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The Jade Needs to Get Fit Now Running Log

day date time dist heart rate route
Fri 03/07/03-1700 00:58 ~4M   Upper loop in central park w/friend. Started from 9302. It had just snowed, extremely calming and beautiful.
Wed 03/12/03-1700 1:00:21 5.221M 72/120 Jogged around track lane 4/ 20 laps/great weather
Fri 03/14/03-1720 1:09:55 6.0273M 72/120 Central Park - big loop, started from the Met
Sun 03/16/03-1500 00:30~ ~1M 72/120 Riverside Park - Ran the track, lane 1, very crowded, got distracted. Ran two laps as warmup/practiced sprints, about 3 x 100.
Mon 03/17/03-0700 31:54:18 2.25M 72/160 Riverside Park - Ran 9 laps on lane 1. Really difficult to get speed up, tired. Started to loosen up by 9th lap. Sunny and clear, started to get warm by 0730
Sun 03/23/03-1200 1:00:02 ~4.28M n/a Jogged from 36th St. and 6th Ave. up to CentralPark went in and went up to 90th street and ran one lap around the resevoir. A beautiful clear day.