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Hurly-burly- alteration & reduplication of hurling, gerund of hurl
Villainies- the quality or state of being villainous : DEPRAVITY
Brandish-  1 : to shake or wave (as a weapon) menacingly
2 : to exhibit in an ostentatious or aggressive manner
Valiant- 1 : possessing or acting with bravery or boldness : COURAGEOUS <valiant soldiers>
2 : marked by, exhibiting, or carried out with courage or determination : HEROIC <valiant feats>
Flout-  to treat with contemptuous disregard : SCORN
Dismal- showing or causing gloom or depression
Lavish-  expended or produced in abundance
Solicit-   to approach with a request or plea
Fantastical- conceived or seemingly conceived by unrestrained fancy
Cleave- to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwavering
Plenteous- constituting or existing in plenty
Harbinger-   a person sent ahead to provide lodgings
Commendation- something (as a formal citation) that commends
Chastise-  to inflict punishment on (as by whipping)
to censure severely :
Metaphysical- of or relating to the transcendent or to a reality beyond what is perceptible
Impede- to interfere with or slow the progress of
Compunctious-anxiety arising from awareness of guilt <compunctions of conscience>
Sovereign- one that exercises supreme authority within a limited sphere
masterdom- a great figure of the past (as in science or art) whose work serves as a model or ideal
coign-  an early word for coin
woolingly- to seek to gain or bring about intransitive senses
Pendant- an ornament (as on a necklace) allowed to hang free
martlet- alteration of martinet, from Middle French, probably from Saint Martin
Recompense- to give something to by way of compensation (as for a service rendered or damage incurred)
purveyer-  one who supply (as provisions) usually as a matter of business
Trammel-    one having three layers with the middle one finer-meshed and slack so that fish passing through carry some of the center net through the coarser opposite net and are trapped
Surcease- to desist from action; also : to come to an end
Shoal-  from Old English sceald -- more at SKELETON
Trumpet-tongued- to speak loudly or to announce
Vaulting- an arched or dome-shaped anatomical structure
Overleap- to leap or cross over
Adage-  a metaphorical saying that embodies an observation
Adhere- to support or maintain loyalty
Wassail- an early English toast to someone's health
Warder-    from warde act of guarding, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German warta act of watching
limbeck- Middle English lembike, from Medieval Latin alembicum
Drenched nature- to be covered or surrounded by nature
Receipt of reason- things that make up logic or reason
Quell- to kill, quell, from Old English cwellan to kill; akin to Old High German quellen to torture, kill, quala torment, Lithuanian gelti to hurt
Swinish- of, suggesting, or characteristic of swine : BEASTLY
Undaunted-   courageously resolute especially in the face of danger or difficulty : not discouraged
Corporal- : of, relating to, or affecting the body

Write in your journal a response to each theme.

1. Appearance can be deceptive.
-Our appearance is only a mask that only portrays part of your true identity. We can not make assumption  with each other because of our physical appearance. Like the famous quote " Never jugde book by its cover" by reading the title of the book, we can't assume or know whether or not the book is intresting. Same thing for our appearance, which can be ironic when people make wrong assumptions.

2. Lust for power may lead to loss of humanity.
-It is part of nature that people in every soicety tends to strive for power. Money, fame, jealous, greed in which all lead the cause to desire power within each other. No one wants to be under taking orders, because human beings have too much pride in themselves.

3. Guilt is a powerful force.
-Guilt is certainly a powerful force, which can pertains to haunted a certain individual's conscience of  the consquences that they have cause with their careless actions.However, this shows that if  guilt does take over their mind, it can be conclude that the character itself is still conscience of his or her actions.

4. Our future is largely beyond our control.
-Our future is like a document that is written with an unerasable ink, which cannot be change nor erase of the information that is written there. If this is conclude, is there a really future for us, or it just we are just really living by the piece of document day by day. However, people always attempt to take a glimpse of their future and change it. But nevertheless, they always end up where they started, they can never escape a tragic or an obstacle.

5. We must accept responsibility for our action.
-Humans tend to be lack the responsibility for their own actions. Whether it is to face the harsh truth that they have learn, or the challenge to overcome their own obstacles. People tend to deny the truth of what they have done for their actions taken upon on the situation they have came across. Instead of  being in denial, we should be able to take and accept our own mistakes that we have made, yet it is a hard obstacle to overcome.

Journal Writing: What's your understanding of reputation and character?

- In my understanding of what is reputation and character, it is the components that make up each individual character. Reputation is being given by others, except yourself. They label you as a certain type of cliche, and assume the kind of person you are. There is always a good and bad reputations, however obtaining a good reputations is much harder than getting a bad reputation. Good reputations needs to be earned in time, and bad reputations tends be savage with rumors and mistakes that people often tend to do take that against you. Within split seconds you learnd that you have just obtained a bad reputation. However, character is pertaining to yourself, as of how you present yourself to the public and society. You can change your reputation with your indivdual character, by showing how you want people to see you as.


