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Reasons Not To Smoke

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Here are some facts and some information on the dangers and hazards of smoking. Reading and understanding this informatin should be enough to convince you to not start smoking.


-Cancer Causing Agents in Cigarettes (carcingoens): Nitrosamines, Crysenes, Cadmium, Benzo(a)pyrene, Polonium 210, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), Nickel, DibenzAcidine, B-Napthylamine, Urethane, N.Nitrosonornicotine, Toluidine.

-Metals in cigarettes: Aluminum, Beryllium, Zinc, Magnesium, Mercury, Gold, Silicon, Silver, Titanium, Lead, Copper.

-Other chemicals in cigarettes (and examples of what each is used for/comes from):
Acetone: Nail Polish Remover
Acetic Acid: Vinegar
Ammonia : Floor / Toilet Cleaner
Arsenic : Poison
Benzene : Makes Dyes and Plastics
Butane : Lighter Fluid
Cadmium : NiCad Batteries
Carbon Monoxide : Car Exhaust Fumes
Cyanide : Metabolic poison
Cloroform : Anasthetic
DDT/Dieldrin : Insecticides
Ethanol : Alcohol
Formaldehyde : Preserver - Body, Tissue and Fabric
Hexamine: Barbecue Lighter
Methane : Swamp Gas
Methanol : Rocket Fuel
Napthalene : Mothballs
Nicotine : Insecticide, Stimulant, Addictive Drug
Nitrobenzene : Gasoline Additive
Nitrous Oxide Phenols : Disinfectant
Stearic Acid : CandleWax
Toluene : Industrial Solvent
Vinyl Chloride : Makes PVC

10 Reasons Not To Smoke

Statistics About Smoking

Effects of Smoking Cigarettes

Health Hazards
-Respiratory System
-Circulatory Ssytem
-Addictive Potential
How Do You Quit?

10 Reasons Not To Smoke

1. Smoking under age 18 is illegal. Using, holding, or buying of cigarettes can get you in serious trouble, especially around school. In regards to school, you can be suspended, or even expelled!

2. Smoking reduces your ability to do things that require endurance, such as sports, etc. The tar in the cigarettes covers up alveoli, which help you breathe, which makes for less surface area for gas exchange. In other words, you must breathe more to get the same amount of oxygen as if you didn't smoke. So the effect that has on sports is that you will get tired quicker due to a lack of oxygen, which inevitably reduces your endurance.

3. Smoking can seriously harm your body in ways of cancer, emphysema, etc. Also, it leads to your early demise.

4. Smoking is a repulsive habit, especially when it comes to the opposite sex.

5. Smoking makes you and your enviornment stink. Your room stinks, your house stinks, your clothes stink, and, if you have one, your car stinks.

6. The nicotine in cigarettes are extremely addictive, and, chances are that if you start early, then it'll be harder to quit the habit.

7. Smoking may cause tension between friend and family relationships. If anyone gets upset that you smoke, then you'd probably get angry and fight with that person, defending why you smoke.

8. It is also a very costly habit. You may lose all your money before you know it. For example, let's say that you smoke one pack of cigarettes per day, and the price is $5.00 per pack. Then every month you'd spend approximately $150.00 on cigarettes alone! That money could definitely be put to better use, such as to pay bills, or simply to go to the movies with someone once a week.

9. Why pay extra money to the government? With the high taxation of cigarettes, you're basically donating your money to the them. Approximately half of the price on a pack of cigarettes is tax!

10. Contrary to what you might hear in songs or see on TV or in the movies, smoking cigarettes DOES NOT MAKE YOU LOOK COOL!

Statistics About Smoking

Effects on Smoking Cigarettes

Health Hazards

Effects on the Respiratory System

As you know, smoking cigarettes literally destroys your lungs. This destruction is caused by conditions such as smoker's cough, emphysema, and lung cancer.This makes smoking the most preventable cause of death in the United States!

Effects on the Circulatory System

The nicotine in cigarettes stimulates the heart and constricts the body's blood vessels. This results in high blood pressure and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, blood clots, and fatty deposits.

Effects on Pregnancy

For further information on the potential effects on an unborn child from a mother smoking during pregnancy, please go to either Second Hand Smoke in Pregnancy or Health Effects on the Unborn Baby.

Addictive Potential

Smoking causes compulsive, often uncontrollable cravings. This is caused by the nicotine in the cigarette. When one tries to quit smoking, he or she will exhibit withdrawl symptoms, which is a reaction to your craving for nicotine. These symptoms include shaking, a cold sweat, and sometimes paranoia.

How Do You Quit?

1. Do not carry cigarettes.

2. Quit smoking one day at a time. Do not concern yourself with next year, next month, next week or even tomorrow. Concentrate on not smoking from the time you wake up until you go to sleep.

3. Work on developing the attitude that you are doing yourself a favor by not smoking. Do not dwell on the idea that you are depriving yourself of a cigarette. You are ridding yourself full fledged smoking because you care enough about yourself to want to.

4. Be proud that you are not smoking.

5. Be aware that many routine situations will trigger the urge for a cigarette. Situations which will trigger a response include: drinking coffee, alcohol, sitting in a bar, social events with smoking friends, card games, the end of meals. Try to maintain your normal routine while quitting. If any event seems to tough, leave it and go back to it later. Do not feel you must give up any activity forever. Everything you did as a smoker, you will learn to do at least as well, and maybe better, as an ex-smoker.

6. Make a list of all the reasons you want to quit smoking. Keep this list with you, preferably where you used to carry your cigarettes. When you find yourself reaching for a cigarette, take out your list and read it.

7. Drink plenty of fruit juice the first three days. It will help flush nicotine out of your system.

8. To help avoid weight gain, eat vegetables and fruit instead of candies and pastries. Celery and carrots can be used safely as short-term substitutes for cigarettes.

9. If you are concerned about weight gain, do some moderate form of regular exercise. If you have not been exercising regularly, consult your physician for a practical exercise program which is safe for you.

10. If you encounter a crisis, (e.g. a flat tire, flood, blizzard, family illness) while quitting, remember, smoking is no solution. Smoking will just complicate the original situation while creating another crisis, a relapse into the nicotine addiction.

11. Consider yourself a "smoke-a-holic." One puff and you can become hooked again. No matter how long you have been off, don’t think you can safely take a puff!

12. Don’t debate with yourself how much you want a cigarette. Ask yourself how do you feel about going back to your old level of consumption.

13. Save the money you usually spend on cigarettes and buy yourself something you really want after a week or a month. Save for a year and you can treat yourself to a vacation.

14. Practice deep breathing exercises when you have a craving.

15. Go places where you normally can’t smoke, such as movies, libraries and no smoking sections of restaurants.

16. Tell people around you that you have quit smoking.

17. Remember that there are only two good reasons to take a puff once you quit. You decide you want to go back to your old level of consumption until smoking cripples and then kills you, or, you decide you really enjoy withdrawal and you want to make it last forever. As long as neither of these options appeal to you-never take another puff!

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