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What is
"Online Moms Forever Friends"..
all about?
Well let me tell you about it...
This is a group that was
formed by 5 moms..

and Myself

We came together from all over the net..
looking for a place to kick back..
and have some fun!
The dream of such a place has been kept alive
by Babs,
with the help of long time friend
Together we want OMFFWR
to be the best place on the net for moms!!

We know you have all searched for a place
where moms..
can make new FRIENDS with none of the
hassles and with no pressures
I am sure you'll agree
this is the place!!

So now with all that said
I would like to introduce ourselves to you!
Babs & Lori
Now let the fun begin!

Guidelines For Joining my Ring..

1. You must be a mom.
2. You must have a webpage.
3. Your site can not have any adult themes
or links to adult theme sites.
4. Enjoy yourself

Should you have any questions and/or comments
please email me by clicking on my name, or Lori's!



If you would like to join our ring
and you are ready to have fun,
then click on the link below and
fill in the application form for our ring....
If you do not know how to add the fragment
to your page OR if you have any problems
Please email us, We will be happy to help you :)


If you need to edit your site..
just enter your Site ID and Password

Member Login
Site ID:

Surround yourself with FRIENDS,
that will help you GROW.

You may also want to join our mailing list....
This is our way of corresponding with the members
of our group via email. It is soooooooo much fun!
Just click on the link below!

Guidelines For Joining our E-Mail Group..

1. ALWAYS be courteous to other members.
2. Respect EVERYONE's Opinions.
3. Enjoy yourself!

Subscribe to OMFFWR
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Click on the Guest Map Link to join in on the fun!
Heidi found this, and am I glad she did!
Thanks Heidi..

Guest map

This is our gift to all who join!
Feel free to take it and add to your site.

Big Hugs
Babs and Lori

Once you have filled in the form
you will be sent a ring fragment via email..
First thing you have to do is upload the picture to your server.
Once the code is added to your page
it should look like the following....
Final step is to email either Myself or Lori
So we can add you to the ring!
Easy Right?


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This OMFFWR Net Ring is owned by ***OMFFWR***

Thank you Heidi, You are so very special!

Please take a minute to sign our guestbook, to let us know you were here.
Babs & Lori

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

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