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This site is dedicated to the many people who helped make me what I am today. To my parents, my brothers, my friends, the many musicians, Al Konikowski and the Pacers, the residents of PJ, and the many soldiers, both past and present.


Well ok. So its not the biggest, flashiest website on the planet, but its mine! I'm finally back from a month's deployment to the Joint Readiness Training Center in Louisiana-hot, cold, fun, not fun, scary, crazy, and did I mention-fun! I'm gonna try and maintain this website so that those that I consider friends can keep track of me-to a point anyway, cuz when the bullets start flying, and I'm told to move out, I gotta go!

The Bike Page is finally up and running with the story and a picture of Stew's near fatal accident on Peenpack Trail.

Coming Soon...
The Banks Stable of Vehicles

Drumming Page

Days 'til graduation for the Class of 2001!

Days til I'm out!

This page is going to be my way of communicating with my friends at home and at large! So if you're one of them, stop in once in a while to see what's new.

The (not yet) Infamous Motorcycle Page!

The Shop!

My Linkz!
