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It is official Page13 has been put to an end. Former members have developed a new band by the name of Saige. A web site is being constructed currently...the web address for now is - Thanks to everyone who supported Page13. Its now time to look out for Saige. Thanks again.


Brand new layout once again, for the new CD coming out soon. A shit load of pics have finally been put up. Live, studio and promo pics are now in the images page. The live pics will after this point be updated with each show we play. The pics that are up now are so you guys can have something to look at for the time being. There are lyrics to two songs up so far, the rest will be up as time progresses. We've also put up a new guestbook, so check that out. The shows page has been updated too. We will be adding and updating each page so keep checking back for the finished product.


A big thanks to everyone who came out to the show this past Sunday, it was alot of fun and thanks to Jonny Action for hookin that up. Also Our new Mailing List is up so sign up!


Little update with the CD, it is still in the process of being mastered and mixed. We will hopefully have it out by the end of August, early September, till then we will be out playing shows for you guys to come check. Plus some more cool stuff coming off of the web site so keep in touch.

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