless you suck in which we would have to say "stay away from us you suck hole." Hope you dont die laughing and as they say in Maine, "Smell ya later"!

Click on Badass Will and Badass Bri for the SU Slang Dictionary.

Click on Will and his bottle to get Will's top 6 movies of all eternity!

Click on the Nigerian Flag to go to GMG's Domain!

Click on AJ to learn about Dirty D's Ellie Pepper

Click on the clone to go to the body doubles page!

Just in case you were wondering, yes, we do have a lot of time on our hands!!! Big Ups and Nuff Respect to GMG, Dirty D, Bri Bri too Dope, and Reiss D O double G!

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