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       "Evaluate a significant experience or achievement that has a special meaning to you "

               At a public relations office, where i was working at this summer, gave me an unforgettable experience.  It totally reveal a different side of me, that was hidden beneath me all this time. I always wanted to work at a public relations office, so I was very thrilled to found out about this opportunity that I am about to experience.
         My first day of work, I was a bit nervous at the beginning. I see people running around the office and telephones calls kept ringing, but later on I felt a little more comfortable. When I finally got my first assignment, I was very excited, even though it was just copying a few documents. Later on as the time past by at my work place, my supervisor gave me different assignments to complete. Some were difficult and some were easy, but I still took every assignment very seriously. However, as my skills started to sharpen, my supervisor gave me an assignment that was such a challenge. The assignment was to put together more than 800 press kits  by myself, I had only two days to complete this. At this moment I was very nervous, " How could I possible do this by myself." I said . I told myself that this only one of the test in life, to show how much pressure and self -confidence that I have. Within the two days, I skipped my lunch break and worked overtime and eventually I completed this assignment.
         I was very proud of myself, and so did everyone in this office. I felt like I have overcome an obstacle. This made me realize to myself, that as long as you don't give up, you will succeed !