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                                                                      JUNGLE GROUP PROJECT


1.  Describe a work experience-at a fast food restaurant or simply doing housework for an allowance-any experience that paid a wage or salary.

      -After working as a tutor in a afternoon program with children age range from 6-12 years old, I feel that I should a job that is more challenging to me. In the summer of 99, I was offer a internship at Creative Marketing Plus, an advertising agency, that creates ad and do public relations with the enterntaintment businesss. I was quite exciting, because I intend to major in Advertising and Marketing Communications when I attend college this upcoming fall. So, with this great opportunity, it will give me a taste of the real world, and learn how to handle pressure and sharpen my communications skills. My supervisor gave me different assignments to complete. A lot of the assigments were dealing with clients trying to persue them into using our products with celebrities. Putting press kits together, and sending out with a certain amount of time, and hoping to get response from them. At the work place, everyone is very sharp, and everything have to do it at the minute when it was ask. However, when I have trouble along the way in completing an assignment, my co-workers are more willing to help me out, because they understands that being just a high school is tough. Unfortunately, there are always a few people that sterotypes me, because of my age. But I never let that get in my way, of  learning and completing my task. Instead, I look at it as a challenge to me, that I have to overcome an obstacle.

2. After describing the actual work, reflect on what was learned from the experience--for example--the value of money, a sense of responsibility, an understanding of flexibility, an appreciation of the need for cooperation.  You should also consider what was learned about employer/employee relations, bosses, the value (or meaninglessness) of an education.  Be specific-support your assertions with examples.
    -After finishing completing my internships, I learned a lot about how important communication is to the real world. Trying to earn a wage or salary is not my priorty goal, gaining experience is the top goal that I  watch to achieved. Because I think, the more experience a person have, the more respect your co-workers will give you. Certainly then your wages and salary will increased, and your position may be higher. At the advertising agency, I had faced a great deal of challenge, that deals with people sterotype and getting work done at a fast pace. However, my supervisor always tells me to have a positive attitude and maintain a smile in my face.=). What I gained from this internship is that anything is possible, as long as you put your mind and determination to it, your goals will be acheived. For example, one of the fashion writer, is putting a 800 press kit together, and I was to ask to assist her with it. The press kits needs to be sent out with in two days, with this pressure on my shoulder, I was very determine to complete this assignment, because I can take this chance to impress others that have doubts on me. Eventually, I was on schedule to sent out 800 press kits within two days, because of working overtime and skippings breaks. After the kits were sent out, I felt a really proud of myself, because I have overcome challenged. Now  I learn that it is very important to have confidence in yourself, and if you want to complete something, you have to give up your personal time, however I suggest it is really worth it.

Part I
1.  Describe a work experience-at a fast food restaurant or simply doing housework for an allowance-any experience that paid a wage or salary.

  I am currently working at The U.S Trust Corporation Bank.  I got the job through school which is good because you can also recieve a business credit.  I leave school at 1:15 and get to work at 1:30 and depending on how much work i have thats the time i leave but the majority of the time is at 5:00.  I only work 3.5 hours which is good because that giuves me more than enough time to go home and do my homework.   I've been working there for about 5 months and I love it because i am gaining more and more experience everyday. I am responsible for picking up phones, photo copying, running errands ,working on the computer, filing, faxing, etc.   It also feels really good working at a bank at 18 years old i started at 17.   I am being paid every 2 weeks and I am getting paid 7 dollars an hour, not too much but its enough.  I am in the process of looking for something better.
    My supervisor is great which takes a load off my back because I have had some pretty nasty supervisors and that makes my job really hard and uncomfortable.  If i have a question about something then she will answer it to the best of her ability even if she has to answer it 5 times if I am still confused she will help me understand.   I also love the fact that I work with corporate people because they are all very nice in their own way because there are some bad apples.
    The company also gives us a card with a 40 dollar limit every 2 weeks for lunch.  Which is great because we don't have to spend our money for lunch.  They have a cafeteria up stairs with a variety of food.

1.  Describe a work experience-at a fast food restaurant or simply doing housework for an allowance-any experience that paid a wage or salary.

