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My Travel Buddy- This is Vanesa, my travel buddy. She kept me company while I kept her annoyed by all of my little idiosyncrasies (sorry about all the music Vanesa). But we had lots of fun running around Taiwan together.

Taipei Park- This is a beautiful park in the middle of Taipei.

New Friends- This is a picture of some university students who interviewed Vanesa and I for one of their homework assignments. They were really interesting and surprisingly they study…microbiology! It was cool to talk to them and get to know a little about Taiwanese culture through the eyes of Taiwanese youth.

Sue- No, this isn't the Sue that some of you are thinking of. This is a friend we made while in Taiwan (thanks to Vanesa's uncle). We had a good time hanging out with her and gallivanting around town. This photo was taken in the Hard Rock Café (Taipei).

Chiang Kai-shek Cultural Center- This is a memorial (white building with blue roof) built in memory of Chiang Kai-Shek, former president of the Nationalist government in China. The cultural center also contains the National Theatre, Concert Hall, and a beautiful garden. The three buildings are ENORMOUS so they are definitely a sight to see.

Various Pictures- These are just pictures of various things I thought were interesting.