Chapter Nine

They played every single game in the arcade and that took them two whole hours, after that they went to the Dairy Queen that was located in the food court in the mall. They walked hand in hand and they got some looks by some young teenage girls and boys.

They entered Spencers and Jordan being her normal crazy self walked over to the handcuffs and grabbed them and she started imaging Nick on her bed naked,whipped on his tanned body,oh damn would that be a good night !

" Sexy, what are you thinking about ?", Nick asked slyly.

Jordan gulped she wasn't about to tell him what she was thinking about or else he would never ever even talk to her or take her out again and Jordan didn't want that now did she.

" This thing I have to do for some college project ", Jordan lied.

Nick nodded not believing anything she had just said but maybe she was thinking about something to embarassing for her to say,he just dropped the subject about the cuffs and grabbed a neon light from the shelf.

" Thats cool ", Jordan commented.

Nick nodded and put it back on the shelf he grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the store into Burdines.

" Nick,I'll be in the teenager section later I gonna go get me a new wardrobe ", Jordan said.

" Alright I'm gonna be over their", Nick said pointing to jewelry section.

Jordan nodded and they both parted ways.

Chapter Ten