            Last summer of 1999, I participated in a paid internship at Hurricane Technology, a marketing/licensing company.  I was the marketing assistant of the director of marketing.  My duties included marketing research on the Internet, preparation of marketing kits for the sales staff, data input onto Excel, and general office duties such as filing, faxing, and telephone communication.  Invaluable skills and experience were learned at the job.

            My experience at the internship was incredible.  While most of my other friends were at the beach, summer school, or working in non-payed internships or at fast food restaurants, I had the privilege of working with professionals in the business field.  I was the only student and teenager at the company.  Everyone was at least 21 years old.  However, I did not feel uncomfortable because the environment was very friendly and I was actually learning the trade with challenging tasks rather than the usual filing and stapling that teenagers are assigned to do.

            My supervisor was the director of marketing and I worked very closely with her for about seven weeks.  I helped with the preparations focus group meetings as well as attended them.  I assisted in the creation process of a company portal.  I also attended meetings with Hurricane's advertising agency.  I met many different and interesting people.  This job sharpened my networking skills greatly.

Sexual Harrassment

    Sexual harassment has become a growing issue in the workplace for the past years.  Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advance or conduct on the job that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
            Sexual harassment can be physical, verbal, or nonverbal.  Unwanted touching of a person's clothing, hair, or body.  Patting, stroking, pinching, grabbing, massaging neck or shoulders, standing close, or brushing up against a person are also examples of physical harassment.  Others include looking a person up and down, giving personal gifts, winking, throwing kisses, or licking lips, making sexual gestures with hands or through body movements, and prolonged staring at someone.

            As explained, sexual harassment include many acts which we would never have thought to be legally wrong.  I believe that sexual harassment is illegal and has been increasing.  Both men and women are harassed.

            Some say that provocative dressing and language contribute to the reasons why someone is harasses.  I agree to an extent because of course provocative clothes bring attention but it is not an invitation for someone to sexually harass you.  Men should learn self control and learn to keep nasty, inappropriate comments, and gestures to themselves.

             The most extreme form of sexual harassment is rape.  Sexual harassment is illegal and unacceptable.  If you have doubts or feel uncomfortable of someone, follow your instincts and walk away from the situation and notify someone immediately.



    Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates one's personal privacy. Sexual harrasment often occurs at work place, where victim encounters, unwelcome touches, verbal use of words, that cause unpleasant and uncomfortable feelings. Unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

Below are some things that may be related to sexual harrasment.

* The victim as well as the harasser may be a woman or a man. The victim does not have to be of the opposite sex.

* The harasser can be the victim's supervisor, an agent of the employer, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or a non-employee.

* The victim does not have to be the person harassed but could be anyone affected by the offensive conduct.

* Unlawful sexual harassment may occur without economic injury to or discharge of the victim.

* The harasser's conduct must be unwelcome.

It is important to tell the person who is harassing you to stop and that his or her behavior's conduct is unacceptable and unwelcome.

Prevention is the best way to stop  sexual harassment in the workplace. Employers are encouraged to take steps necessary to prevent sexual harassment from happening. . They should advise to employees that sexual harassment will not be tolerated. They can do so by establishing an effective complaint or grievance process and taking immediate and appropriate action when an employee complains.

    As this chapter begins, Jurgis was surround by the atmosphere of negative surroundings. Everywhere he turns and see were prisons and jail bars, where he also felt isolated, because he didn't face no challenge. However, when he came upon to beg for money for survival, he was accidentally bump into meat market manufacturer's son Freddie Jones. An conversation were strike between them, Jurgis explains the situation he was in, after coming out of the hospital. Freddie, then offered that Jurgis have supper with him at his home. When Freddie hailed a cab, he pulled a roll of bills, which was extremely amazed by Jurgis yet at the same time tempting to grab it out of his hand and run away. He gave a hundred dollar bill to Jurgis, telling him to pay for it and keep the changed, which was more pleasing to Jurgis than ever. However, when they climb into the cab, and Freddie snuggle against him, again he was attempt to search his pocket and ditch him after he had taken the money. Yet, Jurgis hesitated because he was afraid and also he never committed a crime before in his life, which he also kept in mind thinking that the cab driver was watching him. When they approach Freddie's home, Jurgis was again amazed by the glamour and beauty of his house. Freddie knocked on his door and his servants came to greet them, he told them to pay the cab. Meanwhile, Jurgis hesitated to remind him that he was suppose to pay for the bill, therefore he kept the hundred dollar bill safe in his pocket. When Jurgis step into the door of Freddie's house, his servants thought their master must of made mistake to bring home a bum off  the streets. After serving dinner to Jurgis, Freddie's drunkenness had knocked out him to sleep, his servant insist in a rudely manner way to asking Jurgis to leave the house. As he obey them, they ask to search him but Jurgis refuse, after stepped out of the door, the servant gave him a kick which he landed on the floor.


