*<*>~**Krystle's Page**~<*>*
Don't Forget To Sign My Guestbook!! And Check out my newly added Prom picture page: Prom Pictures!! (Thats me, as you probably guessed! What do u think?) ALL ABOUT ME

Lets see, whats there to say? My name's Krystle, but I prefer Kris and all the other various spellings! Some of my other known nicknames include, Sunshine, Lyssie (lol Josh), Delilah (not by choice, right Shauna? lol),I'm Charlie's Special Angel and the Pimp (lol Casey!!). I turned 16 on November 28th, and I'm anticipating the arrival of the 17th birthday!!

Hmm, whats more to say, well, here's the 411 on me: I'm about 5'4", with brown hair with red highlights. I have brown eyes (I know, I know, you probably think thats boring, but hey, I've gotten plenty of compliments for my eyes!)and, I'm OFFICIALLY A SENIOR at a private all-girls Catholic high school! As my friend Sam would say, hot little Catholic girl (complete with knee socks!)

Well, considering I live in Buffalo, NY (BORING), I make the most of it just being me. But most of my time is spent with my friends, with who I wouldn't have survived without!!! (Mainly Geoff & Jeff!!! You both know ur my boys! I love u guyz!! and Bethie, u know ur my girl!)

Hmm, onto hobbies...well, I've got the basic teenage life down, I sleep, I go to school (not by choice), I party like 24/7, and obviously I do date. On the side, I dance, sing, and act. I also $hop (but what girl doesn't? lol). Also, I'm an all-around person when it comes to music, some of my favorite artists include: *N Sync, Christina Aguilera, Limp Bizkit, Destiny's Child, Mystikal, Dream, 3LW, Eve and this list goes on, trust me...

Hmm, if I could tell you one thing about me...it'd probably be, I'm searching for something in life, I don't know exactly what it is, maybe it's love, maybe it's success, but I do know, that after my last break-up, its the drive in me that keeps me going!


Well, first I wanna give a general shoutout to all my SHA girls! Hey YA'LL!! Don't worry, you'll survive the school year (its me you should be worried about, lol)

Now onto some personal messages: Sammy Campy~

Hey girl! Its been a great half 'a year with you at SHA! You, Lesley, and Aimee have made this year WAY better than it would've been without you all! Date dance was a blast, and yes, "hott" Josh had fun too (lol). Oh yea, I SWEAR THE SHARK WAS FOLLOWING ME!!!!!!!! I'm not kidding, and dude, that fish friggin scared me to death!! Baltimore was great, oh yea, the hotties in front of the MCI Center (you know, men in uniform!!) were SOOOO HOTT!!!!! OH SAMANTHA, take your pic, White or Brown, lol!!! The dance WAS SO MUCH FUN! Hmm, orange is such a beautiful color, wouldn't u agree Cody? Whats that u say? You want to wear a girl's fleece?!?! Oh yea, all three ARE GORGEOUS! WE PASSED PHYSICS!!!! LOL! Well Samy, keep it real, and neva change, you are awesome the way you are!! Joe~

Hey you!! Lets see, over a year now! By the way, New Years officially sucked! But you knew that didn't you?? (lol). Anywayz, as many bad things as we've been through, I don't regret becoming friends with you at all, you know I love you to death! By the way, have you had a side order of fries lately? You know with salt and ketchup? Or do you know where your bonus card is? Wow, I can't believe those jokes are so old. Well, I have 3 words for you: Strawberry Whip Cream!! YUCK!!! Well hun, stay hott (lol), stay away from whats her face, and remember, I'm always here for ya! Luv ya lots! Joshy~

Hey!! "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshin away!" Thanks for the cheering up all the time. Date dance was so fun! You know, the dancing, the limo, the Krispy Kreme donuts at 1am!! You've always been here when I've needed you, through break-ups, stalkers (lol), and all the problems that come with being a Sacred Heart girl...I love you, you are my best friend!! Thank you!! And you know I'm here for you through thick and thin! Jeff~

Hunny, you are the absolute best!! You have been so great to me, and I love u for it! Cassie and u ARE getting married...and I'll be ur kids' godmother. There are no such thing as ACCIDENTS!!!!!! Thanks for always protecting me, u know I'm forever in debt to you for it!! And I'm adopting Mary and u get Ian!! Well hunny, I better bounce, I love ya!! Lisa~

