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Rosemarie Martinez & SheenahThompson's Group Project

*Procedures for doing this project are after each work that was created*

Research Paper- Pure Food and Drug Act
By: Sheenah Thompson

    When thinking of a subject to write my research paper on, I thought about what subject was most closely related to The Jungle, that had to deal with a novel that was so controversial that it sparked a national investigation throughout the country's meat factories.
    The Food and Drug Administration or act was enacted in 1906 which touches the lives of every American every day. It is the FDA's job to see that the food we eat is safe, the cosmetics we use won't hurt us, and the medicines and medical devices we use are safe and effective. Its approximately 9,000 employees monitor the manufacture, import, transport, storage and sale of about $1 trillion worth of products each year. Primarily, FDA is a public health agency, charged with protecting American consumers by enforcing the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act enacted in 1938 and many other related public health laws. It has some 1,100 investigators and inspectors who cover the country's almost 95,000 FDA- regulated businesses seeing that products are made right and labeled truthfully.
    If a company is found violating any of the laws that FDA enforces, FDA can encourage the firm to voluntarily correct the problem or to recall a bad product from the market. When a company can't or won't correct a public health problem with one of its products voluntarily, FDA can get legal, and go to court to force the company to stop selling a product and to have items already produced destroyed.
    Another major FDA mission is to protect the safety of food. The agency's investigators routinely examine blood bank operations, from record keeping to testing for contaminants. Cosmetic safety also comes under FDA's jurisdiction. The agency can have unsafe cosmetics removed from the market. The dyes and other additives used in drugs, foods and cosmetics also are subject scrutiny.
    Some consumers today might not think that the Pure Food and Drug Act/Administration is important, however it is, and consumers in the past, present, and future should be more aware of the company's that put things in their products.

From Rosemarie:
Sheenah, I really felt that your research paper had many important facts in it but it really needed more of your opinions about what you read.  It was a very strong paper which had many facts to support some of your ideas which really made it worth while to read.  I feel that you should revise over it and make some corrections.

From Sheenah:
Thanks Rosemarie, I have looked over on the report and made the necessary changes that you have suggested.  I hope that you will read over it and tell me what you think.  This

Literature Logs

Chapter 4
    When I read this chapter I had many different type of feelings running through me but most of all I felt upset.  The reason that I felt upset, was because this family has come to America hoping to make a better life for themselves and little did they know it but they were falling into a trap.  Reading about the family getting scammed into buying the house was very upsetting because you would think that they realtors who were selling the family the house would be helping them make a better life but instead all they were doing was taking advantage of them.  After all of the ordeal, the family was stuck with the bad deal and everyone was stuck getting a job.  I felt that it was very unfair to the women of the house and also to the father because their place was in the home and because of getting stuck with such a horrible deal.  This chapter of the book made me very infuriated because Jurgis was working in the meat packing industry and with all the hard work that he was doing he was not getting paid no where near what he deserved.  I felt that he should have got a little more money and that he should not have been happy with what he was doing.  Throughout this whole time Jurgis was always enjoying his job and did not want anyone to stand in his way of getting the job done.  This chapter was very interesting because it dealt with many of the problems that the family has gone through but you would think that America would give them a better life but in reality all that it was doing was giving them more problems than they already had.


From Sheenah:
 Rosemarie in your  journal you could really feel that you were upset about the fact that Jurgis' family were about to undergo a dramatic change in their lives. They were about to fall into a trap by the country they so much believed in. Such a tragedy.

From Rosemarie:
Thank you Sheenah for sharing how you felt about my journal.  I felt that I should include most of my feelings in it because this chapter of the book was a disgrace because of what this family had to go through.

Chapter 6
As I read this chapter I was surprised how children would get worked so easily, while a grown man would have to stand out in the cold for hours to get a position to work. I learned about young women trying to get a job, like Ona and Marija, and how they worked in such places. This family had so little money that their children, had to work- basically everyone had to work.


From Rosemarie:
Sheenah, I felt that this journal in particular was very short because in this short paragraph you did not put much of what you felt into it.  I feel that you should put more of your emotions inside of the paper.

From Sheenah:
Thank you Rosemarie for your opinions on what I should put in the journals.  I will try to put more into the journal but nothing really attracted me to this chapter.  It really didnt say anything and I really did not enjoy eat.

Journal # 2: Chapter 7

What happened to me as I read Chapter 7, was how American at that point in time could lie to people about having real, safe, pure food when in fact they bought milk that was watered, and their tea and coffee had been doctored- yet, they pull these innocent success driven people, like Jurgis who truly believe that America is the place to be, and work them to the bone. It was a real shame what happened to Jurgis' father, how he was so willing to work to help the family financially, and the "great corporation" gave him a job that literally worked him to the bone, infecting his body with chemicals that they put in the unsafe meat to be sold to the public, and he later dies. What a shame.


From Rosemarie:
I feel that this Journal was much better than the other one because it had much more of your feelings toward the book.  I like the way that you talked about Jurgis and the way that they had scammed all of these people into thinking that America was the place to be instead of being in their own country.

From Sheenah:
Rosemarie I really enjoyed the fact that you enjoyed reading my journal.  This chapter really bothered me because all of these people are being corrupted into moving over form their country to come to America for a better life but instead all that they were getting was scammed.