    Jurgis pride was shatter by the kick of the servant. He still guard the hundred dollar bill that Freddie had gave him, which was now his whole pratical whole life's savings.  Now, he is having trouble of deciding where to get change for the bill, to pay for a shelther. Jurgis was drown with confusion of what people might think when he ask for change with a hundred dollar bill. Who would believe a bum from off the street will have money like that, besides robbing it from someone. He also fears that Freddie will hunt back for him for the money. He had no other options besides going to a saloon, yet he  disregard that he might  have to pay them for it to get change. When he approach the saloon, he encounter the bartender and ask if he can get change for the bill. The bartender, examined the bill and ask where he got the money, but Jurgis refuse to tell him and continued to ask if he can get change. When Jurgis bought a beer, the bartender only gave him two dimes, a quarter, and fifty cents worth of his hundred dollar bill. Jurgis was furious when he demand for his ninety-nine dollars, and attempt to struck the bartender with is fist, however it he missed. Instead he was taken down by the local police and was bought to the station to spent a night there lying on the cell unconsciously mumbling throughout the night. When Jurgis was bought to court, he had a hard time convincing the truth of his story and also admitted that he had been arrested before hand. He was once again sent to Bridewell, there he meet Jack Duane, and was convince that the only way to survive was committing crime. Jack took him to mugged a wealthy man, and gain a profit of fifty dollars. However, when he learned the tragic about the victim he had attack, he hesitated his actions once again. This chapter portays how sensitive Jurgis, however he learns that this is the only to survive out from the streets.


        Jurgis becomes really good friends with a criminal from Chicago in the underground. Then somebody whose been watching him, catches him breaking a safe. A policeman allows him to escape, but it causes such a big problem that Duane's criminal chooses to sacrifice him. Duane leaves Chicago and Jurgis begins talking with Harper, a vote buyer for the corrupt politicians of Chicago. An election is coming up, and Harper offers to let Jurgis take part in the schemes. Harper introduces him to Mike Scully, a wealthy, corrupt Democrat. Scully wants Jurgis to take a job in the stockyards and join a union. Scully and the Republicans have made a pact, and Scully wants Jurgis to support a Republican candidate. He keeps his job as a beef trimmer. The unions and the packers clash and a huge strike begin. Scully denounces the packers in the papers, so Jurgis asks for another job while he strikes with the rest. Scully tells him to be a scab and make as much as he can out of it. Jurgis argues for a wage of three dollars a day and receives it. The packers hire all the thugs in the city and import some from all over the country, including black people. Jurgis is offered a position as a boss on the killing beds. The packers really want to provide fresh meat in order to keep public opinion from turning against them. Jurgis receives a higher wage and the promise that he will have the job after the strike. The packers feel pressure from the public to settle. They reach an agreement with the union, but the packers break their promise not to go against union leaders. The workers return to striking. Jurgis comes face to face with Connor in an allalleyway and without thinking, he attacks Connor. Jurgis calls Harper from his jail cell only to see that Connor is one of Scully's favorites. Harper can do nothing for him except get his bail lowered so Jurgis can pay it. He advises Jurgis to skip town. Jurgis pays his bail, leaving him with a little of two dollars to his name. He travels to the other end of Chicago.



        In chapter 27, we learned of the further deterioration of Jurgis's character.  Not only can he not hold a job, but the large family he once had was greatly suffering.  I think that Upton Sinclair's main idea in this chapter is the extreme circumstances one can face and how socialism can assist to the rescue.

        As usual, Jurgis has no money.  Seeking employment is very difficult as strikebreakers obtain positions quickly.  He continuously begs to buy stale bread and a small room to sleep in.  Upon begging, he encounters a woman who tells him about Marija's whereabouts.  Once Jurgis locates Marija, he learns that she is a prostitute living in a brothel.  The police rushes in and takes everyone to jail.

