Chapter Sixteen

Jordans cell rang.Jordan groaned and prayed mentally to herself,hoping it wouldn't be Ananda,Andrew nor Jason or else she'd have to go home and she wanted to some naughty things to Carter.

Jordan opened her bag and took out her silver NOKIA cell.

"Hello,you've reached Jordan Hayes phone sex line,how may I help you today ?"

Nick looked at her and cracked up.

"Real funny Jordan it's Andrew,where the heck are you at ?"


"WHAT ?"

"Geez take a joke I'm at Nicks"

"Oh alright,you better come home,love you,bye"

"Back at ya"

Jordan hanged up and stuffed the cell back into it's place and put it on vibrate.

"Why must he treat me like I'm still thirteen",Jordan groaned.

Nick laughed and said "C'mon I'll give you a free trip around the house"

Jordan dropped her stuff and slipped off her sandals and followed Nick upstairs.She was beyond amazed looking at the dimly lit hallways they had paintings made by him.Jordan stopped and eyed the painting,she fingered it lightly.Nick turned around and walked over to her,he slid his arms around her waist and whispered into her ear,"Like ?"

Jordan nodded and leaned her head into Nick's chest.

"You're an awesome drawer",Jordan complimented.

Nick blushed and Jordan laughed softly.

"He blushes and looks really sexy when he does",Jordan joked.

They walked into Nick's room.Jordan opened the french doors of his room,and walked outside to the balcony she looked down and her eyes roamed the big backyard,their was a pool with a yacuzzi,a canal that led to the Gulf Of Mexico,a yatch,and trees where all over the place.Nick walked next to her and leaned agaisn't the metal bar.He looked over at Jordan who had this cute smile playing on her lips.

"Great view..huh ?",Nick asked turning back his attention to the water.

Jordan looked over at him and said bluntly,"You suck"

"You suck,you suck,you suck,sooooo much !",Jordan said grinning.

"I do not",Nick pouted.

Jordan felt her insides turn to pure mush,her knees where going to go weak on her any second now.Why must he have that effect on her by just pouting.

Nick picked her up and walked over to the bed and gently placed her their.Nick got on top of her and began kissing her neck.

"Wheres your spot ?",Nick asked huskily.

"You gotta find out yourself",Jordan said slyly.

Jordan knew it was way to early to get intimate so all they did was make up,kissing,tongues all over the place and massaging each others bodies.

Chapter Seventeen