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Krisman's Cheap Ass Glass Dragon Page

Because of issues dealing with high level immortals, I have decided to retract myself from all duties I had on the mud including this webpage. Over the last few months, the mud has become a dictatorship with a level 105 immortal each having their own rules. Since common sense no longer applies, I refuse to spend my own free time on the mud actually doing stuff. Instead, I will spend the time I'm on, chatting with my friends and abusing mortals. This way i can fit in with most of the other immortals who currently play.

If you want a map goto Thunderlords webpage or Yankees. In fact Yankees had alot of what mine had since he so gratiously ripped all the info from here and just copied it to his webpage. Thanks for asking my permission, since i did alot of that from scratch and since you forgot to even mention my hard work.

This is not a surprise to some, since this has been brewing for several months now. The mud is no longer fun, since you have abusive imms who feel better about themselves in real life by playing God and getting a big ego boost on the mud. This last incident of freezing a mortal who accidently copied EQ since the mud crashes so often was the last straw. Since no other high level imm aside from myself seems to even care anymore, i refuse to care as well. The mud has been going downhill for over two years, i would just like to thank the various immortals who have made that decline possible. Thank you for ruining the fun, thank you for ruining mud, and thank you for the eventual closing of the mud. Thanks for nothing.

Created on: 04.20.00 Last updated: 06.07.01