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My pride and joy is my family...

Sarah is 20 and has just finished her second year at the University of Buffalo. She would like to pursue a career in advertising with a minor in marketing. This summer she is keeping herself busy working 2 jobs and taking a course at SUNY Binghamton in marketing.
Stacey is 22 and has just graduated from SUNY Geneseo with her bachelors in psychology.She is planning on attending SUNY Albany in the fall - going for her MSW in social work. She had an internship in Rochester this past year where she worked at an abused and battered womans center in their court advocacy program.

Then there is partner in life.
For almost 24 years, he has stood by me through thick and thin.

Well at least 23 years ago it was "thin"...

By trade I am a dental hygienist.
I have been at my current office for 15 years --
and am now seeing kids of patients I first saw when they were kids!!!

And then there is my Tibetan Terrier, Angel --

What started out as an innocent Fathers Day gift has blossomed into a major facet of my life. I have gone from not knowing that Tibetan Terriers even existed to a major love affair with them in these last 10 years.

Angel has been the influence that has opened my heart to people all over the globe...(oh yeah - the Internet has helped too! )I have been fortunate in my life to have met some awesome TT people - and those online friendships have had a domino effect on me.

TT items are few and far between so a few years ago I set off to create some of my own....and share them with fellow TT lovers. As I am getting my web page together I figured I needed a name - and I came up with HearTT Desires Please visit and browse. If you find something you'd like just let me know - or if you have any ideas of what you'd like to see let me know that too....I LOVE creating!!!

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Created by Angel Projects of Maine

Copyright 2000 by Angel Projects of Maine