Chapter Seven

Kaci told Jackee the gate code,Jackee parked her car and Kaci ran out of the car.She rang the doorbell and could hear thumping,Nick opened the door.

"Hiya Miss.Gordon",Nick greeted happily.

"Hi",Kaci said.

Nick could tell she was here for her money.

"Hold on,I will go get your money,wanna come in ?",Nick asked.

"'s okay I will just wait out here",Kaci declined.

Nick nodded and walked into the study and opened the safe,he took out the money and then locked the safe back up,he walked back out and handed Kaci her money.

"Thanks,you did an awesome job,I really like it",Nick said smiling down at her.

"I'm glad you like it,and thanks",Kaci said they shook hands and a shock of electricty ran past thru them.

They both shrugged off the feeling and Kaci walked over to Jackee's car,and sped off home.

"He is so cute !",Jackee exclaimed.

Jackee looked over at Kaci,who had this weird glisten,sparkle in her brown eyes.

"Well,well is my girl falling in love with a good man",Jackee thought.

Jackee drove back home and parked her car in the driveway,they walk out of the car and went inside.

"I am going to sleep",Kaci said yawning.

Jackee nodded and watched her helpless friend,she and her had been friends since the begginning of highschool.

Chapter Eight