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Rosemarie Martinez


Journal 1

What's your understanding of reputation and character?
Reputation and character to me may have the same meaning because they both are a persons ability on how they present themsleves and how it reflects on them.  A person's reputation is how they present themselves to other people and how the people react when they see them.  Their character is every component that makes the way they act, and present themselves to other people. Character

Act I- Scene 2

•Listen to the recording of scene 2 and seek the expressions that depict Macbeth's reputations. How is Macbeth decribed for his action in the battlefield?
Macbeth is described as a courageous warrior on the battlefield.    For brave Macbeth--well he deserves that name.  O valiant cousin! worthy gentleman!

•What expressions have other character used to refer to Macbeth's reputation? Make a list of such words and phrases.
Brandish steel
Noble gentlemen
Worthy valiant

•In lines 39" As sparrows eagles, or the hare the lion", what animals is Macbeth compared to? Why?
Macbeth is compared to the sparrows eagle because he was stronger than the enemy which was the hare's lion.  Defending the

Act I- Scene 3


Learning Activities:

•Listen to the recording of this scene

•Make a list of words or expressions that describe the witches' appearance
Choppy fingers, skinny lips, and beards that dont let them be interpreted as women.

•What are the three prophecies that the withches promise Macbeth? Banquo?
The three prophecies are that Macbeth will be Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King.  They promised Banquo that he will be lessser than Mabeth, and greater, nto so happy, yet much happier, thou shalt get kings, though thou be none.

•Pick 2-4 lines from line 54-65 that explain Banquos's reaction to the prophecy

•In line 81, why does Banquo compare the withches to "bubbles"?

•What news has Ross brought to Banquo immediately after the witches' prophecies? Why is the interlude important to the development of the play?

•In Macbeth's first aside in lines 140-155, identify expressions or lines that indicate his true reaction to the witches' prophecies. Use the following double-entry journal format to respond.

Act I- Scene 4
Learning Activites:

1. Why is ironic about Duncan's comment on former Thane of Cawdor,"There's no art
   To find the mind's construction in the face:
    He was a gentleman on whom I built
    An absolute trust."

2. What did Duncan give to Macbeth as reward for his bravery? To Banquo?

3. What announcements did Duncan make in this scene? Why are they crucial to the development of the play?

4. Use doubleentry jounal to respond to Macbeth's aside (lines 55-60)
The Prince of Cumberland! that is a step
    On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap,
    For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires;
    Let not light see my black and deep desires:
    The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be,
    Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see.

5. What images do you see in the aside?

Journal 2

How does character influence one's reaction to a promise of power?
Character influences one's reaction to power because if a person has a really strong character it might get in the way of fulfilling its reaction to promising power.  Whatever a person wants his character would go after and not let any obstacles get in their way.

Journal 3
Describe an experience in which you watched a movie based on a book that you have read previously.
An experience in which I have watched a movie based on a book that I have read was Romeo and Juliet.  I have watched both the old version and the new version and I have found that the old version got more of my attention.  It made the new version really look trashy that there are actually directors out in the world that would actually disrespect Shakespeares work.

Journal 4
My understanding on Macbeth based on the what we have read and based on the movie that we have seen.
My understnding about Macbeth was that I understood the text more when I watched the movie.  The language that was used in the book, was very tricky to interpret although it had some of the meanings on the side.  The movie shows how the characters express themselves when saying their lines but on the other hand, when reading the book you have to imagine how the characters express themselves.   Another thing that I understood about the book when I watched the movie was the way the characters looked.

Act Two-Scene II

-What  role does Banquo, Macbeth, and Lady Macbeth play respectively in the murder of Duncan?
- How does Macbeth and Lady Macbeth react respectively after the murder of Duncan?


If you were asked to join in a deed by your friend, and all you had to do was to be quiet and move along, in return, you were promised a great profit, how would you respond to such an offer?
If I was asked to join in a deed with a friend and all I had to do was be quiet and move along I would turn down the offer and walk away.  Although the profit would be great, it would not be as great as me putting myself in trouble if we were to get caught.  I know that I might put myself at a risk of losing a friend but if they really were my friend they would accept my decision of not taking part in any of it.  If the part of the problem would have been explained it would have gave me an idea of what was going on.
M:"If you cleave to my consent, when 'tis/ It shall make honor for you." Macbeth is saying that if Banquo that if he decides to go through with what Macbeth is asking it will bring Banquo the recognition that he deserves.
B:" So I lose none/In seeking to argument it, but still keep/ My bosom franchised and allegiance clear,/ I shall be counseled." Banquo is telling Macbeth that although he might not go through with what macbeth is asking him, his conscience will be clear of all and he will be saved from all.

 What parts of the historical story did Shakespeare borrow?
The parts of the story that Shakespeare borrows is the part where Lady Macbeth uses the child that she has and uses it as the baby whom is talking about taking her breast for gall and poision.


repose- to take a rest
franchise-  freedom or immunity from some burden or restriction vested in a person or group
husbandry- the care of a household
largess-   liberal giving (as of money) to or as if to an inferior;
cleave- to adhere firmly
augment- to make greater
allegience- the obligation of a feudal vassal to his liege lord
counsel- advice given especially as a result of consultation
ravishing- to seize and take away by violence
alarum- sudden sharp apprehension and fear resulting from the perception of imminent danger
suit- recourse or appeal to a feudal superior for justice or redress
posset- a hot drink of sweetened and spiced milk curdled with ale or wine
confound- to fail to discern differences between
raveled sleave- to separate or undo the texture, sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care
unbend- to free from flexure
gild- to overlay with or as if with a thin covering of gold
constancy- steadfastness of mind under duress
equivocator- to equivocal language especially with the intent to decieve
carousing- to drink liquor deeply or freely
Lechery- inordinate indulgence in sexual activity
parley- a conference for discussion of points in dispute
countenance- bearing or expression that offers approval or sanction.

•Now make a chart to compare and contrast their reactions.
Macbeth's Reactions
Lady M's Reactions
Macbeth feels in his heart that he has committed something wrong, he knows that he will soon be punished and is afraid of the consequences. Lady Macbeth is is nervous but on the other hand wants her husband to get rid of the evidence that might get him caught and blow their cover.
As quoted in line 50-51 " I am afraid to think what I have done;/Look on't I dare not".  Macbeth knows that he will no longer have any peaceful nights of sleep because all the spirits will be out to haunt him. Although she may act as if nothing is bothering her and she wants Macbeth to get rid of the evidence, she is startled by many things  that are going on around her.

Be the dagger that Macbeth wears. Retell the story before, during and after the murder of Duncan. Make sure in your story, include what you have witnessed: Banquo's part, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's parts in the murder of Duncan. Don't forget you were not used to do any killing but some other scapegoat daggers. Since you are always with Macbeth and attached to his side, you know how he feels and what secret thoughts might go through his mind.