Prepare for the "Who is the real Macbeth and Lady Macbeth" activity. Prepare questions that you will ask a group people that can help you identify the real Lady Macbeth and Macbeth.

Questions for Macbeth
 - Do you think, you will have obtain the great sucess if it wasn't  for you wife, Lady MacBeth?
 - Lady MacBeth had pretty much taken your control , have you ever thought of resisting her and not let her take control of you?
 - Would you ever confess and take upon the responsibitliy of your own actions and mistake?



Repose- to remain still or concealed
Franchise- freedom or immunity from some burden or restriction vested in a person or group
Husbandry-  the care of a household
Largess- liberal giving (as of money) to or as if to an inferior; also : something so given
Cleave-   to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly
Augment- to make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense <the impact of the report was augmented by its timing>
Allegiance-  the obligation of a feudal vassal to his liege lord
Counsel- advice given especially as a result of consultation
Ravishing- to seize and take away by violence
Alarum-   a call to arms <the angry trumpet sounds alarum -- Shakespeare> br>Suit- recourse or appeal to a feudal superior for justice or redress
Posset-  a hot drink of sweetened and spiced milk curdled with ale or wine
Confound- archaic : to bring to ruin : DESTROY
Unbend- to free from flexure : make or allow to become straight <unbend a bow>
gild-  to overlay with or as if with a thin covering of gold
Constancy-  steadfastness of mind under duress : FORTITUDE
Equivocator-  to avoid committing oneself in what one says
Carousing- to drink liquor deeply or freely
Lechery- inordinate indulgence in sexual activity
Parley- a conference for discussion of points in dispute
Countenance- a : calm expression b : mental composure c : LOOK, EXPRESSION

If you were asked to join in a deed by your friend, and all you had to do was to be quiet and move along, in return, you were promised a great profit, how would you respond to such an offer?
   Knowing that I am such a honest person, I would put in my hundred percent effort to help my friends. However, if he or she is asking me to do a favor, without telling me what the reason is all behind, I would deeply regret, but I will have to refuse the offer that they would  give me. I knew what the purpose is , and unfortunately it will lead harm to another victim , not only I will not help my friend, but I will convince them not to. I don't want to see my friends that have been there for me, to make mistakes. That sometimes he or she may regret their own mistakes they have done, before its too late




1.  posterity:    all future generations of people
2.  verities:        an idea,a principple, etc. generally thought to be true
3.  idissouluble:    that cannot be dissolved or broken up
4.  unlineal:        Not descended directly from somebody
5.  sceptre:    an ornamental rod carried by s king or queen as a sign of royal power
6.  predominant:    having more power or influence than others
7.  bounteous:    Giving or given generously
8.  avouch:
9.  sundry:    various, especially small itmes not seperately named
10.  bestow:    to present something as a gift to somebody
11.  dauntless:    not easily discouraged or frightened
12.  utterance:    words spoken
13.  contriver:    to manage to do something in spite of difficulties; planned in advance
14.  amend:   to change slightly in order to correct an error
15.  malevolence: having or  showing a wish to do evil or cause harm to others
16.  ratify:    to make an agreemnt or contract valid, usually by signing it
17.  homage: things said or
18.  exasperate:
19.  parricide:

Scene 1
Journal:  If you were asked to join in a deed by your friend, and all you had to do was to be quiet and move along, in return, you were promised a great profit, how would you respond to such an offer?

-Knowing myself, that I am such a honesty person, yet very concerned about what others do, it will quite bother me, if I was to face this kind of situation. I will always try my best ablities to help my friend with his or her problems, because I feel that is what should I do. However, I will never do such a thing, if it was to cause harm to others, therefore not only I will have to refuse great rewards, also I will try to convince their  actions. Make them think twice, of what they were about to do was a big mistake, and that they should take fully responsibitliy of what the after consquencens will be.

Write a journal entry commenting on "Violence leads to more violence."

-As I grew up being taught that violence is never the solution to any problem. Therefore, my response to the follow quote is I strongly agree with it. Violence is actions that is made by ignornat people, who don't know how to deal with their opponents with a respectively manner way. Instead they take physical actions that may cause harm to others, and prevoke others to fight back. Also, it can be look at it in another perspectitive, as they individual wants to cause attentions from others. Violence always leads to never ending fued, between people, which cannot be solved except only in a respectivley manner way. Like the famous quote " Violence is never the solution the a problem " Which I think it is true because, whenever me and my brother physically fight, we never resolve anything, instead sometimes I insist we talk it out it and settle every thing straight.

Write a journal about your understanding of or belief about ghosts.

     I am a very strong believe in ghost and angels, because I have always have these instinct that something is always watching me everyday and protecting me.
Especially, this past Thanksgiving, when I lost my beloved grandfather, I was deeply upset because I didn't get a chance to see him for the last time. However, something strangely happen, on the day of my grandfather birthday, my mother and my uncle, also including myself  had the same dream about my grandfather. All of us were convince with this situation. This made me even more believe in ghosts and other unexplained things. I truly believe that there is something beyond than human beings and truly other universe that we go to after our soul leave our body.