         Marija informs Jurgis of the family situation.  Stanislovas has been killed by rats, Elzbieta is working when she can, Marija provides the children's school tuition, and Tomoszius has lost a finger and can no longer play the violin.

        The chapter concludes with Jurgis looking back on the worthless life he has been living as well as how far his family is from the initial hopes and dreams they once had.  As the novel nears the ending, I notice how Jurgis's life seems to be ready to change and adapt to the Socialist ways.


Research Paper:  Sexual Harassment
         Sexual harassment has become a growing issue in the workplace for the past years.  Sexual harassment
is any unwelcome sexual advance or conduct on the job that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work

        Sexual harassment can be physical, verbal, or nonverbal.  Unwanted touching of a person's clothing, hair,
or body, patting, stroking, pinching, grabbing, massaging neck or shoulders, standing close, or brushing up
against a person are examples of physical harassment.  Nonverbal harassment may be looking a
person up and down, giving personal gifts, winking, throwing kisses, or licking lips, making sexual gestures with hands or through body movements, and prolonged staring at someone.

        As explained, sexual harassment include many acts which we would never have thought to be legally
wrong.  Sexual harassment is illegal and has been increasing.  Both men and women are harassed.

        Some say that provocative dressing and language contribute to the reasons why someone is harassed.
Provocative clothes bring attention but is not an invitation for someone to sexually harass you.  There is no
typical harassed woman.  They are of all ages, backgrounds, and races.  Being subjected to sexual harassment is a painful and difficult experience.  In today's society, men often justify their behavior by claiming that a woman's "no'" is actually a "yes."

        The most extreme form of sexual harassment is rape.  Sexual harassment is illegal and unacceptable.  If
you have doubts or feel uncomfortable of someone, follow your instincts and walk away from the situation and
notify someone immediately.

        Prior to the 1980's, there were no federal or state laws prohibiting sexual harassment on the job.  Today, title V of the civil rights act prohibits sexual harassment in employment.  the employer will attempt to use many defenses against the employee who is accusing him or her of sexual harassment.  he may say
that his conduct was nondiscriminatory or that the conduct was welcomed by the employee.  an employer may also avoid liability if he or she takes immediate action in response to employee complaints of harassment.  an employer can say the employee worked poorly, was constantly absent, late, or lacked the
qualifications to keep the job.

        Many people are poorly educated about the concept of sexual harassment and how serious it actually is.  Sexual harassment is illegal.




Group 6
From: Marlin Nunez
Date: 5/15/00
Time: 10:56:20 AM
Remote Name:

Comments:    Hi girls! Well, we need to start putting our individual work into a group report. Please post all of the work you have completed into the discussion forum so that we can cut and paste. if you have any questions please write back and click on the reppy icon. Thanks!


Re: Group 6
From: Marlin
Date: 5/15/00
Time: 11:01:34 AM
Remote Name:
Comments:    Tiffany and Linda, this is what I have so far for the part 1 of the pre reading activities:

Part 1, Q. #1 Last summer of 1999, I participated in a paid internship at Hurricane Technology, a marketing/licensing company. I was the marketing assistant of the director of marketing. My duties included marketing research on the Internet, preparation of marketing kits for the sales staff, data input onto Excel, and general office duties such as filing, faxing, and telephone communication. Invaluable skills and experience were learned at the job.

My experience at the internship was incredible. While most of my other friends were at the beach, summer school, or working in non-payed internships or at fast food restaurants, I had the privilege of working with professionals in the business field. I was the only student and teenager at the company. Everyone was at least 21 years old. However, I did not feel uncomfortable because the environment was very friendly and I was actually learning the trade with challenging tasks rather than the usual filing and stapling that teenagers are assigned to do.

My supervisor was the director of marketing and I worked very closely with her for about seven weeks. I helped with the preparations focus group meetings as well as attended them. I assisted in the creation process of a company portal. I also attended meetings with Hurricane's advertising agency. I met many different and interesting people. This job sharpened my networking skills greatly.

