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Book Report
Jennifer Jaquez
E7TP period 4
"Things Fall Apart"
by Chinua Achebe

    The book I choose for my second book report was, "Things Fall Apart", by Chinua Achebe.  This book is about a African community leader who feels overwhelmed and controlled by the stigma left by his fathers past and wrong-doing.  The narrator of the story is the person interpreting it, the reader who in this case is me, the reader.  The story takes place in a Nigerian village called Igbo (Ibo).  It's during the late 1800s and early 1900s when the British Empire expanded into Africa.  The conflicts illustrated are racial discrimination, self and inter family conflicts.
    The main character of the story is the fierce warrior around and son of Unoka, Okonkwo.  Is name means pride and stubbornness, which describes him exactly.  He is the leader of the Igbo community and a wealthy farmer of yams.  He has three wife's and many children.  Okonkwo is a very brave and powerful symbol in his community.  Everyone looks up to him with admiration and fear.  They most fear him because of his ways of fighting during battles.  He always wins and as a tradition has to bring the head of the first person he kills and drink from it to prove his victory.  Okonkwo has established all these titles to try and cover the shame he feels about the failures and faults of his father, Unoka. Okonkwo hates his father for all the bad things he left when he died ten years ago.  That's why in the story Nwoye is harassed and nagged by his father, Okonkwo, because he resembles his grandfather.  Okonkwo changes when he accidentally killed Ezeudu's 16-year-old son.  He has brought shame to his family just like his father did the same to his family.  In the end of the story Okonkwo changes because after committing such crimes he kills a court messenger and then commits suicide to escape the shame and misery his life has lead.  I think that Okonkwo is a man who has been greatly affected by his childhood and all of his actions result from his past experiences.  He's just trying to hard to be considered brave and powerful because in the inside he's really just a scared man without the answers to life as he assumes he has.
     The second major character is Unoka.  Even though he his dead already everything that he accomplished while living affects the story.  Unoka was the father of Okonkwo.  He was a lazy and irresponsible man.  He didn't work and only borrowed money making huge debts.  He was often called a women, which is considered low and shameful for a man.  Everything that Unoka did is hated by Okonkwo.  Okonkwo remembers all of the terrible gilt his father caused him and try's to do the opposite to cover up all those bad memories.  Unoka affects all the decisions Okonkwo makes, for example when people called Unoka a women Okonkwo built up his status to a brave and powerful man.  If Unoka would have been alive in the story I would have probably hated his standard of living and disliked the way he treated others.
    The third major character is Ikemefuna.  He was a gift given by a neighboring village to avoid war.  He was very clever and smart.  He lived with Okonkwo for only three years because of his death.  Ikemefuna was never allowed to fight in a war because he was thought to intelligent and could bring new ideas to the village.  Ikemefuna was almost like a brother to Nwoye.  They learned from each other and had a strong friendship.  Okonkwo always had suspicions on their strong relationship and felt threatened by his sons, Nwoye, new knowledge and confidence.  Ikemefuna is later killed by Okonkwo out of his worries that the connection between Nwoye and Ikemefuna would turn his son into women and cause his family shame and gilt.  Ikemefuna changes by learning to love his new family and becoming more brave and intelligent in his new community.  I liked Ikemefuna the most out of all the characters because he was very frightened at first but overcame this obstacle and made himself into a clever and good teacher to his friends.
    The first scene that expressed major conflict was when Okonkwo killed Ikemefuna.  This was a huge shock and great mystery.  At first I didn't understand why Okonkwo would do such a thing to Ikemefuna who called him father and was like a son to him.  Then I learned that the reason for Okonkwo killing Ikemefuna was that the oracle had said that Nwoye would turn weak if Ikemefuna were alive so someone should kill him but not Okonkwo.  They take Ikemefuna to the forest and tell him that he is being sent home to Mbaino.  This is a plot to kill him.  Other members of the clan were suppose to kill him but with their first strike Ikemefuna said to Okonkwo, "My father they have killed me!" with this Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna in order not to show weakness in front of the men.  This tragic scene leads to Okonkwo's disasters and scares him forever.
    The second scene that expressed major conflict was when the District Commissioner placed all the leaders including Okonkwo in jail for destroying a church.  This entire ordeal became the main reason on why Okonkwo hated the whites and killed the messenger.  He wanted his community to fight off the white men and not join their culture but after realizing that even Nwoye became a Christian and many others from his community he became violent.  When he was let out of jail he still felt the same because he was mistreated and felt that revenge was needed.  This all leads to the conclusion of his death.  He must have felt that it would be worse to live knowing that he had no power anymore and would rather die cowardly.
    The novel ends with Okonkwo's death.  He committed suicide after facing the reality that there are many changes in life and not all of them you are going to enjoy.  He didn't want to face the fact that the white people were taking over his community and that he had sunken down to the same level of status as his fathers.  Everything backfired on him because he always made his judgments on the opposite of what his father did and what the people would say of him.  The author's message is clear its saying that even though you're a powerful leader or a fierce warrior everyone always has a weakness.  Even in Greek Mythology when Acheles the strong warrior had a weak ankle or in Oedipus where no matter how hard he tried to escape his fate it still got around and killed him.  I apply this to every failure I encounter in my life and know that no ones perfect and mistakes are meant to happen but you can't give up and have to pursue your dreams through all the ups and downs.  Everyone has flaws and even if you try with all your might to be perfect it can never come to a total finish.
    I enjoyed the book very much and at first had a different interpretation to what it was going to illustrate.  I understood the message and gained knowledge from the character mistakes.  The book reinforces my attitudes on the way church missionaries treated the Africans.  I always thought that they were helping them and not forcing them to become Christian.  This surprised me greatly and made me see this time in our past more insightful and very important.  I would recommend this book to people who are very concerned with their status and on not showing their feelings.  It will help them see that even though your a boy doesn't mean you can't cry and if your a girl then your limits in life are not only in a kitchen.  It will give you new inspiration as it has given me.