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Rosemarie Martinez

Jungle Portfolio

Movie Review -(Norma Rae)

   A movie that I have watched that has portrayed a work struggle was Norma Rae.  The actress who played Norma Rae was Sally Field who potrayed Norma Rae in such a great way.  Norma Rae was a great woman who always fought for what she believed in.  She believed that the factory that she worked for deserved better work conditions but did not open her mouth and speak at first because no one stood behind her.  Once she met a union organizer, she knew that there would be someone there to help her out and would stand by her throughout everything.  When Norma Rae's boss started noticing that she was getting involved with the union organizer he knew that he needed to keep a closer eye on her.  Once she noticed that they were watching her she knew that she was in jeopardy of losing her job.  But that never stopped her because she knew that she had to get her coworkers to hear her out and she would not stop until she could.  When she finally got her coworkers to listen to her, everyone listened to her and stopped working.  All the supervisors came in and saw all of what they would call chaos, they called the policeofficers to have Norma Rae arrested for disturbing the work.  After that Norma Rae was out of a job but she knew that the workers listened to her and would vote for the union.  When the day arrived that the workers had to vote if they wanted a union or not the workers voted for a union and knew that now they would be able to get better working conditions.  Norma Rae actually spoke out for what she believed in and the workers got what they wanted but she would not because she was out of a job.  Norma Rae was a very strong woman who although many obstacles were trhown in her way she always found a way to surpass all.  I strongly reccomend this movie to many people especially to graduating seniors who are graduating form high school, it gives you an idea of what is going on in places all over the world.


A letter from one character in the United States assessing the situation and trying to decided if the family would be better off returning to the "old country."

Dear Jurgis,
  During the past couple of years you have written me letters telling me about how hard your stay in America has been.  I know that here in Lithuania we dont have all of the advantages that you might have in America, but here we know how to be happy.  The death of your father must have been hard on you as well as the rest of the family.  Knowing that he was not in the position to be working, he had to go out and get a job because things were very hard.  I thought that you said that things were going to be better out in the promised land?  Instead of being better they have turned out much worse.  Everyone had been forced to go out and get jobs.  When you were out here we did not all have to go out and get jobs.  We were all happy and knew that we could make the best of what we had.  No one in the family deserved this harsh treatment.  I dont think anyone would ever deserve this kind of treatment.
    I thought that America was the land were you could be free and make a better life for yourself and not be taken advantage of.  When you explained to me in your last letter about what happened with the house, I was very furious.  How could there actually be people out in America that would take advantage of people who are trying to make a better leaving.  How could you take the family into a place where you yourself knew that you had been taken advantage of?  Did you not read the contract before signing it?  Did you read everything that was out of eye level?  I guess you did not because if you had, you would not be in this predicament which has forced everyone in the family to get a job.  The house might be a palace when you look at it but when you sit down and actually look at it you will realize all of the hard work that has to be put into paying it off.
    What I feel that you have to do is to come back to your homeland with your family and not have to worry about having to go through all of these hardships.  I know that you have a very good head on your shoulders and you will be able to take into consideration what I have told you.  Your father would be a very proud man if you decide to come back to the country and be happy instead of being miserable.  I know that the outside of your face might say that you are happy where you are but inside I know that you are still yearning to come back home. 


Research Paper

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory

        While doing research about the Triangle Factory Fire, I noticed that this would have to be the one of the worst tragedies that has happened.  Many immigrant women who had been working not just to make a better life for themselves but for their children lost their lives trying to fulfill their dreams.  All these women were just trying to make a better life but instead ended up losing their life in the process.  And to think that what cost these women their lives was what they think to be a lighted cigarette tossed into fabric.
     The outcome of many of the deaths was caused by the way the women were unsafe in their workplace.  The reason that they were unsafe was because of the proprietors fault for trying to keep them at their sewing machines and locking the door.  They felt that the only way that these women would actually get any work done would be if they were locked in there.  Being trapped in the room was the main cause of the deaths because none of these women were able to get out in time.  Most of the women felt that they had a better chance if they jumped out of the window instead of waiting to be rescued.  Others felt that sliding down the elevator cable would get them out of the predicament but that only also led to their deaths.  The amazing thing that really stood out was that it only took fifteen minutes for this fire to take a little more than 146 lives.
     This whole ordeal was due mostly to the unsafe working conditions at the factory.  These women were forced to stay against their own will at their sewing machines.  They had no say in anything that was going on although deep inside they knew that it was wrong.


  Literature Logs

Chapter 4

   While reading this chapter I have read about the different things that the family has discovered while being in America.  The one thing that really stood out was the love that Jurgis held for his job although it was nothing at all.  I really could not relate with Jurgis because his job only entailed sweeping things up and mostly standing up.  What really made me enjoy this section was the love and passion that Jurgis had for his job.  I guess that he figured that eventhough it was a next to nothing job, it was something that he had to do just to make thge money.

Chapter 5

Art Project