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                                                                         PRE-READING ACTIVITES

1.  Describe a work experience-at a fast food restaurant or simply doing housework for an allowance-any experience that paid a wage or salary.

      -After working as a tutor in a afternoon program with children age range from 6-12 years old, I feel that I should a job that is more challenging to me. In the summer of 99, I was offer a internship at Creative Marketing Plus, an advertising agency, that creates ad and do public relations with the enterntaintment businesss. I was quite exciting, because I intend to major in Advertising and Marketing Communications when I attend college this upcoming fall. So, with this great opportunity, it will give me a taste of the real world, and learn how to handle pressure and sharpen my communications skills. My supervisor gave me different assignments to complete. A lot of the assigments were dealing with clients trying to persue them into using our products with celebrities. Putting press kits together, and sending out with a certain amount of time, and hoping to get response from them. At the work place, everyone is very sharp, and everything have to do it at the minute when it was ask. However, when I have trouble along the way in completing an assignment, my co-workers are more willing to help me out, because they understands that being just a high school is tough. Unfortunately, there are always a few people that sterotypes me, because of my age. But I never let that get in my way, of  learning and completing my task. Instead, I look at it as a challenge to me, that I have to overcome an obstacle.

2. After describing the actual work, reflect on what was learned from the experience--for example--the value of money, a sense of responsibility, an understanding of flexibility, an appreciation of the need for cooperation.  You should also consider what was learned about employer/employee relations, bosses, the value (or meaninglessness) of an education.  Be specific-support your assertions with examples.
    -After finishing completing my internships, I learned a lot about how important communication is to the real world. Trying to earn a wage or salary is not my priorty goal, gaining experience is the top goal that I  watch to achieved. Because I think, the more experience a person have, the more respect your co-workers will give you. Certainly then your wages and salary will increased, and your position may be higher. At the advertising agency, I had faced a great deal of challenge, that deals with people sterotype and getting work done at a fast pace. However, my supervisor always tells me to have a positive attitude and maintain a smile in my face.=). What I gained from this internship is that anything is possible, as long as you put your mind and determination to it, your goals will be acheived. For example, one of the fashion writer, is putting a 800 press kit together, and I was to ask to assist her with it. The press kits needs to be sent out with in two days, with this pressure on my shoulder, I was very determine to complete this assignment, because I can take this chance to impress others that have doubts on me. Eventually, I was on schedule to sent out 800 press kits within two days, because of working overtime and skippings breaks. After the kits were sent out, I felt a really proud of myself, because I have overcome challenged. Now  I learn that it is very important to have confidence in yourself, and if you want to complete something, you have to give up your personal time, however I suggest it is really worth it.

3.List anything you know about unions and how they changed the workplace.  What labor problems have been solved, what's left to do?   You should save this list for use in the post-reading assignments.

-Unions have made a great deal of positive impacts at the workplace. Especially for the women and minoritis races, protecting from discrimnations from their employers. They have made their working enivorment a much more safer and more pleasant working atmosphere. A union is also a advantage for those people who are scared to speak for themselves to their employer, regarding about their benifets, wages, and working conditions. Ever since unions have established, it help protect workers from their employer taking advantage of them.

Unions have the solved the following problems:
-Provide healthcare and medical expenses
- Unions Raise Wages—Especially for Minorities and Women
- Unions Are Good for Productivity
- Union Workers Have Better Benefits
- Union Workers Have Greater Job Stability

4. As a class read Susan Faludi's essay "The Wages of the Backlash:  The Toll on Working Women," From SPECULATIONS.   Pay close attention to the case of Pat Lorance, the woman who went back to school and qualified as a tester at Western Electric.

Read the following situation:  Imagine that you are the male supervisor, whom Pat Lorance trusts and goes to after her demotion to discuss the broken promises made by the union and management.  As Pat Lorance's supervisor, you have been told to "write her up for a reprimand," an act they hope will discourage her from taking legal action against the company.  Decide what you would do in this situation.  Your job may be on the line if you do not follow orders.

Write on of the following:  A) a reprimand of Lorance which deals as fairly as possible with the company's goal and Lorance's complaint; B) a formal letter to Pat Lorance explaining your personal and professional feelings: C) a formal letter to the company explaining your view of the situation and what you recommend should be done now.  The goal is to examine the ethics of the situation and to come to a conclusion.  Support your opinion or argument with facts from the case, recognizing that whatever is written may be used in a future lawsuit.

A) a reprimand of Lorance which deals as fairly as possible with the company's goal and Lorance's complaint;

    To whom may concern:
                    I am writing to request the discharge of Pat Lorance from the company, who have made several damage lost to the company for the past few weeks for her own actions. Since Ms. Lorance did not follow her supervisor orders, instead she provoke them, I feel that she should be penalized for own mistakes. I have given her chances by returning to a bench hand, however yet she still didn't obey her orders. Unfortunatley, to this point, Pat Lorance, have went overboard, we can offered any other employees that will be influenced by her obnoxious behavior. Sorry for any inconvience this may cause you.

B) a formal letter to Pat Lorance explaining your personal and professional feelings

    Dear Ms. Pat Lorance:
                    I am deeply sorry, when I heard your loss of your position at the company. As a friend, I feel that I haven't help you enough, however, please I hope you do keep in mind, that each step that I have taken to help you , I am putting my job at the line. I will try to find lawyer for you to file a law suit agains the company, but this is the furthest I can do to help you and your fellow friends.

C) a formal letter to the company explaining your view of the situation and what you recommend should be done now

            To whom many concern:
                    I am writing this letter in regarding the case of Ms. Pat Lorance, what your company have done, have bring a disgrace to me. How could a well-know company like yours being discrimnations.Yet, be in denial of what your mistakes have cause, by discharging Ms. Lorance from your company. I wish you would return her position to her, and have a professional meeting with your workers in discussing the situation, and hopefully and reasonable will come upon. Thank you for your time and considerations.