Q. #2 Reflecting on my job at Hurricane Technology, I see how much I matured as a person and employee as well as the invaluable skills I learned. Prior to this job, I only had volunteer experience at a children's head-start program. Meaning that my services were non paid. My job at Hurricane was the first paid job I had. I quickly learned the value of money. Of course I should have budgeted and saved my salary but I did not. I quickly went on shopping trips for myself and family. However, I did spend money on the necessities - transportation and lunch as well as savings for my senior year expenses. For the next job that I attain, I will definitely budget my money as well as save!

The responsibility I had was tremendous. I was loyal to my company and always punctual to arrive and complete my assigned tasks. I was a very efficient worker willing to learn and participate. I learned the business work etiquette. While at work I observed the employer/employee relationship. There was always someone above you with a higher position. The higher the position in the company, the greater amount of responsibility as well as work was. I did notice that everyone worked collaboratively to create a good image for the company.


Re: Group 6
From: tiffany Nieves
Date: 5/15/00
Time: 11:13:07 AM
Remote Name:
Comments:    I am currently working at The U.S Trust Corporation Bank. Ive been working there for about 5 months and I love it because i am learning alot. I am responsible for picking up phones, photo copying, running erands ,working on the computer, filing, faxing, etc. I am being paid every 2 weeks and I am getting paid 7 dolloars an hour not too much but its enough. I am in the process of looking for something better. My superviser is great which takes a load off my back because I have had some preety nasty supervisers and that makes my job really hard and uncomforftable. If i have a ? about something then she will answer it to the best of her ability even if she has to answer it 5 times if I am still confused she will help me understand. I also love the fact that I work with corporate people because they are all very nice in their own way because there are some bad apples. The company also gives us a card with a 40 dollar limit every 2 weeks for lunch. Which is great because we dont have to spend our money for lunch. They have a caferteria up stairs with a variety of food.


group 6, pd. 4
From: Marlin Nunez
Category: Choose a Category
Date: 6/5/00
Time: 10:56:43 AM
Remote Name:

Comments:    hi tiffany and linda. for starters, we should meet up to discuss the pieces we are going to present to the class. Linda can you post in the discussion forum your prereading activity about your past working experiences? thanks. also, i wrote an interesting paper on sexual harrassmnet. if you girls would like, we can use it and revise it together to create a group research paper. please reply.


Re: group 6, pd. 4
Category: Choose a Category
Date: 6/5/00
Time: 11:03:21 AM
Remote Name:

Comments:    okay..besides the posting up the pre-reading activities...what should we do with the lit logs...i have written litlogs for the required there further assignments that we should complete before our presentation. I suggest that we should meet up too to prepare for the group portfolio for the presentation.


Re: group 6, pd. 4
From: marlin nunez
Category: Choose a Category
Date: 6/5/00
Time: 11:11:56 AM
Remote Name:
Comments:    linda, thank you for responding. well, the lit log situation has to be straightened up. we will distribute the 4 required chapters accordingly. The pat lorance situation should be posted up as well. reply with any questions or comments or with any work you have completed. thanks. i posted up my sexual harassment paper, check it out.


Re: group 6, pd. 4
From: Marlin Nunez
Category: Choose a Category
Date: 6/5/00
Time: 11:13:50 AM
Remote Name:
Comments:    this is my paper on sexual harassment. let's revise it together.

"Sexual harassment has become a growing issue in the workplace for the past years. Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advance or conduct on the job that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

Sexual harassment can be physical, verbal, or nonverbal. Unwanted touching of a person's clothing, hair, or body. Patting, stroking, pinching, grabbing, massaging neck or shoulders, standing close, or brushing up against a person are also examples of physical harassment. Others include looking a person up and down, giving personal gifts, winking, throwing kisses, or licking lips, making sexual gestures with hands or through body movements, and prolonged staring at someone.

As explained, sexual harassment include many acts which we would never have thought to be legally wrong. I believe that sexual harassment is illegal and has been increasing. Both men and women are harassed.

Some say that provocative dressing and language contribute to the reasons why someone is harasses. I agree to an extent because of course provocative clothes bring attention but it is not an invitation for someone to sexually harass you. Men should learn self control and learn to keep nasty, inappropriate comments, and gestures to themselves.

The most extreme form of sexual harassment is rape. Sexual harassment is illegal and unacceptable. If you have doubts or feel uncomfortable of someone, follow your instincts and walk away from the situation and notify someone immediately."
