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"Good friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."

"Everyone is born right-handed, but only the best can overcome it."

I used to be so cute. What happened?

Hey, my name is Karri. I am a junior at UB this year. It is quite a change from little Deamen, but so far I am loving it. I hope to eventually become a teacher, but for now, I am majoring in history and psychology. Be sure to check out the new pictures. I will try to keep the site up to date as to what is going on around here. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for visiting :o)

This is a picture taken after a basketball game recently.

These are the people responsible for my being. If you have any complaints with me, blame them! Just kidding, I love them tons and they are the greatest parents I could have ever asked for.

Here I am with my sisters Kelley and Stephanie....

This is a pic of my entire family. I love them to pieces. They are awesome.

This is my daddy and me at graduation.

Here is a pic of the family and the boys on Christmas Eve of 2001.

This is Stephanie again with her fiance Jeremy taken awhile back at his military ball formal.

Steph and Jeremy on Christmas this past year.

This is my little sister Kelley aka Angelica to some.

Here are the boys, Jeremy and Chris, showing off some of their Christmas presents.

There seems to be a bit of controversy with this picture. Contrary to the belief of a few friends, I am not stoned in this picture, nor have I ever been.

This is my hooch dress.....or something like that.

Sadly enough, this was the last picture taken of me with all my toes. While posing for this picture on Findley Lake, vicious piranhas snacked on my toes....On the right is a shot of me before the poison ivy kicked in. What a bad day!

This is my baby Cody. It's sad for me to look at this picture because he got sick around Thanksgiving and he passed away. He was so beautiful and we really miss him :(

This is my cousin Katelyn. Apparently I am a good seat.

No, this is not my boyfriend. It's my cousin David. You all know that I have a thing for the older guys....

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Site Last Updated April 5, 2001