I miss dance so much!!! I can't wait till Spetember when we start dancing again! 'Come ON over, come on over baby!' DONT CARTWHEEL ON MY HEAD!!! Well, chica, you are the best, SENIOR YEAR!!! AHH!!!! Good luck hun, and call me!! Geoff~

I wish you had thought about what u were doing before u did it. I'm glad u're here, as much as u piss me off (sorry hun!) I'll be here for you always, I promise! And u don't need girls like Candice (dumb slut!! I'm sorry, i don't like her!!) You know I luv ya hun!! You've been through so much with me, and I know I wouldn't have survived most of July w/o u and Jeff!! Well, we've had good times and bad, yet we still made it through all of em. You know I'm always here, no matter what... Carrie~

I have known you the longest out of all the SHA girls (not counting Bells!). 4 years this year. 8th grade was odd, 9th was fun, 10th, I barely saw you, and 11th, we survived. I'm so glad we had so many classes together this year. Especially math, I don't think I'd last without you! See ya next year, our Senior year... You know you can always count on me! And now, here's a general shoutout to the rest of my friends: Aimee (SHARK NOISES!), Lesley, Cory, Tom (SEE YOU'RE RIGHT HERE!!!lol) Shauna, Geoff, Katrina, Daryl, Dave, Mikey, Meg, Janel, Lauren, Jilly, Try (SWEATER TWIN!), Amanda, Bev, Carly, Bells, Roopa, BETHY!! Meghen, Jenny Mis, Leslie, Ann Marie, Katie, Shannon (big sis for 11 years!), Jyl, Cassie, Paul, Ell, Casey, Jen, Linze, Chantel, John, Lauren, Court, Kristen & Alex! To everyone else, if I forgot your name and it should be on here, tell me and I'll add it!!

SOME RANDOM THOUGHTS (TOWARDS SOME RANDOM SLEEPOVERS!) This is ESPECIALLY for *Jen*, *Chantel*, *Linze*, *Cassie*, & *Shauna* Hmm, BUD - WEIS - ER! Hey Jen, anymore suckers in the basket? Whoa, I think I'm seeing colors here! Damnit Cassie, we're you eating my blue suckers again?? Hmm, I think I should do a table dance like her!! PEAAAAAACH FUZZZZZZZ!!!!!! ATTACK CASSIE!!!!! Hey Telly, you look SO French. Is it the beret? Nah, its Krystle's!! Look out, look out! Pink elephants on parade, here they come, hippity, hoppity. They're here, they're there, pink elephants on parade. Pink elephants...pink elephants...pink elephants! Ok Jen, I'm done embarassing you! LOL! Hmm, lets take pics of our ASSES!!! 6 am and bored as hell! BOYS SUCK!! LOL!! Hey, why are you drawing on Justin's face?!?!?!?! Hey Telly, I mean Bridget...Linze, oh, ok, its Brittany Lynn O'Shean now..gotcha....hey Jen...damnit, sorry, STEPHANIE!! Cas- oh, yea, Mackenzie. Hey Krystle! Damnit that ain't my name! Oh yea, Alyssa! Shauna...are you sure its really Kristi? I coulda swore, ok, I'll stop arguing! LOL GIRLS!! JEN! TELLY! LINZE! TELL CASSIE TO STOP CHASING ME WITH A KNIFE! I WAS ONLY TALKING TO BRYAN!!! Oh yea, Cassie, I love the work you did on Dave's hair, I think you should go into hairstyling as a profession! Ok, Casey is cute, but he SO does NOT look like Justin! Well, the cake was SUPPOSED to say Krystle & Bryan...but we got stuck with Kystle & Brian. (Damn cake people, can't spell!) BRYAN'S AN ASS, BRYAN'S AN ASS, BRYAN'S AN ASS! Well girlies, we've had some fun times. DO you remember the clique? Well, I think it still exists, and we're life time members! ALWAYS!! Remember, Cassie, you know this, WE RULE! GIRLS ROCK! BOYS SUCK! LONG LIVE THE CLIQUE!!!
Well, thats my life. If you want to im me, my sn is KrNoel16, to email me Click here!!
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