How have the lords reacted to the experience of observing Macbeth during the banquet scene? Write a diary entry ( or a letter from one of the lords present giving an account of Macbeth's action at the banquet. Draw whatever conclusions you think reasonable.

Dear Dairy,
        The strangest thing happen to our King, MacBeth during the banquet. I been with his side for more than enough years, I had never seen Macbeth with this kind of reactions. Its hard to explain or draw any conclusion, have the king been hallincutinating of ghost or with some evil spell that have been cast to our dear lord.
It seem, that every time Macbeth try to say something, our queen Lady Macbeth always try to cover him up, it seem there is something that the two knows, that is trying to hide from millions of the fellow citizen and us. I am not sure, but everytime, the name Banquo comes into the conversation, our king Macbeth is out of his mind. Have he have something to deal with all these  tragic death been happening? I hope not !!!!



ACT IV Macbeth
Venom-  poisonous matter normally secreted by some animals
Blaspheming-  to speak of or address with irreverence
Commend-  to entrust for care or preservation
Conjure-  to charge or entreat earnestly or solemnly
Confound-  archaic : to bring to ruin : DESTROY
Topple-  to fall from or as if from being top-heavy
Farrow-  to bring forth young -- often used with down
Apparition-  an unusual or unexpected sight
Harp-   to dwell on or recur to a subject tiresomely or monotonously
Sovereignty-  obsolete : supreme excellence or an example of it
Chafe-   to warm by rubbing especially with the hands
Vanquish-  to overcome in battle : subdue completely
Sear-   to burn
Antic-   an attention-drawing often wildly playful or funny act or action
Pernicious-  highly injurious or destructive : DEADLY
Gallop-  to progress or ride at a gallop
Diminutives-  a diminutive word, affix, or name
Judicious- having, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment : DISCREET
Prattler-  to utter or make meaningless sounds suggestive of the chatter of children : BABBLE
Laudable- worthy of praise : COMMENDABLE
Syllable- a unit of spoken language that is next bigger than a speech sound and consists of one or more vowel sounds alone or of a syllabic consonant alone or of either with one or more consonant sounds preceding or following
Dolour- to mourn or grieve
Redress- to set right : REMEDY
Imperial- of, relating to, befitting, or suggestive of an empire or an emperor
Transpose-  to change in form or nature
Yoke-  a wooden bar or frame by which two draft animals (as oxen) are joined at the heads or necks for working together
Tread-  to step or walk on or over
Vice-  moral depravity or corruption : WICKEDNESS
Sundry- Miscellaneous, various<sundry articles
Gash-  a deep long cut in flesh
Graft-  the point of insertion of a scion upon a stock
Confineless- something that has nor borders or walls
Avaricious- greedy of gain : excessively acquisitive especially in seeking to hoard riches
Voluptuousness- full of delight or pleasure to the senses : conducive to or arising from sensuous or sensual gratificatio
Matron- a married woman usually marked by dignified maturity or social distinction
Cistern- an artificial reservoir (as an underground tank) for storing liquids and especially water (as rainwater
Impediment- something that impedes; especially : an organic obstruction to speech
Intemperance-  lack of moderation; especially : habitual or excessive drinking of intoxicants
Hoodwink- to deceive by false appearance : DUPE
Verity-  the quality or state of being true or real
Fortitude- strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage
Concord-  a state of agreement
Scruple- to show reluctance on grounds of conscience
Credulous- ready to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence
Abjure- to renounce upon oath
Detraction- a lessening of reputation or esteem especially by envious, malicious, or petty criticism
Covert- not openly shown, engaged in, or avowed
Sanctity-  holiness of life and character
Benediction- the invocation of a blessing; especially
Niggard-  a meanly covetous and stingy person
Doff-  to remove (an article of wear) from the body
Dire-   exciting horror <dire suffering>
Braggart- a loud arrogant boaster

Motivational Activity:

Think of a situation where a husband has to keep a secret what he does and when he leaves, he can not tell his family where he will be and he promises he is not doing anything wrong to his family.

-When this kind of situation comes into my mind, the only thing that can really make a husband keep a secret from family and have to leave his family behind to complete this mission is being an undercover cop. Which his duties is to have a new identity and neglect his entire family for a certain amount of  time. Because I belive a husband plays an important role in the family, therefore he should  not bear any secrets from the family, instead they may help him through his tough situation. It  will take a tough circumstance for a husband to leave his family and to complete his missions.


Imagine yourself to be Lady Macduff. Write a monologue that expresses your feelings towards your husband and your worries about your family.

Why must I have a weird feelings toward my dear love Macduff,
I been with my dear with tough situation, and helped him to
achieve his goal.
How shall this time, he neglect me and not let me help him
to overcome whatever bears in his mind. Lord, please help
I fear that I shall see my beloved husband MacDuff, once he
leave this house. I shall worry for him, till he had complete his mission
Will my dear, tell me what had happen, to make him neglect me.