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Rosemarie Martinez

Part I

1.  Describe a work experience-at a fast food restaurant or simply doing housework for an allowance-any experience that paid a wage or salary.
    A work experience that I held which was a great experience would have to be working at my doctors office.  This was a great experience because I learned many different skills that I have been able to take with me to the other jobs that I have held.  Most of the skills have been very useful in the job that I hold today.
    To me the most important thing that I have learned was learning how to become a more responsible person.  Working at a doctor's office takes a lot of responsiblity because if something that you do goes wrong, it is your responsibility to make it right.  When I first started working there, I was supposed to be working as a filer to fille the patients charts.  Then as time went on, I was taught many different responsibilites such as processing referrals, scheduling appointments, handling the patients co-payments, and also making sure that the patients charts had been taken out for the next day.  I realized then that my postion went from just being a filer to a receptionist.  I guess that it actually helps to wait and good things actually come.  I also learned much more things like interacting with other people and how to act in certain situations.  There was a stituation when I first started working there that I was left all alone to do things that at first I was not trained for first.  At first, I freaked out because I did not know what to do because I had not been trained but I just thought about what the other receptionist would do and that helped me out a lot.

2. After describing the actual work, reflect on what was learned from the experience--for example--the value of money, a sense of responsibility, an understanding of flexibility, an appreciation of the need for cooperation.  You should also consider what was learned about employer/employee relations, bosses, the value (or meaninglessness) of an education.  Be specific-support your assertions with examples.
What I have learned throughout this experience that was very useful would have to be the most important lesson which was the relationship between the employer/employee relationship.  Learning this was very important because my boss was one of the few bosses which I have worked for which has always taken the time to walk you through things and not hesitate to help me out when I needed a question to be answered.  It was also a great experience because there were also other coworkers of mine who were always willing to cooperate whenver I was in need and I would also cooperate with them whenever they asked me for something to help them out.

3.  Share your findings in small groups.   Groups will combine experiences and present a unified report to the class.   For example:  "Our group's work experience ranged form working at McDonald's to babysitting.  Some of us did learn about responsibility.

While reading Rosemarie's job experience, I noticed hers was very different from my experience working at Milano Merchandising, Inc. Rosemarie liked her job and learned alot from working at a Doctor's office. She did such a good job that later on they promoted her to Secretary. Her job entailed alot of hard work but she enjoyed what she did. One thing she and I had in common was the fact that we chose to work in an environment that pertained to our future careers.

When I read Sheenah's job experience, I noticed how much different her experience was from mines. I noticed that her boss was so much different than mines in which her boss paid her such a small amount of money for the work that she performed. I feel that if Sheenah would have had another boss she would have been able to enjoy her job that would lead her to her future career. Although she had that kind of boss, it still did not drive her away from her future career.

   Part II

List anything you know about unions and how they changed the workplace.  What labor problems have been solved, what's left to do?   You should save this list for use in the post-reading
What I know about unions is that they are created to help workers that work under unsafe work conditions.  Unions have been created to fight for the rights of the workers and help them get what they deserve in where they spend most of their day.  Labor problems that have been solved would be the most important one which is getting the minimum wage that the workers are paid to a higher price.  I feel that most people who are still working in places where they are not being treated fair and getting what they deserve should try to speak to someone about joining a union.  Everyone deserves the chance to get a fair say in where they work at and make it a better work environment.  After all they are there most of the day and have to work under the worst conditons.

Part III

Do research online on "U.S. Proposes Stricter Ways to Test Meat" or information that explains the permitted process of meat testing.