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The focus of this site has changed since it was first started. I have decided to concentrate on the things I enjoy collecting most , Buckles and Badges. The original intention of dealing with Decorations,  Medals and Badges of the Third Reich was far too broad in scope and there are already some very good sites dealing. A quick check of the links page will point you to these .   

The goal of the site will be to share my knowledge of this subject while at the same time adding to my own. The number 1 tool of collecting is Knowledge , there is no substitute for it in the collecting of any subject matter. I hope the site will be of interest to collectors and to all those who have an interest in learning about this subject.

These pages will be constantly under construction as time allows , so please bear with me.

Also I would like to thank the many friends I have made , who have been so helpful and have shared their knowledge freely.

You guys know who you are. Thank You All !!!!!

      Collecting Buckles



      of the  Third Reich

To contact us:


  This site provides information for collectors of Third Reich memorabilia.

This site is not a neo-nazi site, a revisionist site or a white supremacist site.

             This site does not refute documented historical facts.

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   ****Updated 11 / 11 / 00****

      Buckles  Gallery 2

        Buckles  Gallery 1           

        Buckle Basics           

      Buckles  Gallery 4

      Buckles  Gallery 3

                 Badges 2

                Badges 1

            Badges 3

      Buckles  Gallery 5