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Chapter 4-6

Chapter 4

I stayed in my room for about half- hour, when Lance came up to check on me. "Rose, honey what’s wrong?" "James baby, I don’t know how to tell you this, but meet me down stairs and I’ll tell everybody." "Ok baby, are you sure you’re ok though?" "Yep I’ll be fine." "So lets go down stairs." We walked down the stairs and into the living room, where JC and Justin were making a bet about a Piston vs. Heat game. "Guys I have something really important to tell you. My new case has to do with you guys. Oh gosh this is hard to tell you. Well guys, umm there was a call to the agency telling them that there is going to be a serial killer, killing off young girls at your concerts. We don’t know who it is but I’m going to go undercover for it. Chris do you think you could sign me to your label? I will have to open up for you guys." "Yeah I think that will work," Chris answered in a monotone voice. JC didn’t say anything but got on the phone to talk to management. The others sat and stared. Lance came over a hugged me, and he stood there hugging me. "Rose baby are you ok? I know I’m not, I’m kind of shocked myself." "I’ll be ok, I was shocked too. James if you think about it, it could happen to anyone. It happened to *N SYNC so I’m going to deal with it. I’ll be there with you for the whole thing and for the guys too. You guys are my life and I will make it all better." "I love you Rose," this was the first time he ever told me this. "Wow Lance, I love you too."

Chapter 5

"Well guys, we better hit the road for Aaron’s concert." "Yeah good idea Rose." So we separated into groups and agreed to meet in front of the Orlando Stadium. Lance, Chris, JC, and I all got in my car. "OoOoO my Fisher Net CD is in!" Fishers Net is one of my favorite bands. They are a christen band from Indiana and they are sooooo cool! "Ok let’s listen to something else! I don’t want to be the only one in the car singing! I got it I know what we’ll listen to, wait one second!" I popped in the CD, "*N SYNC, y’all better sing, ‘cuz I don’t want to have to kick your butts!" "If you sing I’ll sing! I got to get use to you around when we perform," Lance whispered to me. LoL "Ok baby I’ll sing, only ‘cuz I want to hear your sexy voice," I whispered back. "That’s when I’ll stop loving you," came on and, I sang Justin’s part since he was in the other car and everyone else sang their part. We arrived at the stadium, and waited for the Jessica, Justin, and Joey. "Hey guys! Rose long time no see." I turned around to see my two cousins Brian and Kevin from Backstreet Boys. "OMG guys! I would ask what you were doing here but I can guess. Comparing it’s your concert!" "Rose what do you mean? This is a Backstreet Boys concert? You said it was an Aaron Carter concert!" Chris was having a heyday. "Sorry, how else would I get you guys to come? Aaron is performing though, he’s opening up for the guys."

Chapter 6

"Rose I got some business to take care of, I’ll meet y’all backstage," JC told me. "Ok then Josh, but hurry up I don’t want you missing the concert." "Sure Rose I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’ve got a surprise for you anyway." "Well what is it?" "You can’t know yet it’s a SURPRISE." "But Josh…" but he didn’t here me though because he was already gone. ‘I wonder what he’s up to.’ I stood around and waited for JC to come back for about 15 minutes. Then he came back, "Rose I have that surprise for you ready. Being your new manager I decided to take it upon myself to book your first gig. So Rose Littrell you are going to sing "Show me the Meaning of Being Lonely," with BsB. You may also have to sing in the middle of the concert. The song in the middle if you win will be, "This I Promise You," with Justin. You’ll sing my part and Justin will sing his." "Wow, JC how did you arrange this?" "Well two of those guys are your cousins." "True, very true that defiantly is true. Oh great JC now I’m really nervous! I was babbling, when I babble that means I’m nervous, ah JC help I’m so nervous." "Hon. Stop babbling, you will do great. Anyway BsB will be up there with you. I know you know the guitar part of "Show me the Meaning," so you’ll play and sing backup, ok?" "Yeah I guess, Josh I have to run out to the car to get my guitar though. Am I going to play in Promise too?" "Yep, it’s going to be Just and your voices and the guitar nothing else. I’ll go get your ‘tar ‘cuz you have to go get ready." "Josh do you think I should go in the rock star look? I can pull that off easier then some pink tube top, ‘ya know?" "Yeah that’s my girl, you’ll knock them dead. Sorry hehe I mean Lance’s girl." "Thanks Josh, be careful with my guitar, if she gets hurt so do you!"

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