A whole lotta Dave sounds.

Three of these files are mp3's --- to download them, right-click on them, and choose "save target as". The other files can just be clicked on to download. Please inform me of a broken link, if you find one.
And now, for your listening pleasure, some Dave Wavs!

NBC promo 1
NBC promo 2
Did you ever feel like Flik?
"You are a remarkable woman"
Do you miss KitH?
Dave's just a guy.
The fries...will NEVER be ready!
Are you sure we have enough time?
I HAVE to go to the bathroom
Ready? I was born ready.
I am NOT the cutest thing!
God bless you {from his Loveline appearance}
Dave has a good attitude towards menstruation.
Beth and Dave talk about gum.
Your host: Sir Hecubus
Julio! Julio the Bus Driver! Ai Ai!
Lisa and Dave discuss putting a mirror on the ceiling.
Did I wake ya, son?
You want me to imagine myself naked?
Dave, are you coming or not?
Just one a month, okay?
I'd never buy you a puppy.
As of today, a new Dave is born.
Agent Scully
...annndddd Satan!
How 'bout it, Eve? Can he *skate* around your *block*?
The true Star Wars fan.
They have had their...tender moments.
Lisa and Dave. They did it.
Good God, woman! What have you done?!?!
Wisconsin winter.
Well, for starters there's my...
How to talk like a bug
I stole your cane
I wish I was big
I did *so* want to be here for the big cookie
Ever been bitch-slapped?
Hey, group hug!
Gettin' healthy.
Dave singing
What amazes him about Lisa
Canadian. It's like an American, but without the gun.
Call her a bad name?
Wham! Bam! Anyway.
Bill: Does Dave yell out anything peculiar...
I'll go photocopy my ass...
Lisa: Dave is sexy!
Lisa: DAVE IS SEXY!!! (part 2)

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Sound request and sound file terms of service/disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any of these above sound files. I recorded most of them from A&E and Comedy Central with a microphone. All of the others are used without permission. The requested sound will be in .wav or possibly .mp3 format, and will be in as good of condition as possible. The sound will be e-mailed to the individual as well as put on this page for public useage. Request must be detailed {episode #, content of sound, etc.} enough for me to decipher and record.

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