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Book Report
Jennifer Jaquez
E7TP period 4
"The Metamorphosis"
by Franz Kafka

    The book I choose for my book report was "The Metamorphosis", by Kafka.  Its about a man, Gregor, who turns into a vermin.  His entire life changes and becomes dramatically different.  He now knows how his family feels about him.  The narrator's of the story are Gregor's parent's and sister.  The story takes place in the early 1900's in the city.  The type of conflict's presented are self conflicts and inter family conflicts.
    The main character of the story is Gregor Samsa.  He is the man who morphosis into a beetle.  Gregor was a normal guy working everyday and maintaining his parent's and sister.  He never had time for himself and was always ahead of time at everything he did.  He worked as a salesman to pay of his fathers debt in a firm.  Gregor interactions with all the characters is very important.  He and his father begin a different relationship, his sister learns to love him and starts growing up by taking care of him, and his mother looses hope for Gregor.  The words that helped me understand this character were when the story would mention that his job was very important and that he was honest and prompt.  Gregor changed greatly by the end of the story.  He didn't worry about working or being prompt but only worried about how his family would manage without him.  He learned to be patient and less eager as slowly he knew there was no hope for him to be normal again.  I like Gregor best out of all the main characters in the book.  He was so brave and calm.  He teaches me that you have to face your problem head on even if you didn't cause then instead of complaining and making it worse.
    The second major character is Mr. Samsa, Gregor's father.  He was an old man retired and maintained by his son.  Living with his family that took care of all his needs and respected him and his decisions.  Mr. Samsa's main interaction is with his family after the ordeal with Gregor occurs.  He changes his ways and begins to notice life once more.  Some words which gave me an understanding of Mr. Samsa was when the story described him as tough, hardworking, grumpy, and insensitive.  By the end of the story Mr. Samsa change a lot.  He now learns that he has to show his feelings and love his family before he loses them.  He begins to support his family with help from the rest.  At first I didn't like the way Mr. Samsa acted when finding out that his son turned into a beetle.  He thought of him as a vermin but later on considered the vermin his son.
    The third main character is Grete Samsa, Gregor's sister.  She's seventeen years old, goes to school and takes violin classes as a hobby.  She doesn't work and lives with her family.  Grete interacts mainly with her father and confronts him on matters concerning Gregor.  She matures and becomes responsible by taking care of Gregor and getting a job to help her family.  Some words that helped me understand Grete was that she was obedient, honest, hardworking, creative, and brave.  Grete changes by the end of the story dramatically.  She matures and shows her feeling to her parents.  She begins to appreciate life and what she has.  Grete was my second best character in the story.  She reminded me of myself.  The she took her family for granted and then lost them and grew up after the ordeal.
    The first scene that expressed major conflicts was when everyone found out that Gregor morphosis into a beetle.  Everyone started thinking about his health, how they would hide Gregor, and how they would maintain there expenses.  Everyone was effected and concluded solutions to the problem.  First Gregor's change into a beetle startled the family and this led them to either love him the same or just forget about him.  Mr. Samsa saw Gregor as a beetle, Grete and Mrs. Samsa saw Gregor as there family.  So they argued and conflicted against each other.  Grete took care of him and loved him.  Ms. Samsa couldn't go near him but still loved and pitied him.  Mr. Samsa only saw him when he wanted to argue with Gregor over something he did.
    The second scene that expressed major conflicts was when one day Grete was moving furniture from Gregor's room.  Her mother volunteered to help and Gregor knowing this decided to hide and prevent any problems from occurring.  When they were clearing his room of all his favorite things he got mad and crawled on the wall next to his favorite picture.  Grete saw him and got disgusted but avoided confronting him in front of her mother.  Mrs. Samsa saw Gregor and fainted.  Grete quickly gave her medicine and locked Gregor into his room.  He was punished by not getting any food and not being visited by anyone except the maid, so that she could clean.
    The greatest tension was when Gregor appeared in the living room and frighten the three roomers.  This was the last time Gregor got out of his room.  He came out only to hear his sister play her violin and startled everyone until the roomers moved out and cause chaos between the entire family.  His mother nearly had an asthma attack, his grew afraid of him and his father wanted to kill him.  The conflict ended with Gregor being locked into his room and dying.
    This scene was the most important in the story.  It helped us understand how Gregor's actions could lead to dramatic endings.  When Gregor was being shot with apples by his own father it made you think of the most horrible things.  His sister scared of him and knowing that that was her brother that got in trouble for being driven by her sweet music.  Only poor Mrs. Samsa understood that that was her son, but since she is having an asthma attack by seeing her husband and daughter attempting to kill there relative she can't help the situation.
    The story end by Gregor dying of depression and mal-nutrition.  The rest of the family is taking a walk in the park as they always did and realizing that their life must continue without Gregor.  They remember him before he transformed to keep his dignity.  I think the author's message is that after a great change everything around it changes as well and that you have to confront these changes or you will never understand it.  He also states that life isn't for granted and you have to live without so much order and routines.  The theme applies to people in general because everyone wakes up to go somewhere and has a specific routine they follow.  Who knows if what happened to Gregor can happen to you in a different life changing way.  The theme to me applies almost in the same way.  I always wake up having to go somewhere and never living life for the fun of it.  I need to explore and change everyday to a different schedule.
    At first I didn't like the book because it made you feel sad to think that if the same thing that happened to Gregor happened to you everything would changes so much.  Your family could maybe treat you the way Gregor's family treated him, which was in-human.  I started enjoying it at the end when I realized the lesson the author was teaching his readers.  The story changed my attitudes on the way I live my life and how I take advantage of gifts I don't appreciate.  It teaches me to enjoy what I have and to not work so hard and enjoy my family and love them openly.  I would absolutely recommend this book to others and hope that they take the same attitudes and teaching I've learned from reading "The Metamorphosis", by KafKa.