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My Information

Meredith Burton
and that's about it that you're getting out of me

Well this is pretty much the part i tell you about myself. you will find this part very interesting cuz it's about me. actually it's not all that interesting because i live in Frederick MD. which totally sux cuz the majority of the population are idiots. There are a few cool people who are on this page. Some aren't because they are camera shy... don't worry.. i'll get pics of them soon.. i just have to get my camera out and put in some color film. There's something important! i love to take pictures.. i love developing them too.. just the black and white though.. more dramatic.. I guess i should go through some names or "shout-out's" as they say on AIM.. (those people are so cool). Well there's Angela, Meghann, Elle, Cockey (who i never ever see anymore), Kelsey, and Heidi-ho. Those are the chix that are on my site. There's also Christy, Catinca, Erin, Jess, Kat, and some other's that i can't remember @ the moment. Let's see.. Well there are the guys that i know... some are on the RAPE LIST and other's are som really cool guys to hang out with. The RAPE LIST (doesn't not go in any order): 1.) David Smith~ SOO DAMN FINE and he's really nice :-D.. 2.) Chris Ullom~ very sexy and a cool guy to talk to.. 3.) Brain Macik~ extremely hottt guy who doesn't know it which is a good thing cuz most of these guys know it.. 4.) Mike Moore~a great guy who can be a nerd but is alwayz HOTT.. 5.)Dan Holly~ doesn't know i exist but he's so hott. Unfortunately Dan can no longer be on the list because he no longer goes to this school... but i'll be on the look out for the one who will attempt to fill his spot. Well that was the RAPE list and here are some guys who are so nice: Mike (Beezer), Lawrence, Jordan, Brandon, Paul (sometimes), Alex (also sometimes), Muppet (also hott but not able to get on the RAPE LIST cuz there's not enough room), Ryan Carlson, and i think that's it.. sorry to the guys who didn't make it to the RAPE LIST. That's about it for me.. i'm out